Sharing Our Story
(Diocese of Wagga Wagga 2009 Edition)
K-12Religious Education Syllabus
Stage Three
Centre Piece
Year Five
35C1 / The parables of Jesus / 324C2 / Lent Year A: An Invitation to Believe / 4
24C3 / Lent Year B: Practices and Promises / 5
24C4 / Lent Year C: A Time for Reconciliation / 6
35C2 / The way of the cross / 7
35C3 / Follow Me (Easter) / 8
35C4 / Stories of the early church / 9
35C5 / Faith communities in my local area / 10
35C6 / Living the message of Jesus / 11
35C7 / God is with us (Advent) / 12
35C8 / Mary the mother to be (Advent) / 13
35C9 / Advent Year C: Why Me? / 14
35C10 / The season of Christmas / 15
35E / Mission: Witnessing and proclaiming Jesus throughout the world / 16
Year Six
36C1 / Servant leadership / 1724C2 / Lent Year A: An Invitation to Believe / 18
24C3 / Lent Year B: Practices and Promises / 19
24C4 / Lent Year C: A Time for Reconciliation / 20
36C2 / Crossroads (Easter Triduum & Holy Week) / 21
36C3 / The road ahead (Easter) / 22
36C4 / The story of the Catholic church in Australia / 23
36C5 / Eucharist: Nourishes us for the journey / 24
36C6 / Stewards of Creation / 25
36C7 / Sacraments of Service / 26
36C8 / Wake up and be ready (Advent Year A) / 27
36C10 / Branching out: The Jesse Tree (Advent) / 28
36C11 / Sing and dance with joy (Advent Year C) / 29
36E / Living and sharing in the message of Jesus / 30
36E1 / Heroes for God / 31
35C1 – The Parables of Jesus
OutcomesS3.3 Demonstrates how Scripture can be applied to life and contemporary issues
S3.6 Explains the relationship between Christian life, God’s call, serving others, and caring for the earth
Foundation Statements
Life In Christ
Students explore their responsibility to continue the mission of Jesus by reaching out in love and justice. They reflect on and consider the implication of the message of the Scriptures, the Church’s teaching and Tradition. They articulate how they use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to live a life of love and service. . They evaluate and describe ways in which they can build the Kingdom of God.
Unit Focus
In this unit, students will learn to interpret and apply the parables of Jesus in considering how they can, with others, work for justice and peace in their world.
Students learn about
- Stories which contain a message and a moral
- Teaching about the Kingdom of God
- Being challenged to act for justice and peace
- identify examples and features of stories, including parables, which contain a message and / or moral
- explain Jesus’ teaching about the Kingdom of God with reference to his parables
- apply the parables to their own lives
- work in groups cooperatively to consider appropriate responses to Jesus’ challenge to live and work for justice and peace
Scripture / Catechism of Catholic Church
Mt 13:4-9 Parable of the sower
Mt 13:31-32 Parable of the mustard seed
Mt 13:44 Parable of the hidden treasure
Mt 13:45-46 Parable of the pearl
Mt 25:14-30 Parable of the talents
Lk 8:16-18 Parable of the lamp
Lk 10:29-37 Parable of the good Samaritan
Lk 15: 17 Parable of the lost sheep
Lk 15: 810 Parable of the lost coin
Lk 15: 1132 Parable of the lost son
Lk 16: 1931 Parable of the rich man and
Lazarus. / n 546 Parables in the preaching of Jesus
nn 547-550 The signs of the Kingdom of God
To Know Worship and Love / In Brief for Students
- Jesus teaches about the kingdom of God through parables.
- We are challenged and commissioned by Jesus to work for the kingdom by service to others, especially the poor and suffering.
- We serve others by choosing to be just, peaceful, forgiving and honest.
Bible Story Godly Play / Religious Literacy
Mt 13:4-9 Parable of the sower
Lk 10:29-37 Parable of the good Samaritan
Mt 13:45-46 Parable of the pearl
Mt 13:44 Parable of the treasure in the field
24C2 –Lent Year A: An Invitation to Believe
OutcomesS3.5 Explains the Sacraments as signs and symbols of God’s love, showing the Holy Spirit at work in the Church.
Foundation Statements
The Celebration Of The Christian Mystery
Students demonstrate their understanding of the use of sign, symbol, ritual and tradition as celebrated in the Church community. They examine ways in which the liturgical life of the Church nourishes and challenges the Christian community in response to the presence of God. They explore the sacraments as key celebrations of the Christian mystery.
Unit Focus
In this Lenten unit students study the Gospel reading for the Fourth Sunday of Lent: 'Jesus cures the man born blind from birth' and explore its themes of faith and spiritual discernment in relation to Baptism and the celebration of the Season of Lent.
Students learn about
- The season of Lent
- The parable of The Prodigal Son
- Reconciliation
- explain how the celebration of the season of Lent challenges and invites us to be reconciled with God and others
- relate Jesus' message in the parable of the Prodigal Son to their own lives
- prepare for and participate in the celebration of the sacrament of Penance or a prayer service with the theme of reconciliation
Scripture / Catechism of Catholic Church
Jn 9:141Jesus cures the man blind from birth / nn. 11681171 The liturgical year
nn. 12121405 Sacraments of Initiation
nn. 15031509 Christ the physician
To Know Worship and Love / In Brief for Students
Book 5: Topic 3 Lent
Book 6: One in the Spirit /
- Lent is a time of penance and particularly of prayer, selfdenial and giving to others.
- Jesus proclaimed God's forgiveness in his words and actions.
- As a community we celebrate God's forgiveness in the Sacrament of Penance.
- The Sacrament of Penance reconciles me to God, self and others.
Bible Story Godly Play / Religious Literacy
Jn 9:1-41 Jesus cures the man blind from birth
24C3 – Lent Year B: Practices and Promises
OutcomesS3.6 Explains the relationship between Christian life , God’s call, serving others and caring for the earth
S3.3 Demonstrates how scripture can be applied to life and contemporary issues
Foundation Statements
Life in Christ
Students explore their responsibility to continue the mission of Jesus by reaching out in love and justice. They reflect on and consider the implication of the message of the Scriptures, the Church’s teaching and Tradition. They articulate how they use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to live a life of love and service. . They evaluate and describe ways in which they can build the Kingdom of God.
Profession of Faith
Students recognise that all of creation reflects the mystery of God .They propose and explain ways they might respond to the call to stewardship. They demonstrate an understanding of the Church as a faith community which is inspired by the Holy Spirit. They explore the Traditions, beliefs and history of the Catholic Church including Mary and the Saints. They identify, describe and analyse key events associated with the Paschal mystery as revealed in the Scriptures and celebrated in the sacramental life of the Church.
Unit Focus
In this unit the students will explore the themes of covenant, commandment and law. There is a particular emphasis on the ten commandments and the law of love.
Students learn about
- Lenten practices and promises
- Covenant
- The old law and the new law (law of love)
- identifyandgive examples of three forms of Lenten penance
- research examples of Old Testament covenants, commandments and laws
- describe how God established a covenant relationship with the people of Israel through Moses
- explain the importance of the Ten Commandments and laws in the covenant relationship between God and the people of Israel
Scripture / Catechism of Catholic Church
Gen 9:815 God's promise to Noah
Ex 20:13, 78, 1217Ten commandments
Jer 31:3134 The new covenant with
Israel and Judah
Mk 12:2834 The greatest commandment
Mk 12:4144 The widow's offering / nn. 1168-1171 The Liturgical Year
nn. 1430,1434-1439 Penance in Christian Life
nn. 1961-1964Commandments
nn. 2052-2550 The Ten commandments
nn. 1965-1974 Law of Love
To Know Worship and Love / In Brief for Students
Book 5: Topic 3 Lent
Book 5: Topic 10 A Heart to Love
Book 6: Freedom to choose /
- Lent is a time of penance, prayer, self-denial and giving to others.
- In the covenant God made with the people of Israel through Moses, the Israelites promised to freely obey God's law.
- The Ten Commandments are God's laws of love for Jewish and Christian people. They teach us how God wants us to live.
- Jesus taught that the Ten Commandments consist of two great commandments : to love God and to love one another.
- God sent his Son Jesus as a sign of his love for us and to fulfil his promise of a new covenant
Bible Story Godly Play / Religious Literacy
Exodus 3:1-12 Moses and the Burning Bush
24C4 – Lent Year C: A Time for Reconciliation
OutcomesS2.5 Recounts aspects of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, Penance and Anointing of the Sick.
S3.5 Explains the sacraments as signs and symbols of God’s love, showing the Holy spirit at work in the Church.
Foundation Statements
The Celebration Of The Christian Mystery
Students demonstrate their understanding of the use of sign, symbol, ritual and tradition as celebrated in the Church community. They examine ways in which the liturgical life of the Church nourishes and challenges the Christian community in response to the presence of God. They explore the sacraments as key celebrations of the Christian mystery.
Unit Focus
In this unit there is an indepth analysis of the parable of the Prodigal Son in the context of a study of Lent as a season whose liturgy challenges and invites us to conversion and reconciliation with God and others. Students will interpret the parable's purpose/message within the context of the Lenten liturgy and the celebration of the sacrament of Penance.
Students learn about
- The season of lent
- The parable of the prodigal son
- Reconciliation
- Baptism*
- Confirmation*
- Eucharist*
- Anointing of the sick*
- explain how the celebration of the season of Lent challenges and invites us to be reconciled with God and others
- relate Jesus' message in the parable of the Prodigal Son to their own lives
- work collaboratively in groups to prepare for and participate in the celebration of the sacrament of Penance or a prayer service with the theme of reconciliation
Scripture / Catechism of Catholic Church
Isa 54:10 My steadfast love shall not depart
Lk 15:17 The lost sheep
Lk 15:810 The lost coin
Lk 19:1-10 Jesus and Zacchaeus
Col 3:1213 Forgive each other / n. 546 Parables of Jesus
nn. 11681171 The liturgical year
nn. 14221484 The sacraments of penance
To Know Worship and Love / In Brief for Students
Book 5: Topic 3 Lent
Book 6: Reconciliation /
- Lent is a time of penance and particularly of prayer, self-denial and helping others.
- Jesus proclaimed God's forgiveness in his words and actions.
- As a community we celebrate God's forgiveness in the Sacrament of Penance.
- The Sacrament of Penance reconciles me to God, self and others.
Bible Story Godly Play / Religious Literacy
Lk 15:11-32 The forgiving father (prodigal son)
35C2 – The Way of the Cross
OutcomesS3.2 Recognises that Jesus is present and active in individuals and in the Church
Foundation Statements
Profession Of Faith
Students recognise that all of creation reflects the mystery of God .They propose and explain ways they might respond to the call to stewardship. They demonstrate an understanding of the Church as a faith community which is inspired by the Holy Spirit. They explore the Traditions, beliefs and history of the Catholic Church including Mary and the Saints. They identify, describe and analyse key events associated with the Paschal mystery as revealed in the Scriptures and celebrated in the sacramental life of the Church.
Students use a range of prayer techniques to explore their own relationship with God. They participate in a variety of prayers and prayer forms of the tradition using appropriate signs, symbol, rites and rituals. They explore the elements of liturgy and prayer through planning a variety of liturgical and prayer celebrations
Unit Focus
In this unit students will study and celebrate the events of the Passion of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels and celebrated on Good Friday. Students will relate Jesus' feelings as presented in the Gospel accounts of the Passion to times when they and others may have experienced hurt and disappointment.
Students learn about
- The events of the passion of Jesus recorded in the gospels and celebrated in the Easter liturgy
- Jesus' feelings as expressed in the gospel accounts of the passion
- The way of the cross (stations of the cross)
- recall and share times in their own lives when they experienced hurt and disappointment
- recount the events of the Passion of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels and celebrated on Good Friday
- critically evaluate Jesus’ feelings as presented in the Gospel accounts of the Passion to times when they and others may have experienced hurt and disappointment
- participate in a class celebration of the Way of the Cross. Students appreciate life experience in relation to the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus
Scripture / Catechism of Catholic Church
Mk 15:33-39 Jesus dies on the cross
Lk 22:39-65 Agony in the garden, arrest,and trial
of Jesus
Lk 23: 2-7, 13-25 Jesus before Pilate
Lk 23:26 Simon carries the cross
Lk 23:40-43 Jesus speaks to the goodthief
Lk 23:50-55 Jesus is buried
Jn 19:23-24 Jesus is stripped and nailed to the cross
Jn 19:25-27 Jesus speaks to his mother and John
Jn 20:1-10 The Resurrection- The empty tomb / nn.443, 596 Jesus before the
n.572 Jesus' suffering
nn.599-618 Jesus' death
nn. 610, 611, 1329 The Lord's Supper
n.612 Gethsemane
nn 639, 988-1003 The Resurrection
To Know Worship and Love / In Brief for Students
Book 6: Topic 5 Lent and Holy Week /
- Holy Week celebrates the Passion and death of Jesus.
- The Stations of the Cross are prayed throughout the year, but especially on Good Friday.
- Like Jesus, we can help others who are
Bible Story Godly Play / Religious Literacy
Photo language for the Way of the Cross
35C3 – Easter Season: Follow Me
OutcomesS3.2 Recognises that Jesus is present and active in individuals and in the Church
S3.6 Explains the relationship between Christian life , God’s call, serving others and caring for the
Foundation Statements
Life In Christ
Students explore their responsibility to continue the mission of Jesus by reaching out in love and justice. They reflect on and consider the implication of the message of the Scriptures, the Church’steaching and Tradition. They articulate how they use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to live a life of love and service. They evaluate and describe ways in which they can build the Kingdom of God.
Unit Focus
In this unit students will explore what Jesus meant by the invitation, 'Come, follow me' with reference to the Gospel readings of the Easter Season.
Students learn about
- We are called to the Christian life
- The gospel readings of the season of Easter
- Jesus' invitation to 'follow me'
- identify some of the characteristics of people who believe in and follow Jesus
- examine* what Jesus meant by the invitation, ‘come, follow me’ with reference to the Gospel readings of the Easter Season
- propose*ways in which young people today can take up Jesus’ invitation to ‘Follow me’
Scripture / Catechism of Catholic Church
Jn 10:11-18 Jesus the good shepherd
Jn 14:1-12 I am the way
Jn 15:1-8 I am the vine
Jn 18:25-27 Peter denies Jesus
Jn 20:19-23 Jesus appears to his disciples
Jn 21:15-17 Jesus and Peter
Acts 2: 42-47 The Jerusalem church / nn. 638, 1139 Easter
nn. 639655 Resurrection
To Know Worship and Love / In Brief for Students
Book 5: Topic 9 The Holy Trinity /
- Easter is the greatest feast of the Church year.
- The risen Jesus gave the apostles his peace, the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the power to forgive sins.
- During the Season of Easter many of the Gospels recall how Jesus during his public life, described himself as 'The Way' and extended an invitation: 'Follow Me'.
Bible Story Godly Play / Religious Literacy
John 20: 19-23 Jesus appears to his disciples
35C4 – Stories of the Early Church
OutcomesS3.4 Explains ways, in which the Church is led by the Holy Spirit, honors Mary and calls individuals to various ministries.
Foundation Statements
Profession Of Faith
Students recognise that all of creation reflects the mystery of God .They propose and explain ways they might respond to the call to stewardship. They demonstrate an understanding of the Church as a faith community which is inspired by the Holy Spirit. They explore the Traditions, beliefs and history of the Catholic Church including Mary and the Saints. They identify, describe and analyse key events associated with the Paschal mystery as revealed in the Scriptures and celebrated in the sacramental life of the Church.
Unit Focus
In this unit students will develop their understanding and appreciation of the mission of St Peter and Paul and the life and faith of Christians in the early Church. They will be invited to identify links between their lives and the lives of the early Christians.
Students learn about
- The coming of the Holy Spirit
- The mission of Peter and Paul
- Characteristics of the early church community
- The spirit at work in our community
- recall events that evoke memories of significant people
- extrapolate the significance and experience of the coming of the Holy Spirit
- retell some of the significant events in the mission of Peter and Paul
- describe the characteristics of the life and faith of early Christian communities
- appreciate how the Holy Spirit is at work in our community through the mission of the church
Scripture / Catechism of Catholic Church
Acts 1:6-8 Disciples commissioned
Acts 2:1-13 The coming of the Holy Spirit
Acts 2: 36-39 The first converts
Acts 2: 42-47 The Christian community
Acts 3:1-10 Peter heals a crippled beggar
Acts 4: 1-22 Peter and John before the council
Acts 4: 32-35 The believers share their possessions
Acts 5: 17-42 The apostles are persecuted
Acts 6: 1-7 Seven chosen to serve
Acts 9: 1-25 The conversion of Saul
Acts 10: 44-48 Gentiles receive the Holy Spirit
Acts 12: 1-17 Peter imprisoned
Acts 15:1-7, 19-31 The council at Jerusalem
Acts 20: 17-38 Paul speaks to the Ephesian elders
Acts 27: 13-44 Paul sails for Rome
Rom 8:1-17 Life in the spirit
1 Cor 11:20-26 The Lord's supper
1 Cor 16:15-16 Service of the people / n. 693 Titles of the Holy Spirit
nn. 737741 The Holy Spirit and the church
nn. 767, 768 The churchrevealed by the holy
nn. 858-860 The apostle's mission
To Know Worship and Love / In Brief for Students
Book 5: Topic 8 The Spirit is alive in us /
- At Pentecost the Spirit inspired the apostles to go out and share the story of Jesus.
- The early Christian community kept alive the story and vision of Jesus through their words and actions.
- The Spirit is actively present in the life and mission of the Christian community.
- Peter and Paul displayed leadership and courage in the formation of the early Church
Bible Story Godly Play / Religious Literacy
Acts 2: 36-39 The first converts
Acts 2:42-47 The Christian community
35C5 – Faith Communities in My Local Area