8:00 P.M. September 24, 16
The Special Meeting for the opening and discussion of chip and sealing Shalersville Township roads washeld in the Town Hall meeting room with John Kline, and Nancy Vines, from here on out will be address as the BOT and Fiscal Officer, Jill Corbett present. Chairperson, John Kline called the meeting to order.
Others present – Jim Corbettand Chuck Casalicchio
Two bids had been emailed to the BOT.
Specialized Construction Inc. quote read as follows:
1001 Chip Seal – CRS-2P/ Limestone55,000.000 SY 1.80 $99,000.00
1002 Chip Seal –CRS-2P / Slag55,000.000 SY 1.90 $104,500.00
1003 Chip Seal- MC-3000 / Limestone55,000.000 SY 2.20 $121,000.00
1004 Chip Seal – MC-3000/Slag 55,000.000SY 2.30 $126,500.00
John Kline spoke with John Galik owner of Speicalized Construction Inc. He stated that after this job he was on presently would be his last for the season. He will honor these prices if the BOT decide to wait until spring to chip and seal their roads.
The second bid that was open and discussed was from H. Luli Construction Co. read as follows:
- Construct single chip seal various roadways area 4.7 miles @ 20' average width
(approx. 55,150 sq/yds)
Mobilization, men, material and equipment
Broom roads to remove loose debris
Place fresh tar and loose stone signs
Provide flagger for traffic control
Supply and apply CRS-2 sealer @ .42 gallons per sq/yd
Supply and apply #8 limestones @ 24# per sq/yd
Roll for compaction with two pneumatic tired rollers
Cost for this work: 55,150 sq/yds@ $1.66 persq/yd - total cost base bid91,549.00
Provide MC-3000 applied @ .38 gallons per sq/yds in lew of CRS-2 add .21 per sq/yd
Provide #8 blast furnace slag @ 22# per sq/yds in lew of #8 limestone add .03 per sq/yd
John also talked to Henry Luli owner of H. Luli Construction Co. as well, concerning the lateness in the season for chip and sealing roads. Mr. luli felt that there is a chance you would only get 75% performance of the product being put down at this late of date.
After further discussion Nancy Vines made a motion to hold off on the chip and sealing the mentioned township roads until spring of 2017. The motion was seconded by John Kline. All in favor and the motion was carried.
Jill Corbett, Fiscal Officer will call the Portage County Auditors to see what is needed to amend the 2017 approved budget.
There being no further business Chairperson, John Kline directed the meeting to be adjourn at 1:16 p.m.
John Kline, Trustee ChairpersonJill Corbett, Fiscal Officer