Shaker Woods HOA Board
Meeting Minutes – 2017 June
Date: Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Location: Harvest of India (Kmart Plaza)
Time: 7:30 PM
Attending: Paula Goldman, Lori Ruderman, Jimmy Andere, Jennifer Klein, Eric Smith, Bob Hartley
Call to order: 07:31 PM by Paula, seconded by Lori.
Secretary’s Report (Bob Hartley)
Secretary notes from May’s meeting approved by Paula, seconded by Lori.
Treasurer’s Report (Lori Ruderman)
Treasurer’s report given by Lori. Four dues were received. At this point, all dues have been paid. Note on expenses for tree removal to Samy Lawn Services – half was paid up front, and half is still to come.
AECC (David Jenkins)
Nothing for AECC
Grounds (Jimmy Andere)
Planting of shrubs and flowers on Heather way entrance is complete. Warren has allowed us to use his water for the initial watering. The board will discuss how to partially compensate him for the water bill.
Social Events (Jennifer Klein)
Jennifer confirmed Ice Cream truck for 4th of July party. Needs for the party include bottled water, ice cream, watermelon. David or Paula will obtain beer. Water balloons can be filled from the Gardy’s hose. BYO[C/F/WG/BB] (Bring your own chair, Frisbee, water guns, and basketballs.)
Old Business
Mailboxes – 28 total sold so far out of 134 total houses. We will have a mailbox to raffle at the annual meeting.
Entryway Sign – Measured the site for proper locations and siting. We are in the process of getting the final FFP contract. A 50% deposit will be charged to credit card. We will specify a mildew resistant coating for the surface; its price was effectively negligible.
New Business
A homeowner on Rowland DR received a note criticizing the dumped load of landscaping mulch temporarily in the driveway. The note was “signed” by the Shaker Woods HOA, though the board did not draft, sign, or authorize it. (The board technically has no authority to criticize landscaping.) Official notes from the HOA to the community will be sent via USPS on official letterhead, generally along with an email to those that supplied email addresses. Paula will draft a letter discussing “how to complain nicely” to the neighbors.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:15 PM by Paula, seconded by Bob.
Next meeting:
Date: Tuesday, 11 July 2017
Location: Harvest of India, Kmart, Herndon, VA 20170
Time: 7:30 PM
06-13-2017 Board Meeting
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