SFCC Committee Meeting Minutes, 19th June 2013, Marine Scotland Science Freshwater Laboratory Page | 1


Wednesday 19th June 2013, 10:30

Marine Scotland Freshwater Laboratory, Pitlochry

Dates of next meetings: September 9th and December 12th.


1.  Welcome by the chairman


James Hunt (JH) * Tweed Foundation (Chair)

Simon McKelvey (SMK) * Cromarty Firth Fisheries Trust

Julian MacLean (JCM) * Marine Scotland Science

Jeff Gibbons (JG) * Marine Scotland (attendance via voice conference)

Jackie Graham (JaG)* Galloway Fisheries Trust

Callum Sinclair (CS) RAFTS

Sean Dugan (SD) SFCC Manager

Jo Girvan (JoG) River Forth Fisheries Trust

* Denotes members of the Management Committee

JH welcomed Jeff Gibbons (present via conference call facility) who has taken over from Manson Wright (Scottish Government representative). Each member of committee then introduced themselves.

2.  Apologies for absence were received from the following:

Shona Marshall

Marshall Halliday

Andrew Wallace

Alistair Stephen

Mark Bilsby*

Alistair Duguid

Bob Laughton (BL)

Alan Kettle-White*

3.  Minutes of previous meeting, review of action points and matters arising

Minutes of previous meeting: Approved.

Agreed actions from previous SFCC Meetings on 3rd April 2013, and 18th December 2012.
AP 7/1 / Electro-fishing Team Leader refresher course.
Prepare the material for a refresher course with a view to the course beginning in 2013 / ONGOING / BL
AP 11/1 / SFCC electro-fishing database. Raise with Interrelate the issue of slow response time to queries, the existing contract and future improvements (JH visiting Intrelate on 27/06/2013) / DISCHARGED / JH
AP 15/1 / SEPA membership.
Write formally to SEPA (Robin Guthrie) pointing out the benefits of membership and the options available / CARRIED FORWARD / JH
AP 16/1 / Handheld computers. Keep the committee updated on progress / CARRIED FORWARD / MB
AP 7/2 / Update the current Team Leader & Introductory Training manual. BL & JaG have completed edits to both manuals.- Final draft is required by SD to update website / ONGOING / BL
AP 8/1 / SFCC Habitat Course
Run a trial SFCC Habitat training course / DISCHARGED / AK
AP 16/2 / Web mapping portal discussion with The Rivers Trust / ONGOING / JH/SD/ Michelle Walker
AP 6/1 / BSWG Funding for SD post still pending / ONGOING / JH

4.  Chairman's report

JH gave a review of the last three months and reminded committee of the aims and objectives set at the beginning of the year :-


1.  Become more forward thinking and innovative.

2.  Increase profile

3.  Increase engagement with the SFCC membership in order to meet their requirements


·  Employment of a new manager

·  Annual report

·  Habitat training course

·  GIS level 2 course-

·  Host other courses such as scales, database and fish autopsy

·  Investigate the potential for a shared web mapping portal (see AP16/2).

·  Develop a new SFCC website- (see AP4/2 below).

·  Pursue the acquisition of free datasets from OS

JH mentioned that even simple tasks for SFCC were often more challenging than anticipated but progress was being made, although not as quickly as expected. The main focus for JH had been providing support to Sean, through providing advice and guidance whenever required and helping to oil the wheels when necessary. JH continuing to lead on some items such as the organisation of insurance, database support, and various behind the scenes administration. In addition, JH has also maintained contact with Intrelate and a meeting has been arranged to discuss various issues.

JH reported positive feedback received from members regarding Sean’s intro meetings and phone calls with members. He also reported that the online time recording calendar to manage the two work streams was working well.

5.  Manager’s Report

JH gave a brief account of SD’s first three months including :-

·  Time invested in Sean’s CPD.

·  Challenge of juggling SFCC and BSWG roles (but working well so far).

·  Handover from previous manager largely completed (data / email).

·  Appraisal / probationary period: Sean has completed these successfully.

SD gave a brief outline of his activities to date :-

Overall allocation of hours:

April / 2/3 time spent on SFCC compared to 1/3 BSWG
May / 1/3 time spent on SFCC compared to 2/3 BSWG
June / Even split so far with most SFCC time spent on C.P.D Courses

5 courses attended:

April / 4 Day GIS, Reading, 3 day Intro EL Course, Inverness
May / 1 day Fish Autopsy Course, Stirling (For Filming Purposes)
June / 3 day SFCC Team Leader EL Course, 3 day SFCC Habitat Course

·  Weekly phone/Skype calls with James Hunt working well for line management and general advice.

·  Very grateful for additional support and encouragement received from several member biologists and SFCC committee members since beginning his post.

·  Especially grateful to the office staff at Pitlochry for answering his every question!

·  Overall: Time spent on settling in, learning the resources available from MS, familiarization with the workings of the SFCC. Increasingly picking up day-to-day SFCC emails and phone calls.

Main working activities April- present :-

Month / Main working activities / C.P.D courses attended
April / Staff inductions, Office and IT setup
Background reading and familiarization with the SFCC
Familiarization with the SFCC Electro-fishing database
Purchase of SFCC Video camera
Correspondence with Michelle Walker from the Rivers T.
Multiple meetings with Hillary Anderson (MS) Re. Access to the SFCC shared drive, GIS installation, GIS data set provision and folders, training course data provision / Advanced GIS Course, Reading
Intro Electro-fishing course, Inverness
May / Updating of the SFCC Website
Meetings with Fisheries Trusts: Tay, Deveron, Don, Dee, Esk
Phone call introductions to SFCC Member biologists
Filming and editing SFCCTV intro and 2 fish Autopsy video tutorials.- Creation of SFCC YouTube and Vimeo Channels
RAFTS Staff Induction
Working on re-scheduling the cancelled intro EL course
Distribution of SFCC EL course certificates
Brief meeting with Colin Moffat, (MS) and introduction of SFCC and BSWG
Assisting with Team Leader Course organization / Fish Autopsy Course, Stirling
June / Final edits to Fish Autopsy Video and distribution to committee
Summary of SFCC member introductions
Minor Habitat course admin
Further attempts to re-schedule intro EL course
SFCC Website outline drafting
Committee Meeting prep / Team Leader EL Course, Barony college
SFCC Habitat training course, Inveraray

CS stated that the manager will be measured not on his allocation of time between roles, but on how he delivers on the aims set out for each role. Manager needs to prioritise work on both sides (SFCC & BSWG) to achieve targets and expectations set out by the membership.

After the chairman’s report and manager’s report an extensive discussion developed between the committee over many core values, procedures and activities of the SFCC. Much of these discussions fell within topic areas covered in the subsequent agenda. Therefore, for the purposes of the minutes, these have been included in their relevant sections below.

6.  SFCC Finance & Accounts

·  JH gave a summary of the SFCC finances.

·  Committee notified that the Lomond subscription was outstanding.

·  Financial provision for database improvements were discussed.

·  Payment for the BSWG half of the post was still outstanding from SNH but paperwork had been completed and they had been invoiced.

·  CS: For SD’s post, overall costs should be roughly double his salary.

·  CS: Manager requires a larger subsistence budget.

·  JM highlighted the need for a transparent process for payments to the chairman for line management and SFCC activities. JH agreed with JM and confirmed that an e-mail had been circulated to all members with the following points :-

1.  His role as chairman has now changed to that of line manager as well.

2.  To take forward objectives of the SFCC, the chairman needed to be more involved which requires Tweed Foundation work time.

3.  For a future chairman to continue this level of assistance to the SFCC, payment would be required.

4.  Payment for line management time by the chairman was included in the funding from SG and SNH

ACTION: It was agreed that JH and SD should not sign cheques for payments to themselves.

ACTION: JH agreed that the payment to the chairman would be raised at the AGM and his time for SFCC activities would be carefully recorded.

ACTION: Removal of Lomond membership if payment or notification/communication not received within 14 days.

7.  Electro-fishing training & protocols

Refresher Course

The practicalities for an electro-fishing refresher course were discussed. JG and BL were asked to run a trial refresher course before the June committee meeting but were unable to do so due to work commitments.

ACTION: JH,SD,JaG and BL to hold a Skype conference call to discuss the refresher course

SD reported that Bob is able to run the 1 day course in July or August. BL is also available to run the rescheduled electrofishing course at The River Dee Trust as mentioned below.

Introductory Electrofishing Course Rescheduling Update

SD: Barony College intro course canceled due to small number of participants. Significant interest for another intro course in 2013. Barony College are happy for Inverness College to run the course this summer. Inverness College have confirmed that they will run the course.

ACTION: SD to organise

8.  SFCC Habitat Training Course

SD provided an update on behalf of Allan Kettle-White on the successful SFCC Habitat training Course run by AK in Argyll. SD also highlighted the excellent additional input to the course from The Centre For Ecosystem Science. All 11 participants found the course beneficial and Trusts are continuing to use the SFCC protocol in slightly different ways. The general conclusions were that the protocol, recording sheets and manual should be updated and revised to provide a more streamlined, ‘walk over’ assessment method. AK has recently circulated a course feedback form to all attendees to tease out any further improvements that can be made to the running of the course and to the protocol.

A second course could be run in late July or August and a decision is required as to whether the course will be 2 or 3 days in duration. At the 2014 SFCC biologists meeting the protocol should be discussed with a possible opportunity to publicise and launch an updated protocol and recording sheets.

Discussion on whether attendance is enough or whether there should be an exam. The conclusion was that the course is for training rather than accreditation and therefore an examination is not required.

ACTION: SD to circulate certificates of attendance.

ACTION: AK to distribute feedback forms and collate results for presentation to committee in September.

ACTION: SD to assess demand for a second habitat course

ACTION: AK to consider how the habitat protocol can be updated based on the discussions at the habitat survey course.

9.  SFCC Training Events Overview

·  JH and SD gave an overview of the progress made in arranging training events for members.

·  JH outlined the issues regarding the use of Marine Scotland laptops for GIS and database training courses. SD and JH currently working on resolving these issues - GIS training licenses need to be acquired from ESRI.

The committee then held a major discussion on the overarching fundamentals of course provision by the SFCC.

Background to date: GIS courses, scale reading etc. have been free. Committee raised questions regarding course fees in general. JH felt that we should only change our policy at the end of the year with agreement from members and suggested that SFCC should allocate a % of income to training.

SM: Cost recovery of training courses is something that the SFCC could gain more from.

JM: Training course provision should have a PR related aspect in justifying that a small profit should be made from training course provision.

CS suggested attaching a nominal sum per course.

JaG highlighted the ‘big picture’ that the overall loss of funds (in particular relating to the electrofishing courses) is a historic issue.

JoG mentioned that some members may be unhappy to pay for training courses, and suggested opening 25% of course places to non-SFCC members at a higher cost. JoG also highlighted that the SFCC could raise its reputation further in developing national standards through course provision.

JaG & SM discussed the need for money to be made from colleges as currently the SFCC do not make any revenue from the electro-fishing training courses.

JG then reiterated the concept of justifying course charges which will be reinvested directly in developing future courses and protocols. CS furthered this point by mentioning that many years of SFCC member’s time and intelligence has gone into developing its protocols and that there should not be the expectation that training courses should be free.

JM summarised the action point as: SFCC must hold a specific meeting to discuss and nail down how SFCC can develop a long-term strategy to generate income from training course provision. JH then asked for feedback from the committee on charging for the proposed database and GIS courses :-

ACTION: The GIS and database course to be provided free of charge in 2013

ACTION: Hold a specific meeting to discuss the cost structuring for future training courses

ACTION: SD to organise database design and a level 2 GIS course before the end of the year.

JG highlighted forward planning and marketing required for 2014 and beyond. JG kindly offered to meet with JH and SD to discuss further and look into how SFCC can improve its engagement with externals in relation to gaining revenue from running courses.

CS: Summarised the provision of SFCC courses as being a sustainable programme of structured C.P.D, with a financial imperative, and absolute transparency as to how courses are run. The group agreed that this area be discussed in more detail at the coming biologists meeting.

10.  SFCC electro-fishing database

JH gave JG an overview of the SFCC EF database history for JG.

JH reported on support calls, improvements to the database and the working relationship with Intrelate. JH to meet Anne Marie from Intrelate the following week to discuss the following issues:-