SFA-TAMU Articulation Agreement

Effective immediately, the courses listed below will be accepted by the College of Engineering at Texas A&MUniversity for those students who successfully transfer from Stephen F. Austin State University into an engineering majorwithin the College of Engineering, provided the student has duly received credit for the courses atSFA. The curriculum for Computer Science, Engineering Technology, and Industrial Distribution are notapplicable to the following:




EGR 111 3 ENGR 111 2

EGR 112 3ENGR 112 2

PHY 241 & 241L4 PHYS 2184

MTH 2334MATH 1514

MTH 234 4MATH 1524

CHE133/133L4 CHEM 1014

CHE134/134L4 CHEM 1024

ENG 1313 ENGL 1043

HIS 1333 HIST 1053

HIS 1343 HIST 1063

KIN1 KINE 1981

Note: The A&M curriculum starts with Chemistry 107, a chemistry course for engineering students thatstudents usually take in the spring of their 1st yr. If student is planning to spend a year or moreat SFA, we suggest he/she take CHEM 1411 or 1311/1111 and 1412 or 1312/1112 there. These two course numbers are CHE133 and CHE134 at SFA.


PHY 242 & 242L4 PHYS 2084

EGR 215215L [7,8] 4 ELEN 214 (by title)4

PHY 250 [6]4 MEEN 2123

++EGR 250 & 321 [6,9] 8 MEEN 212&213 =ENGR 211&221 3

MTH 333 4 MATH 2513

MTH 3373 MATH 3083

CHE 331/331L 4 CHEM 227, 2374

CHE 332 & 332L [4] 4 CHEM 228, 2384

PSC 1413 POLS 2063

PSC 1423 POLS 2073

ART 282 [3] 3 ARTS 150 3

ENG 410 3 ENGL 3013

COM 111 [5]3 SCOM 2033

++ TAMU now requires ENGR 211, a combination of MEEN 212 and 213. AERO, CVEN and OCEN students must take ENGR 221 in place of ENGR 211

**All "by title" courses are approved by the Look College of Engineering for engineering majors only.

***All engineering students (except ENTC and IDIS) are required to complete Engineering Ethics as their one directed humanities course. Review the rules concerning the humanities/visual & performing arts, international/cultural diversity and social sciences.

2 Applicable in INEN, PETE, and OCEN

3 Suggested Visual/Performing Arts/cultural diversity

4 Applicable in CHEN and RHEN (CHEM 2423required tech. elect for PreMed)

5 Applicable in CVEN, CPSC, MEEN, NUEN, PETE, RHEN

6 Not applicable in CHEN—should discuss with departmental advisors first

7 Applicable to CEEN, CECN and ELEN—should discuss with departmental advisors first

8 EGR215 is also taught at SFA with the course number of PHY 262

9EGR 250 & 321are also taught at SFA with the course numbers of PHY 250 & 321

Transferring students should be reminded that they may be required to take a departmental prerequisite forentry into the upperlevel courses. There may be key prerequisites, in many cases, only be taken at TAMU. In most cases, students will be required to repeat math and physics courses when the grade is below a C.

Transfer students, regardless of transfer hours, are admitted with a Lower Division classification and must meet the samestandards and criteria for admission to a major degree sequence as TAMU students. To be considered for upper level,the student must have credit for CHEM 102/112 or 107,ENGR 111 and 112 (ENGR 109 and ENDG 105), ENGL 104, MATH 151 and 152, & PHYS 218 and 208. Admission to a major degree sequence may be limited by theavailability of instructional resources. The lack of specific courses from the second year of the desired curricula may delay entryinto some junior level courses.