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Want to know how you can help us build this church? Several quick ideas come to mind. First, pray for us. Second, consider sending the link to our website, Facebook, and gofundme campaign to your friends, and post them to your Facebook page. This will help us get the word out faster than any other method. Here they are:



GoFundMe Campaign


Mailing Address:

Friendship Church

2161 CR 540A, #287

Lakeland, FL 33813


Office: 863.274.5978

Mobile: 863.512.2909

July 12, 2015

Today’s Emphasis: Metaphor

Salt of the Earth & Light of the World

Meets at Imperial Swan Hotel

4141 S. Florida Ave.  Lakeland, FL 33813


Mailing Address: 2161 CR 540A, #287  Lakeland, FL 33813

Office Phone: 863.274.5978  Mobile Phone: 863.512.2909

Friendship Church

July 12, 2015

Opening Song: The Steadfast Love Zach Tackett

Welcome & Prayer Linda Linzey

Prayer Cards Linda Linzey

Greet One Another Linda Linzey

Worship Set Zach Tackett

1. Great is thy faithfulness

2. Shout To The Lord

3. As the Deer

Prayer Linda Linzey

Offering Linda Linzey

Bible Reading: Matthew 5:13-16 Lynda Owens

Church Update Paul Linzey

Message: You Are Salt; You Are Light Paul Linzey

Prayer Paul Linzey

Last Song: He is Exalted Zach Tackett

Thanks & Adios Zach Tackett

Church Update

It’s great to have you worship with us today.Thanks for

taking the time and making theeffort. May the Lord touch your life, inspire, you, and encourage you as a result of your being here today.

This morning we invite you to write your prayer

request on a 3x5 card. We’ll collect them in time

to include your requests and needs when we pray.

Feel free to write one or several prayer requests.

This also allows us to pray for you and your concerns throughout the week. Remember, the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective, James 5:16.

We’d like to say thanks to Craig and Marcia for

hosting last weekend’s church BBQ. Your warm

hospitality and friendliness are just what we need,

and we’re thankful you are part of our fellowship.

Last week we submitted our matching funds application to the Church Multiplication Network, the church planting movement within the Assemblies of God. Base We applied for $24,000. Please join us in praying that the application will be approved, and that it’ll proceed in a timely manner. We intend to do some advertising, in addition to purchasing signs, and the rest of the equipment needed for our official launch in September.

It is a delight that Zach and Elizabeth Tackett are

worshipping with us. Zach recently agreed to be

our worship leader. “Not forever,” he insists. But at

least to help us get started, and perhaps help develop

a worship team. Among his many talents and giftings,

Zach sings and plays keyboard.