2016-2017 SGA Internship Program Application

The purpose of the SGA Internship Program is to give students the opportunity to work closely with directors of the SGA Cabinet and learn about the organization. Interns get a firsthand look at how the SGA Cabinet operates and become prepared for future positions in the organization. In addition to assisting Cabinet directors, interns will work on joint projects and participate in programming set up by the Internship Coordinator. While all interested students are encouraged to apply, SGA prioritizes awarding internships to First-Year students. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Caroline Body, SGA Internship Coordinator, .

SGA Executive Cabinet Departments Descriptions

  • Academic Concerns – promotes the academic concerns of students to the administration and the faculty; connects co-curricular experience and College Mission Statement to classroom instruction.
  • Athletics – works to build campus enthusiasm for student athletics, represents all matters concerning student athletics to the administration.
  • Communications – operates SGA social media, mobile app, and email accounts; maintains visual presence of SGA via bulletin boards and digital signage platforms; manages SGA website;collaborates with the campus newspaper, The Crusader.
  • Community Relations – coordinates efforts to better student relations, exploration, and involvementin the Worcester community; acts as advocate and liaison for off-campus students.
  • Campus & SGA Services – voices student interests regarding eating options on campus, collaborates with administrative offices to better student services (Dining Services, Hogan Campus Center, Safe Ride, newspaper distribution).
  • Environmental Concerns –promotesenvironmentally sound practices and awarenessacross campus; innovates and advocates sustainable and waste-reducing options for campus and residence life; oversees Environmental Liaisons Program, programs Purple Goes Green Week annually.
  • Health & Safety – serves as a resource to all students on the issues of health, wellness, and safety; promotes healthy behaviors via independent efforts and supports campaigns of Health Services, Wellness Programming, and Peer Education groups.
  • Programming – plans and orchestrates SGA efforts at outreach; coordinates with other SGA Directors to organizeall SGA sponsored events and programs.
  • Spiritual Life–serves as a resource to all students on issues pertaining to faith, spirituality, and reflection and works with the Chaplains’ Office; heads Agape Latte student planning committee; promotes behavior of contemplation and discussion of faith.
  • Social Justice Concerns – ensures student contemplation of questions raised in College Mission Statement,promotes exposure and discussion of pertinent social issues, advocates for responsible College practices.
  • Student Outreach – works with Cabinet directors and Holy Cross administrators to pinpoint concerns of the student body and guide SGA efforts to address these concerns.
  • Diversity – facilitates dialogue to ensure matters concerning diversity, multiculturalism, gender, sexuality, and economic status are being addressed on campus; supports efforts of MSO; liaises between SGA and Office of Multicultural Education, Diversity Leadership Team, and ALANA program.
  • Treasury – responsible for assisting with budgeting, and account reconciliations for RSOs and other SGA budgeting, attends weekly college budgeting meetings.
  • Executive Secretary - The executive secretary position is given to one first-year student to take on an expanded role in the SGA Executive Cabinet. The executive secretary attends all cabinet meetings as secretary and meets regularly with the SGA Co-Presidents and Chief of Staff. Former executive secretaries have gone on to hold some of the highest positions in the SGA.

Please provide the following application materials:

1.A résumé

2.Your top 5 choices (ranked) of SGA Executive Cabinet Departments. Please indicate if you would like to be considered for the Executive Secretary position.

3.Your response to the following question (on a separate piece of paper):

Why would you like to receive an intern position and what do you hope to gain if you become a member of the Student Government Association?

Applications are due by Friday, September 23rd to the SGA Office (Hogan 220) or via email to . You will be contacted by our Internship Coordinator by Monday, September 25th. Thank you for your interest in SGA!