H07- 039 –Procedure
July 3, 2007
TO: / Area Agency on Aging DirectorsFROM: / Bill Moss, Director, Home and Community Services Division
Kathy Marshall, Director, Management Services Division
Purpose: / To notify Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) of their initial allotments, supplemental reporting forms, interlocal agreement, budget forms, and instructions for state fiscal year 2008.Background: / Funding for Case Management and Nursing Services will continue to be based on the number of cases authorized per month multiplied by the approved monthly unit rate per case.
ADSA is currently conducting a rate study to review the AAA unit rate methodology. Until the rate study is completed, AAAswill be reimbursed at their SFY07 rates for Case Management/Nursing Services. After the new rates are calculated, any SFY08 CM/RN billing paid using SFY07 rates will be adjusted to the new rate.
The TXIX subsidy will also be reviewed at this time; AAAs participating in the TXIX subsidy may continue at the SFY 07 rate until the final rate study is completed.
What’s new, changed, or
Clarified: /
- Initial allotments for Case Management/NursingServices, TXIX subsidy, and Core Services Contract Management are based on the equivalent of two months (1/6th) of the SFY07 funding. These allotments will be adjusted according to the results of the rate study.
- The required staffing ratios will continue as follows:
1:570 Registered Nurse to Client Ratio
1:8 Supervisor to case Handling Staff Ratio
- Staffing ratios may be adjusted pending the results of the AAA rate study.
- Adjustments will be made to monthly billing amounts if the case handling staff to client ratio exceeds 1:64.
- AAAs that provide I&A as a direct service or that choose to do administrative claiming are required to submit an I&A FTE worksheet.
- DDD and HCS Contracted Nursing Services will be calculated on a unit rate when the rate study is completed; until that point, these services will continue to be reimbursed on a cost reimbursement basis.
- Consideration for AAAs contracting for DDD only personal care contracts will receive additional funding in Core Services Contract Management when that process is finalized.
- The final FFY07 and initial FFY08 NSIP funding is not yet available. The initial funding for this amendment is calculated at 90 percent of the SFY07 contracted amount and the FFY06 meal count was used for allocation. The funding may be increased or decreased in the future depending on the actual grant award received.
- Title V funding is based on 80 percent of SFY07 funding. The funding may be increased or decreased in the future depending on the finalized federal dollars and slot allocation.
- The State Family Caregiver Support and Respite programs have been merged into one State Family Caregiver Support program and received an increase of $750,000, in addition to the 2% VRI for SFY 08. A separate MB, titled Expansion of Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP), will be issued with additional clarification regarding this new, combined program.
- SCSA, Volunteer Chore, and Kinship Caregiver Support Program received a 2% Vendor Rate increase.
- Kinship Navigator – existing sites received the 2% VRI and additional funding to bring their contract up to $83,333; with expansion funds for up to four additional sites. See MB H07-031 for additional information.
- AAAs who are currently funding support services (particularly kinship navigator or information and assistance services) for kinship caregivers under the NFSCP cannot supplant the NFSCP funding with the new funding available in Fiscal Year 2008 for the Kinship Navigator Project sites. Other support services (e.g., support groups, training, counseling, respite care and supplemental services) should be offered. AAAs who are not currently providing support services to relatives who are raising children (55+) are encouraged to do so through the NFSCP (up to the 10% lid). Senior Drug Education funding did not receive a vendor rate increase.
- Senior Farmers Market Nutrition received an increase of $119,500 in GF-S and was allocated based on the Older American’s Act funding formula.
- Final funding for Core Services Contract Management, Core Case Management/Nursing Services and TXIX Matched by SCSA/Local Funds will be added to the line item budget by ADSA before that document is finalized and an amendment issued.
- Statement of Work languagehas been updated in the following areas:
- Core Services Contract Management
- Nursing Services
- Title V
- Volunteer Chore
- Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program
- Aging and DisabilityResourceCenter
- General Terms and Conditions language has been added or updated in the following areas:
- Responsibility
- Subcontracting
- Subrecipients
- Submit State/Federal line item budgets, CSCM Supplemental Worksheet and FTEworksheets (Core Services Contract Management, Case Management/Nursing Services, DDD Nursing Services, I&A) to Anna Glaas byAugust 10, 2007.
- Any concerns regarding the revised language in the Interlocal Agreement Statement of Work should be directed toyour AAA Specialist.
ATTACHMENT(S): / SFY08 State/Federal Budget Documents SFY08 Budget Instructions
AAA Interlocal Agreement 08 Initial Funding Allotments
Supplemental Worksheet SFY08 Core Svc Budget-FTE Definitions
for SFY08 CSCM
CONTACT(S): / General questions or questions regarding caseload, unit method, or Interlocal Agreement to your AAA Specialist:
Aaron Van Valkenburg, AAA Unit Manager
Telephone: (360) 725-2554
Susan Shepherd, AAA Specialist
Telephone: (360) 725-2418
Susan Engels, AAA Specialist
Telephone: (360) 725-2563
Brent Apt, AAA Specialist
Telephone: (360) 725-2560
Fiscal Questions:
Anna Glaas
Telephone: (360) 725-2374