Shannon E. McClain

Curriculum vitae

January 2017

Department of Psychology

Liberal Arts Building

Towson University

Towson, MD 21252


Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track), August 2014 - Present

Counseling Psychology Program

Department of Psychology

Towson University

Pre-Doctoral Psychology Intern, July 2013 - June 2014

University Counseling Center (APA-Accredited Program)

University of Maryland, College Park


Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, August 2014

Major: Counseling Psychology (APA Accredited)

M.A., University of Texas at Austin, May 2012

Major: Educational Psychology

B.A., Miami University (Oxford, OH), May 2008

Major: Psychology

Honors: Magna cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Honors in Psychology


Licensed Psychologist (Maryland), August 2016 - Present

Maryland Department of Mental Health & Hygiene

License Number: 05786


Course Instructor of Record

PSYC 432: Cross-Cultural Psychology

Department of Psychology

Towson University

Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Spring 2017

PSYC 470: Culture and Psychology: Italy from a Psychological Perspective

Study Abroad in Italy

Department of Psychology

Towson University

Study Abroad Proposal Accepted--Summer 2017

PSYC 605: Basic Counseling Techniques

Department of Psychology

Towson University

Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Fall 2016

PSYC 606: Career Development

Department of Psychology

Towson University

Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Fall 2016

PSYC 609: Advanced Counseling Techniques

Department of Psychology

Towson University

Spring 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2016

PSYC 615: Research Methods in Counseling

Department of Psychology

Towson University

Spring 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2016

EDP 312: Issues and Debates in Life Development

Department of Educational Psychology

University of Texas at Austin

Fall 2011, Fall 2012


McClain, S.Cokley, K. (2017). Academic disidentification in Black college students: The role of teacher trust and gender. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 23(1), 125-133.

Bartoli, E., Michael, A., Bentley-Edwards, K., Stevenson, H. C., Shor, R., McClain, S. (2016, Online First) Training for colour-blindness: White racial socialisation. Whiteness and Education.doi: 10.1080/23793406.2016.1260634

Suizzo, M. A., Rackley, K. R., Robbins, P. A., Rarick, J. R., Moran Jackson, K., & McClain, S., (2016, Online First). The effects of fathers’ warmth on adolescents’ academic achievement: Pathways to resilience in low-income families. Sex Roles. doi: 10.1007/s11199-016-06969

Chapman-Hilliard, C., Beasley, S. T., McClain, S.,Cokley, K., Nioplias, A., & Taylor, D. (2016). Do culturally empowering courses matter: An examination of cultural identity and academic motivation among African descent collegians.The Journal of Pan African Studies, 9(8), 43-62.

Beasley, S. T., Chapman-Hilliard, C., & McClain, S. (2016). Linking the emancipatory pedagogy of Africana/Black Studies with academic identity outcomes among Black students attending PWIs. The Journal of Pan African Studies, 9(8), 9-25.

Suizzo, M. A., Jackson, K., Pahlke, E., McClain, S, Marroquin, Y., Blondeau, L., Hong, K. J. (2016). Parental academic socialization beliefsand practices in low-income families: The resilience of memories. Journal of Adolescent Research, 31(3), 343-374.

McClain, S., Beasley, S., Jones, B., Awosogba, O., Jackson, S., Cokley, K. (2016). The impact of racial and ethnic identity, minority status stress, and impostor phenomenon on the mental health of Black college students.Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 44(2). 101-117.

Awad, G. H., Norwood, C., Taylor, D. S., Martinez, M., McClain, S., Jones, B., Holman, A., & Chapman-Hilliard, C. (2015). Beauty and body image concerns among African American college women. Journal of Black Psychology, 41(6), 540-564.

Cokley, K., McClain, S., Enciso, A., & Martinez, M. (2013). An examination of the impact of minority status stress and impostor feelings on the mental health of diverse ethnic minority college students.Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development,41(2), 82-95.

Cokley, K., Beasley, S., Bullock, A., Chapman, C., Cody, B., Jones, B., McClain, S., Taylor, D. (2013). The moderating role of gender in the relationship between religiosity and mental health among black American college students. Mental Health, Religion, & Culture, 16(5), 445-462.

Cokley, K., McClain, S., Jones, M., & Johnson, S. (2012). A preliminary investigation ofacademic disidentification, racial identity, and academic achievement among African American adolescents.The High School Journal,95(2), 54-68.


McClain, S.Cokley, K. (Under Review). The influence of parenting on the teacher trust of Black college students.

Tian, L., McClain, S., Moore, M., Lloyd, H. (Under Review). The impact of ethnic identity and self-compassion on acculturation stress among Asian international students.


McClain, S., Hilliard-Chapman, C., & Smith, S. R. (In Press—forthcoming January 2017). Regionalism and Personality Assessment: A Matter of Place. In S. R. Smith & R. Krishnamurthy (Eds.). Diversity Sensitive Personality Assessment. New York: Routledge.

Hilliard-Chapman, C., McClain, S., Sherry, A., Broyles, S., Jackson, S. (In Press—forthcoming January 2017). Writing for an N of 1: Cultural Competence in Personality Assessment Report Writing. In S. R. Smith & R. Krishnamurthy (Eds.). Diversity-Sensitive Personality Assessment. New York: Routledge.

Hilliard-Chapman, C, Beasley, S., McClain, S.,Awosogba, O., Cokley, K. (In Pressforthcoming February 2017). “A Stranger No More…”: Applying African American psychology to address social issues. In A. Blume (Ed.), Social issues in living color: Challenges and solutions from the perspective of ethnic minority psychology.(Vol. 1). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC CLIO/Praeger Publishing.


Diversity Faculty Fellows Grant ($2,250; 2016 - 2017)

Office of the Provost, Towson University

Selected to receive $1,500 stipend and an additional $750 research grant to carry out proposed research project, titled Strengthening Student-Faculty Relationships: A Qualitative Examination of Teacher Trust in the Black College Student Population, during the 2016-2017 academic year.

June Marie Gallessich Dissertation Award ($1,200, 2012 - 2013)

Department of Educational Psychology, University of Texas at Austin


Tian, L., McClain, S., Moore, M., Lloyd, H. (August 2014). The Impact of Ethnic Identity and Self-Compassion on Acculturative Stress in Asian International Students. Poster Presentation at the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, DC.

McClain, S., Beasley, S., Jones, B., Awosogba, O., Cokley, K. (July 2013). The Impact of Racial- Ethnic Identity, Minority Status Stress, and Impostor Phenomenon on the Mental Health of Black American College Students. Poster Presentation at the Association of Black Psychologists Convention, New Orleans, LA.

Taylor, D., Beasley, S., McClain, S., Awosogba, O., Chapman-Hilliard, C., Holman, A. (July 2013). Integrating Black Psychological Principles into Culturally Anemic Environments. Symposium conductedat the Association of Black Psychologists Convention, New Orleans, LA.

McClain, S., Taylor, D., Beasley, S., Cody, B., Cokley, K. (January 2012). Dimensions of Racial Identity and the Sociopolitical Views of Black Collegians. Poster Presentation at the National Multicultural Summit Conference, Houston, TX.

Beasley, S., McClain, S., Holman, A., Cody, B. (January 2012). The Influence of RacialCentrality and Cultural Values on Blacks' Racial Perceptions. Poster Presentation at the National Multicultural Summit Conference, Houston, TX.

Jones, B., Beasley, S., McClain, S., Awosgba, O., Taylor, D., Holman, A., Jackson, S., Cokley, K. (August 2012). Impact of Black Studies Courses on Racial and Ethnic Identity Among Black Collegians. Poster Presentation at the American Psychological Association Convention, Orlando, FL.

Bartoli, E., Michael, A., Stevenson, H., Shor, R., McClain, S. (February 2012). Whites on Whiteness: Excursions in White Family Racial and Ethnic Socialization. Paper Presentation at Winter Round Table Conference, Teacher’s College Columbia University, New York, NY.

Awad, G., Martinez, M., Jones, B., Taylor, D., Chapman-Hilliard, C., Bullock, A., McClain, S., Brown, K. (August 2011). Body Image and Body Dissatisfaction in African American Women. Poster Presentation at the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C.

Suizzo, M.A., Moran-Jackson, K., Marroquin, Y.A., McClain, S. (April 2011). Fostering Resilience: Exploring Low-Income Mexican-Origin Mothers' Academic Socialization Beliefs and Practices with Adolescents. Paper Symposium conducted at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Cokley, K.O., McClain, S.,Enciso, A.E., Jones, B.J., Martinez, M.S. (August 2010). Ethnic Minority Differences in Imposter Phenomenon and Minority Status Stress. Poster presentation at American Psychological Association Convention, San Diego, CA.

Suizzo, M.A., Moran-Jackson, K., McClain, S., Marroquin, Y.A. (March 2010). Racial Socialization as a Mediator of Relations between Parents' Ethnic Identity and Adolescents' Attitudes toward School. Poster Presentation at the Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Cokley, K.O., Cody, B., McClain, S., Bullock, A. (April 2009). A Review of Psychosocial Factors That Impact Black Student Achievement: How Do We Account for Identified Challenges?. Symposium conducted at the Dubois-Nkrumah-Dunham International Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.


TOWSON, University Alumni Magazine, January 2017

Minority Students and Psychological Distress

KMAR, ABC Baltimore, June 2015

Racial Identity: White on The Outside, Black on the Inside


Fellow, Diversity Faculty Fellowship (2016 – 2017)

Office of the Provost, Towson University

June Marie Gallessich Dissertation Award (2012 - 2013)

Department of Educational Psychology, University of Texas at Austin

Joseph L. and Katherine D. Henderson Foundation Award (2010 – 2011, 2011 – 2012)

Department of Educational Psychology

University of Texas at Austin

Pearl M. Riggs Endowed Presidential Scholarship in Education (2008 – 2009)

College of Education

University of Texas at Austin

Student Achievement in Research and Scholarship (STARS) Award (2006 – 2007, 2007 – 2008)

Office for the Advancement of Research & Scholarship

Miami University

Phi Beta Kappa, Iota of Ohio chapter (2008)

Miami University

Student Service Leadership Award (2007)

Miami University


Department Service

Spring 2017 - Psychology Curriculum Review Committee

Fall 2016 – PresentCoordinator, Counseling Advancement/Comprehensive Exam Reorganization

Fall 2016 – Present Member, Clinical/School PsyD Development Committee

Fall 2014 – Present Member, Counseling Graduate Steering Committee

Fall 2016 Search Committee member, Psychology Tenure-Track Search, (Gender)

Fall 2015 - Spring 2016 Search Committee member, Psychology Tenure-Track Search, (Developmental)

Fall 2015;Spring 2016 Panelist, Get Psyched About Your Future (Psi Chi)

University Service

January 2017 Media Interview- TOWSON, University Alumni Magazine

Minority Students and Psychological Distress

Discussed the challenges racial-ethnic minority students face in adjusting to college on majority-white campuses, including research I have published on this topic.

June 2015 Media Interview- KMAR, ABC Baltimore

Racial Identity: White On The Outside, Black on the Inside

  • Interviewed as an expert in the psychology of racial identity

Fall 2015 Faculty Sponsor, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI, Towson Chapter)

Fall 2015 Faculty Discussion Facilitator, The Mask You Live In: Myths of Masculinity (Center for Student Diversity)

Professional Service

Ad Hoc Reviewer: Journal of Black Psychology, 2014—Present


Association of Black Psychologists

American Psychological Association

  • Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17, APA)
  • Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (Division 45, APA)

Association for Psychological Science


July 2013—June 2014 University of Maryland at College Park

Counseling Center

APA Accredited Pre-Doctoral Clinical Internship

Supervisors: Yi-Jiun Lin, Ph.D.; Yvonne Oslin, Ph.D.; Kimberly Campbell, Ph.D.

Primary responsibilities: individual therapy, co-lead group therapy, conduct intakes (initial consultations), emergency coverage/crisis intervention, on-call walk-in hour coverage for students of color and LGBT students, primary supervision of graduate student practicum therapist, consultation to parents/professors/residence life staff, conduct outreach presentations, year long rotation/specialty at Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education, member of counseling center research committee

June 2012—December 2012The Settlement Home for Children (Austin, TX)

Practicum Student Psychotherapist

Supervisor: Michelle Spikes, LCSW

Primary Responsibilities: Provide individual, group, and milieu psychotherapy in residential treatment center setting

August 2011—May 2012 St. Edward’s University Health & Counseling Center (Austin, TX)

Practicum Student Psychotherapist

Supervisors: Charles Couchman, Ph.D., Seleena Smith, Ph.D., Lee Land, Ph.D.

Primary Responsibilities: Individual therapy, conduct intakes, provide urgent care/crisis intervention, co-lead group therapy, conduct outreach presentations

August 2009—April 2012 Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (Austin, TX)

Practicum Student in Psychological Assessment

Supervisor: Elizabeth Levy, Ph.D.

Primary Responsibilities: Conducted psychological evaluations of both adults and children/adolescents (ages 6 +) referred from Child Protective Services in a private practice setting. Responsibilities included diagnostic interview, administration and scoring of intelligence, achievement, and personality assessment, and report writing

August 2010—May 2011 Texas State University Counseling Center (San Marcos, TX)

Practicum Student Psychotherapist

Supervisors: Rae Lundy, M.A., Bernard Ramsey, M.A., Pam Moore, Ph.D.

Primary responsibility: individual therapy

August 2009—May 2010 San Marcos Treatment Center (San Marcos, TX)

Practicum Student in Psychological Assessment

Supervisor: John Gould, Ph.D.

Primary responsibilities: Administered, scored, and interpreted psychological assessment batteries for adolescents (ages 9-18) at inpatient treatment center. Testing included cognitive, academic, and personality assessments, including projective testing (Rorschach and TAT administration and interpretation).


McClain CV