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DOKAY Engineering and Consultancy Ltd.

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Rev. No. / 0 / 1 / 2
Date / August 13, 2007 / September 19, 2007 / October 08, 2007
Report Description / Environmental Management Plan
Compiled by / Sedem Yemenicioglu
Reviewed by / Gunal Ozenirler
Approved by / Prof. Dr. Coskun Yurteri

MuglaMunicipality Sewerage Network ProjectSeptember 2007

Environmental Management Plan



Table of Contents4




1.1Waste Management Plan

1.2Pollution Prevention Plan



2.2Socio-economic Profile of the Region

2.3Current Situation (Mevcut Durum)

2.4Technical Characteristics of the Project


3.1Turkish Legislation

3.2International Criteria


4.1Construction Phase

4.2Operational Phase


5.1Construction Phase

5.2Operational Phase


6.1Construction Phase

6.2Operational Phase






EUEuropean Union

ACPAsbestos Cement Pipes

WMPWaste Management Plan

MoEFMinistry of Environment and Forestry


BESKOMuglaMunicipality Water Supply and Sewerage Operation Directorate

EIAEnvironmental Impact Assessment

EMPEnvironmental Management Plan

ENEMEnvironmental Noise Evaluation and Management

WBWorld Bank

DOKAYDOKAY Engineering and Consultancy Ltd.

PCTPublic Consultation Meeting

HDPEHigh Density Polyethylene

PRPPublic Relations Personnel

IBRDInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development

BoPBank of Provinces

PPPPollution Prevention Plan

CONTRACTORThe Contractor to conduct construction works of the Project

PROJECTMuglaMunicipalitySewerage Network Project

HSEHealth, Safety and Environment

NGONon-Governmental Organization


Bank of Provinces (BoP) has taken credit from the World Bank to support environmental investments within the scope of “Municipal Service Project” through the process of Turkey’s accession to the European Union. BoP is supposed to use this credit on drinking water, wastewater and solid waste investments of the municipalities.

BoP has allocated some part of this credit on financing “Drinking Water Network Rehabilitation, Sewerage Network, Discharge of Treated Wastewater and Wastewater Treatment Plant Project” of Mugla Municipality (MUNICIPALITY) and the Sub-Credit Pact was signed on 22.02.2006.

MUNICIPALITY has signed a protocol with the Bank of Provinces to develop a project, in which possible environmental impacts are examined as a credit condition, and the World Bank standards are also metin order to rehabilitate the present drinking water network, and construct the sewerage network and wastewater treatment plant. “Mugla Municipality Sewerage Network Project” (PROJECT) is the one, which was updated by Temelsu-Dornier Schneider Common Initiative for the construction of the water supply system and sewerage network instead of the present leaching septic system and rehabilitation of the present network, is developed within the scope of the protocol mentioned above.

This Environmental Management Plan (EMP) was prepared by DOKAY Engineering and Consultancy Ltd. (DOKAY) as a requirement of the protocol signed with the BoP. A series of precautions to remove or minimize the environmental impacts resulting from the activities performed during construction and operation periods of the PROJECT are presented in the scope of EMP.These minimizing precautions are determined considering both the World Bank’s criteria and the national legislation. The socio-economical status and the way lands are used in the territory where the PROJECT area lies are considered in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report.

As it is experienced for all the projects on which credit from World Bank is used, a public briefing meeting will be held by MUNICIPALITY in Mugla city center to introduce the PROJECT to the local people and take opinions of representatives of the local NGO’s.
The details related to this meeting are presented in this EMP.

Since there will be no specific activities beyond conventional methods as it is determined as a result of evaluations during preparationphase of the EMP, it is predicted that environmental impacts during construction phase of the PROJECT will stay at a limited level and no irreversible negative impacts will take place

Both MUNICIPALITY and the CONTRACTOR will take their responsibilities for monitoring environment to achieve and sustain a sound environmental performance during implementation of the PROJECT. An environmental monitoring report will be prepared by the CONTRACTOR during construction phase and be submitted to the MUNICIPALITY every month. During operational phase, MUNICIPALITY will prepare an environmental monitoring report and submit it to the BoP every six months.

DOKAY predicts that the environmental performance of the proposed PROJECT will comply with both the national environmental legislation and World Bank’s criteria provided that the items mentioned in the EMP will be ensured.

This EMP will again be submitted to the MUNICIPALITY after it is finalized with the meeting records of the Public Consultation Meeting (PCM).

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report, which is for the wastewater treatment plant to treat wastewater carried by the sewerage system, will be prepared so as to be submitted to the World Bank.


MUNICIPALITY has signed a protocol with the BoP to develop a project, on which the credit taken from the World Bank (WB) will be used and aims at replacing leaking septic system with a sewerage system.“Mugla Municipality Sewerage Network Project” (PROJECT) has been developed within the scope of the above mentioned protocol. In this context, a project that includes the construction of an approximate 200 km pipeline with pipes of 200-1000 mm diameter has been prepared by Temelsu-Dornier Schneider Common Initiative for the MUNICIPALITY.

The main target of the network rehabilitation works in the scope of the PROJECT is preventing water losses by means of rehabilitation of the present pumping stations, transmission pipelinesand water storage tanks composing the water supply system. In this extent, it has been planned to rehabilitate and repair the existing pumps, repair the steel sections of the transmission pipelines, rehabilitate asbestos cement pipes (ACP), construct a new water storage tank with a volume of 5,000 m3 and set up an automation system to operate the drinking water system. Moreover, the rehabilitation of the distribution chambers of the existing water storage tanks and the installation of the flow measurement devices have been planned. The rehabilitation works on the network pipes (100-250 mm) and connection lines have been supposed to be limited to a 5 km section.

Preparation of an EIA and/or an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is on demand since it has been defined as a credit condition to the BoP by the WB. It will be determined which of these documents will be prepared for projects, in accordance with the category (A,B or C), which is determined according to the criteria of the WB and which the PROJECT is subjected to. In this context, the PROJECT prepared by the MUNICIPALITY has been evaluated within the category B, for which an EMP must be prepared and this EMP has been prepared by DOKAY.

The determination of the possible environmental impacts to occur during construction period of the PROJECT and the precautions to be taken for minimization of these impacts or complete removal of them and the planning principals of the public consultation meetings with the local people, who may be affected from the PROJECT, and the representatives of localNGO’s have been presented in this EMP.

Declarations related to the responsible parties of the PROJECT are presented below:

  • WB: reviews all the activities related to the PROJECT that it finance and states “no objection” for the feasible ones or suggests points to be strengthened.
  • BoP:accomplishes quality assurance function to satisfy the WB requirements during preparation of EMP, which is a credit requirement. BoP evaluates whether the EMP is feasible in terms of format and content and acquaints the WB.
  • Temelsu-Dornier Schneider Common Initiative:as the Implementation Consultant takes the responsibility to execute the PROJECT according to the BoP and therefore DB requirements.
  • DOKAY: takes the responsibility to prepare the EMP document of the PROJECT according to the format provided by the BoP.
  • MUNICIPALITY:as a beneficiaryof the PROJECT takes the responsibility to both Ministry of Environment and Forestry(MoEF) and BoP for acquiring necessary permissions related to the construction of the PROJECT, implementation of the precautions defined in the EMP during construction and operation period. In this context, every six months, the MUNICIPALITY will prepare an Environmental Monitoring Report to affirm compliance to the EMP and submit it to the BoP and the MoEF.
  • CONTRACTOR:takes the required precautions denoted in the EMP to minimize environmental impacts that may occur during implementation of the PROJECT and performs public consultation meetings suggested in the EMP. CONTRACTOR will be responsible to the MUNICIPALITY.
  • MoEF:enforces the items 18 and 19 related with “Monitoring and Control of Investment” of the Turkish EIA Regulation issued on the Official Gazette dated 16.12.2003 and numbered 25318 in case MUNICIPALITY does not fulfill the requirements of the EMP.

This EMP, prepared as a requirement of the international credits provided by the WB, will be supported by a sequence of sub plans as it is the case for other similar infrastructural projects that the WB finances. In this context, the Waste Management Plan (WMP) and the Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) will be prepared simultaneously with the final EMP by the CONTRACTOR and will be implemented. Below presented is the general information about WMP and PPP in question:

1.1Waste Management Plan

WMP will present i) collection, ii) storage, iii) treatment and/or disposal methods in the scope of implementations of waste management and type of wastes that may result at construction and operation phases of the PROJECT.

The primary references that will be used through preparation of the WMP are Pollution Prevention and Reduction Handbook issued by WB in 1998 and the waste-related regulations issued by the MoEF, from the national legislation presented in Chapter 3.

1.2Pollution Prevention Plan

The Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) will define the details about the precautions to prevent or minimize the environmental pollution to be caused by PROJECT activitiesand the action to be taken in case of an emerging pollution.

PPP is supposed to include planning about the items below:

  • Protection of surface and groundwater resources;
  • Control of dust and other air pollutants; and
  • Noise control.


2.1Project Area

PROJECT site covers the city centre of Mugla and its vicinity located on the coordinates of36o37’ N Latitude and 27o29’ E Longitude in Ege Region.The plain located in the south of the city center of Mugla is a closed basin called “Mugla Polye”. Sinkholes in this plain provide drainage of the basin. Location of the PROJECT is presented in Figure 2.1.


Figure 2.1. Location of the PROJECT Site

2.2Socio-economic Profile of the Region

Transportation to Mugla, located within the borders of II. Regional Directorate of Turkish General Directorate of Highways, is accomplished by means of a 2 km connecting road branched from the highway numbered “D-550”. There are no railroads present within the borders of Muglaprovince and airway transportation is provided with DalamanAirport. The major harbors in the province are Bodrum, Datca, Fethiye, Gulluk, Marmaris ve Gocek Harbors (

Mediterranean climate prevails in Mugla province. Beside the naval effect and elevation, geographical characteristics also play an important role in determining the climate. Air temperatures, which rise in summers because of Mediterranean climate and latitudinal effect, are moderate on shore in winters due to naval effect and elevation and low in mountainous regions. Mugla province receives relatively more rainfall than central and western regions of Mediterranean, which has the same climatic characteristics, due to air mass transported from those regions. According to the data gathered at a meteorological observation stationbetween years 1975 and 2004, the average annual amount of rainfall is 1,161.5 mm and the maximum rainfall is observed in winter months.

Results of the 2000 Census, which are referenced during preparation of sewerage networks and drinking water projects, denote a 43,845 of population in Mugla city center.

Economy is dependent on agriculture all over the province. 260,516 out of 1,324,700 hectares is used for agriculture. Farmlands account for 45% of the agricultural areas while in 12% vegetable is grown and fruits in 43%. While most of the area where fruit is grown is assigned for olive grove, undercover agriculture area is about 25,000 decares(

Major industrial activities taking place within borders of Mugla province are olive and olive oil production facilities, mine operations, marble plants and various industrial establishments(

Apiculture and fish culture are the major branches of livestock production in the province. According to data acquired from Mugla Province Directorate of Agriculture, the land usage distribution of the province is as follows:

  • Cultivable land260.516 ha
  • Grassy land 34.349 ha
  • Forestal and shrubbery land830.155 ha
  • Residential areas and land unsuitable for agriculture199.680 ha

Touristic potential of Mugla city center is low whereas the counties have country-wide touristic importance. Trade, manufacture based on forestal products and handicraft are the major sources of income.

According to WB’s Assessment of Potential Environmental Impacts List, there are no wetland, protected area, cultural and natural assets, which may directly be affected from the activities, in the PROJECT site. Protected Areas in the list, possessed by Directorate of Cultural and Natural Assets Conservation Council, related to cultural and natural assetsin Mugla city center, is considered designing the sewerage network. Moreover, it was considered carefully that sewerage lines pass directly under roads shown in approved construction plan.

2.3Current Situation

Sewage disposal is accomplished by septic tanks in the city center since no sewerage systems are present.It has been notified that some buildings were discharging sewage illegally to the stream beds. Leaching septic systems are in use because of high permeability. Sewage trucks subject to payment are operated by both the MUNICIPALITY and the private sector but the total amount of wastewater drawn is unknown.

As a result of the rapid increase in urban population, many overflowing incidents in septic systems have been experienced especially in lowlands. This scene has potential danger for both the environment and public health. Furthermore, unexisting wastewater treatment and leachate from septic systems cause soil and groundwater pollution and odor problems in town. Wastewater leaching down to groundwater table may reach drinking water supplies and alsoGokovaBay by means of sinks. Drinking water of the city is supplied from wells located in Bahceyaka Region by a two-stage pumping system with 500 m of pumping. The efficiencies of the pumps in the pumping stations have decreased and 10 % of the water supplied is exfiltrating from pipes. The water storage tank feeding the city center by elevation difference has a volume of 200 m3 and water shortage is experienced in case of energy cuts. Besides, the amount of water supplied is not measured and since the pumps are not controlled by the water level in the storage tanks, overflow incidences are observed.

2.4Technical Characteristics of the PROJECT

In the scope of the PROJECT, replacing septic systems with sewerage system and rehabilitation of water supply lines where leaking occurs are planned.

The first project related to the sewerage network was prepared by the BoP in 1993 and approved in 1995. Pipe type was changed from cement pipe to high-density polyethylene (HDPE) in 2003. The investment cost analysis about HDPE and cement pipe in the scope of the feasibility report prepared by Erbil-Temelsu in 2005 showed that it was more economical to use cement pipes.

The total length of the line for the proposed PROJECT has been determined as 200 km. According to the feasibility report, it is predicted that construction works of the sewerage network will last for 30 months.General layout of the PROJECT is presented in Figure 2-1.

Below mentioned works have been planned to be accomplished while drinking water works are classified as rehabilitation activities:

  • Renewal and repair of pumps;
  • Repair of steel sections of transmissionpipelines and renewalof ACPs;
  • Construction of a new 5,000-m3 water storage tank next to the existing 200-m3 tank; and
  • Installation of an automation system to operate the drinking water system.

The aim of construction of the new storage tank is to feed the present tanks to meet the water demand in case of energy cuts, etc. The chlorination unit to be constructed next to the new storage tank will ensure a good water quality. Liquid chlorine is planned to be used. In order to prevent gas escapes during storage and dosage of chlorine a separate unit housing gas detectors will be constructed within storage area.

The following benefits are on target upon achieving the above mentioned rehabilitation and renewal activities:

  • Reducing water losses;
  • Reducing energy consumption; and
  • Preventing water cuts.

MuglaMunicipality Sewerage Network ProjectOctober 2007

Environmental Management Plan


Figure21. General layout of the sewerage network project.

MuglaMunicipality Sewerage Network Project October 2007

Environmental Management Plan