Minutes of the Meeting held at Congerstone Village Hall on Wednesday 16th July 2008.

Present: A Wright, P Bannister, T. Beadman, M Foley, S Brown and one member of the public.

Apologies: D McIsaac, CC Ivan Ould

302  Declarations of Interest: None

303  Minutes of the meeting of 14th May 2008 were approved.

304  Matters Arising: Comments made about the poor performance of contractors cutting grass in the Parish were reiterated from the previous meeting. The quality of the work had not improved and the Clerk was asked to invite the Divisional Surveyor to the next meeting to explain the Highways Department’s policy and explain the standards contractors were expected to work to. Following this the Clerk was asked to include an agenda item on the Parish Council’s views on carrying out mowing to an improved standard.

305  County Councillor’s report
Mr Ould had asked the Clerk to report on his activities in support of the increase in classroom capacity due to the growing school numbers at Congerstone School. It was commented that there had been an increase in inconsiderate and dangerous parking by parents of children at the school, and the Clerk was asked to write to the Head Teacher.
Mr Ould had also explained that the new mowing contractor had initially had some problems with machinery and instructions, but that these were now resolved albeit that the cuts per year had been reduced to two and one end of year clear-up.

306  Clerk’s Report
The Clerk had attended a seminar at Anstey organised by the new External Auditor, Clement Keys.
Several issues had arisen between meetings which the Clerk had reported to the Police, Hinckley and Bosworth Council and County Council, including vandalism to a tree at Shackerstone, planning issues at Shackerstone Railway Society and The Lodge, Congerstone Lane, Shackerstone, and grounds maintenance.

307  Congerstone Village Hall:
The Chairman and Mr Bannister had attended a meeting at Congerstone following the renovation of the village hall. They reported that several people were now involved in running the hall. The contact for Parish Council meetings would remain the same.

308  Correspondence
Attention was drawn to the Appleby Online Centre at Appleby Magna which provides good individual tuition on IT and the Internet.

ENABLE announced their Climate Friendly Communities Project.
Thanks were received for donations from BartonFabis Baptist Church, Community First Responders and Crimestoppers.
Notices for HBBC Council meetings had been received.
Probation Community Service workers were available for projects in the Parish; no suitable projects were identified.
Attention was drawn to the Sustainable Communities Act due to be implemented in October.
The offer of access to Croners employment service by Parish Councils had not been taken up by sufficient numbers for the scheme to go ahead.
A consultation document was received about the National Forest.
The Clerk had received forms for the Living Leicestershire Grant programme 2008/9, which offers funds to deliver local leisure, recreational and engagement projects (the latter for young people).
Probation service clients were available to carry out works in the community. No suitable projects were identified.
The local PCT send a consultation document of Community Health Services review.
HBBC reminded Shackerstone that no village plan was in place. It was decided that no action would be taken on this matter.
Miscellaneous magazines and newsletters were received.

309  Play Areas and Grounds Maintenance
The ROSPA inspection of Shackerstone Play area had been carried out. Several minor items needed attention for which an estimate of £162.85 had been received from Brian Mee. The Clerk was asked to accept this and check that it included a seat identified as a problem by Mr Beadman.
Problems had been experienced with the emptying of the litter bin at Shackerstone Play Area. After some telephone calls by the Clerk to HBBC collections had resumed.

310  Risk Assessments
The meeting considered the risk assessment prepared by the Clerk. With some amendments the risk assessment was approved unanimously.

311  Planning Applications
New modular building at Congerstone School 08/00606/C – no objection.
08/00687/TPOCA Removal of tree, Haywain Barn, Shackerstone – no objection.
08/00680/FUL Agricultural shed at Ivy House Farm Congerstone – no objection.

312  Planning Permission Granted
08/00297/FUL 37 Main St, Congerstone alterations to garage roof to form accommodation.
08/00296/FUL The POld Vicarage, Shackerstone, extension and alterations.
08/00269?FUL]Manege and stable block at Wet End, Barton in the Beans.
08/00129/FUL 23 Main St Barton in the Beans, extension and alterations.
08/00284/FUL Top House Farm, Heather Rd Shackerstone, conversion of outbuilding to living accommodation.
08/00379/FUL Erection of wooden stable on concrete base at West End, Barton in the Beans.

313  Planning Permission Refused
08/0053/FUL Erection of a building for storage and retention of existing storage containers, 7 Nailstone Road, Barton in the Beans.

314  Other Planning issues
08/00265/UNUSE The Clerk had reported a suspected change of use at Gopsall Lodge, Congerstone Lane, Shackerstone, which was being investigated by HBBC.
Shackerstone Railway Society: the Clerk had received reports of alleged change of use from charitable use to business use of the site. This had been reported to the Enforcement officer at HBBC who had investigated the matter and found no change of use at this time.
The proposed affordable housing at Carlton has suffered delays in acquisition of the land by the Housing Association. The Clerk was being kept informed of progress.

315  Section 106 monies
Despite reminders there has been no response from Mr Cowen to requests for a decision on the availability of land for open space. It was agreed Mr Brown would attempt to obtain an answer.

316  Finance
The Internal Audit report for 2007-8 was received and approved. The Clerk commented that the Internal Auditor had been most helpful in advising on preparation of the accounts.
The system of quarterly returns approved by the Internal Auditor, Mr Fraser, was reviewed and found to be satisfactory. Approval was given to the continuation of the current system for the current year.
Mr Fraser had pointed out that the risk assessment must be revised, approved and minuted, and there was no evidence of this in the minutes of last year.
This had been corrected at Item 310.
The Quarterly Bank Reconciliation to 30th June 2008 was received and approved.

External Audit: The Annual Return had been prepared for Clement Keys, the new External Auditor, and this was approved and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. The Notice of Appointment for the Exercise of Electors Rights had been displayed on all Parish notice boards from 4th June, with an end date of 16th July.
Cheques had been signed since the last meeting for £70.50 (Gareth Johnson, cutting of hedge at Shackerstone Play area), £125 (Ian Fraser, Internal Audit fee), £129(B Mee, ROSPA inspection at Shackerstone Play Area and cleaning of bus shelter at Barton), £44.27(Allianz Cornhill, additional insurance cost for new benches and computer equipment), £5000(Grant towards renovations and improvements at St Mary’s Church Room Congerstone).
Cheques were signed for £132.23(Clerk’s travel, telephone and postage from January 08, and £224 (Clive Francis, additional work on boards for Gopsal Walk).

317 AOB
Mr Bannister reported that in the wake of a spate of thefts of metal notice

boards and signs, he was investigating the provision of boards made in material less attractive to thieves.
Mr Foley and Mr Beadman confirmed that they had inspected cemeteries monthly. Mr Foley arranged for necessary repairs to be carried out by volunteers as required. Shackerstone required the attention of a stonemason and Mr Beadman was due to meet GA Memorials on 24th July to discuss repairs needed.
The border of the path leading to the church at Congerstone was in need of maintenance and the Clerk was asked to contact B Mee to discuss the best way of keeping weeds under control.
The meeting closed at 8.40pm.
The next meeting will be held in Shackerstone Village Hall on 17th September 2008.