Sexual Health Protocol and Templates

This is set up as a protocol with multiple choice access to all sexual health screens. Entry of choice takes you to the relevant template and back to this screen on filing. The codes underlying the template are shown below the screen shots.

Registration data

The Registration data template should be completed by admin staff as patient is booked in as well as recording other registration data as usual on clinical system. It collects data needed as part of CDSSH (Common Data Set for Sexual Health), and data that will enable us to identify those patients seen as part of the SH service as opposed to GMS / PMS and data to determine the type of service eg 1st or F/U which affects charging.


Date 1st encounter: first SH encounter this episode EMISNQCD2

Date subsequent enc: current SH encounter EMISNQCD1

Phone enc: Entry here if phone (1st or FU) 9N31

*Consulting HCP* Seen by general practitioner 9N21

Seen by practice nurse 9N22

Seen by GP registrar 9N2O

Seen by nurse practitioner 9N2l

Seen by health support worker 9N2o

Seen by health care assistant 9N2s

(Above choice placed in several templates to ensure we can identify performer of the particular service for charging and service monitoring purposes. These should be dated the same date as the encounter, preferably by the HCP as they provide the service)

Foll-up: Entry here if this is a FU 9NV

1st apt attempt: Enter date 0f 1st attempt 2 make appt EMISNQCD3

1st appt offer: Enter date of the first apt offered EMISNQCD4

Referred: source of referral to SH vice Various

Ethnicity: 9i…

Registration second screen

Patient reg. data unknown ie pt refuses to give correct name 916

GP practice text is national GP code 9b1F

PCT of patient: Record PCT to handle out of area pts 915E

Failed encounter – DNA of SHACC 9N4
Consent to share data with GP 9NdG
No Consent to share data with GP 9NdH

Consent withdrawn 9NdJ
Place of birth 13d…

Obstetric History

The data coding here is required by CDSSH and only at first contact for each episode and no more freq than every 6m.

Prompt Age & Sex Coded Subsets

H/O: full term delivery (1545) 0-140 F

H/O: premature delivery (1546) 0-140 F

H/O: miscarriage (1542) 0-140 F Non-Induced Abortion

No history of miscarriage) (15421)

H/O: 1 miscarriage)(15422)

H/O: 2 miscarriages)(15423)

H/O: 3 miscarriages)(15424)

H/O: 4 miscarriages)(15425)

H/O: 5 miscarriages)(15426)

H/O: 6 miscarriages)(15427)

H/O: miscarriage NOS)(1542Z)

H/O: abortion (1543) 0-140 F Induced Abortion

No history of abortion)(15431)

H/O: 1 abortion)(15432)

H/O: 2 abortions)(15433)

H/O: 3 abortions)(15434)

H/O: 4 abortions)(15435)

H/O: 5 abortions)(15436)

H/O: 6 abortions)(15437)

H/O: abortion NOS)(1543Z)

H/O: ectopic pregnancy(1544) 0-140 F

H/O: stillbirth (1541) 0-140 F

H/O: perinatal fetal loss(15A8) 0-140 F


Total Live birth: enter number of live births in toto EMISNQCD9

Total prev preg: EMISNQCD8

CDSSH pilot - total number of non-induced abortions EMISNQCD10 CDSSH pilot - total number of induced abortions EMISNQCD11

CDSSH pilot - total number of ectopic pregnancies EMISNQCD14
CDSSH pilot - total number of still births EMISNQCD12

CDSSH pilot - total number of neonatal deaths EMISNQCD13


Sexual history

As per CDSSH and only at first contact for each episode


Sexual orientation: Bisexual(13m0)
Male homosexuality(E2200)
Female homosexuality(E2201-1)

Sex Abroad with non-UK resident 1 year: enter country: EMISNQSE14 / 1ABZ

Two or more sexual partners in the last year: EMISNQTW1 / 13N5

New sexual partner in last 3 months EMISNQNE15 / ?

Free text the sex of the new partner

Number sexual partners past year: Enter number & sex 1P70

H/O previous STI: 1415

Pt ad notify sexual partners of STI 8CAd
HIV risk lifestyle 13N5
Pt advised about risks of HIV 8CAE

Contraceptive sheath use Options
Uses contraceptive sheath 6171
Stopped using sheath 6173
Contraceptive sheath NOS 617Z (No by convention)
Spermicidal contraceptive 61C

Sex History Second Screen



Urine pregnancy test: Options are subcodes 465..

Cervical smear result Options are subcodes 4K2..

Chlamydia test: Options are: Eye swab taken 4JE
Throat swab taken 4JF4
Anal swab taken 4JH62
FEMALE Endocervical chlamydia swab 4JK9
LVS for chlamydia taken by pt 4JKD
Urine screen for chlamydia 68K7

MALE Penile swab taken 4JK8
Urethral chlamydia swab 4JKA
Urine screen for Chlamydia 68K7

Refuses chlamydia screen: Chlamydia screening declined 8I3T

Can free text comment here

Chlamydia result: Options: Chlamydia PCR positive 43U4
Chlamydia PCR negative 43U5
Chlamydia test equivocal 43U7

GC test: Options are: Gonococcal cervical swab 4JKB F
Gonococcal urethral swab 4JKC F
Endocervical swab taken EMISHGT44 F

Gonococcal urethral swab 4JKC M

Gonorrhoea Result Options: Gonorrhoea test negative 4JQ8
Gonorrhoea test equivocal 4JQ9
Gonorrhoea test positive 4JQA

Other Swab: Options: Throat swab taken 4JF4
Mouth swab 4JH5
Anal swab taken 4JH62
Urethral swab taken 4JK1
High vaginal swab taken 4JK2
Low vaginal swab taken 4JK3
Vulval swab taken 4JK4
Cervical swab taken 4JK5

Penile swab taken 4JK8

HSV isolated 4J3C

Syphilis serology 4389

Syphilis result: Options: Syphilis titre test negative 4381
Syphilis titre test positive 4382

Investigation second screen

HIV screen: Options are: HIV screening test 4JR7
HIV screening counseling 677N
HIV screening declined 8I3p
HIV screening offered 9Op0

HIV results: Options are: HTLV-3 antibody positive 43C3
[V]HIV negative ZV018

(no simple HIV pos / neg read codes)

Diary for rpt HIV test: HIV serology 4JDT

Hepatitis B screening 6828
Hepatitis B surface antibody level 43d8
Hepatitis B core antibody level 43dB
Hepatitis B viral load 4J3D

Hepatitis C screening 6829

Hepatitis C result: Options Hepatitis C antibody test positive 43X3
Hepatitis C antibody test negative 43X4

Hepatitis C PCR 43h3


Contraception : Options General contraceptive advice 611
Oral contraceptive 614
Intra-uterine contr. Device 615
Contraceptive diaphragm 616
Contraceptive sheath 617
Rhythm method contraception 618
Withdrawal contraception 619
Post-coital contraception 61A
Depot contraceptive 61B
Spermicidal contraceptive 61C
Sympto-thermal contraception 61E
Contraception: vasectomy 61G
Contraception: female sterilis 61H
Subcutaneous contraceptive 61K
Transdermal contraceptive 61N

Advice options: Contraception counselling 6777
Oral contraceptive advice 614E
Emergency contraception advice 614F
Counsel for contracep implant 677D

Depot contraceptive given 61B1
Depot contraceptive NOS : due diary 61BZ
Depot contraceptive – problem 61B4

Systolic blood pressure 2469
Diastolic blood pressure 246A
O/E - height 229
O/E - weight 22A

Body Mass Index 22K

Tobacco consumption Options: Never smoked tobacco 1371
Pipe smoker 137H
Passive smoker 137I
Cigar smoker 137J
Current non-smoker 137L
Rolls own cigarettes 137M
Cigarette smoker 137P
Current smoker 137R
Ex smoker 137S

Smoking cessation advice 8CAL
Referral to stop-smoking clinic 8HTK

Health ed. - breast exam. 6795

PVaginal exam :Options O/E - bi-manual VE - NAD) 2681
O/E - VE - uterine enlargement) 2682
O/E - VE - uterine swelling)
O/E - VE - gravid uterus)
O/E - VE - uterus anteverted)
O/E - VE - uterus retroverted)
O/E - VE - ovarian swelling)
O/E - VE - pelvic mass NOS)
O/E-VE-cervical excit.present)
O/E-VE-cervical excit.absent)
O/E - VE - uterine tenderness)
O/E - bi-manual VE - NOS)
O/E - vaginal speculum exam.
(269) 0-140 F
O/E-vaginal speculum exam. NAD)
O/E - speculum = cervical abn.)
O/E-speculum=bleeding thro' os)
O/E - speculum=vag. wall. abn.)
Uterine cervix visualised)
360 deg sweep cervix performed)
360 deg sweep cx not performed)
Lesion of cervix)(2698)
O/E -vaginal speculum exam.NOS)
IUD checked - no problems
(6154) 0-140
IUD checked - no problems
IUD checked - problems(6155)
Endocervical chlamydia swab
(4JK9) 0-140 F
Cervical swab taken (4JK5) 0-140
High vaginal swab taken
(4JK2) 0-140
Chlamydia antigen test
(43U) 0-140
Chlamydia PCR positive(43U4)
Chlamydia PCR negative(43U5)
Chlamydia test negative(43U6)
Chlamydia test equivocal
Chlamydia test positive(43U8)Contraception (second screen)

Contraception (third screen)

Contraception (fourth screen)


IUCD (2nd)

IUCD (3rd)

Coding For Intra-uterine contr. device
Prompt Age & Sex Coded Subsets
Intra-uterine contr. device
(615) 0-140
IUD fitted)(6151)
IUD removed)(6152)
IUD re-fitted)(6153)
IUD checked - no problems)
IUD checked - problems)(6155)
IUD - defaulted from check)
IUD fitting awaited)(6157)
IUD removal awaited)(6158)
IUD change due)(6159)
IUD check due)(615A)
IUD expelled)(615B)
IUD failure - pregnant)(615C)
IUD partially expelled)(615D)
IUD threads lost)(615E)
IUD check)(615F)
IUD in situ)(615G)
Breast feeding problem)(615H)
IUD - NOS)(615Z)
Oral contraception NOS
(614Z) 12-140 F
Contraception counselling
Emergency contraception advice
Parity status (152) 0-140 F
Para 1)(1522)
Para 2)(1523)
Para 3)(1524)
Para 4)(1525)
Para 5)(1526)
Para 6)(1527)
Para 7)(1528)
Parity NOS)(152Z)
Oth exam female genital tract
O/E - bi-manual vaginal exam.
(268) 0-140 F
O/E - bi-manual VE - NAD)
O/E - VE - uterine enlargement)
O/E - VE - uterine swelling)
O/E - VE - gravid uterus)
O/E - VE - uterus anteverted)
O/E - VE - uterus retroverted)
O/E - VE - ovarian swelling)
O/E - VE - pelvic mass NOS)
O/E-VE-cervical excit.present)
O/E-VE-cervical excit.absent)
O/E - VE - uterine tenderness)
O/E - bi-manual VE - NOS)
O/E - vaginal speculum exam.
(269) 0-140 F
O/E-vaginal speculum exam. NAD)
O/E - speculum = cervical abn.)
O/E-speculum=bleeding thro' os)
O/E - speculum=vag. wall. abn.)
Uterine cervix visualised)
360 deg sweep cervix performed)
360 deg sweep cx not performed)
Lesion of cervix)(2698)
O/E -vaginal speculum exam.NOS)
Endocervical chlamydia swab
(4JK9) 0-140
Cervical swab taken (4JK5) 0-140
Chlamydia antigen test
(43U) 0-140
Chlamydia antigen by ELISA)
Chlamydia antigen ELISA positive)
Chlamydia antigen ELISA negative)
Chlamydia trachomatis antigen test)
Chlamydia PCR positive)(43U4)
Chlamydia PCR negative)(43U5)
(ZV455) 0-140
Intra-uterine contr. device
""Morning after"" IUCD fitted
IUCD procedure (7E09) 12-140 F
IUCD introduction)(7E090)
IUCD replacement)(7E091)
IUCD removal NEC)(7E092)
Displaced IUCD removal)(7E093)
Introduction of Mirena coil)
Removal of Mirena coil)(7E095)
IUCD procedure OS)(7E09y)
IUCD procedure NOS)(7E09z)
IUCD removal NEC (7E092) 12-140 F
IUD checked - problems
(6155) 12-140 F
IUD expelled(615B)
IUD failure - pregnant(615C)
IUD partially expelled(615D)
IUD threads lost(615E)
Post-coital IUCD failure
Removal IUCD pouch of Douglas
Acute uterine inflamm.disease
Fetus+IUCD damage(L257)
[D]Vasovagal attack(R0022)
AR - surface/infiltrat.anaesth


Implant (2nd)

Coding For Subcutaneous contraceptive
Template For Subcutaneous contraceptive Classification Code Appears in ()

Prompt Age & Sex Coded Subsets

Subcutaneous contraceptive

(61K) 12-140 F

Insert subcut contraceptive)


Check of subcut contraceptive)


Subcutaneous contraceptive in situ)


Subcutaneous contraceptive NOS)


Removal of subcutaneous contraceptive)


Counsel for contracep implant

(677D) 12-140 F

Systolic blood pressure

(2469) 0-140

Diastolic blood pressure

(246A) 0-140

O/E - height (229) 0-140

O/E - weight (22A) 0-140

Body Mass Index (22K) 0-140

Insertion subcut contraceptive

(7G2AB) 12-140 F

Check of subcut contraceptive


Insertion subcut contraceptive


Removal of Norplant(7G2H5)

Removal subcut contraceptive


Removal subcut contraceptive

(7G2H7) 12-140 F

Other procedure complic.NEC

(SP2) 12-140 F

[D]Vasovagal attack(R0022)

Post-operative haematoma formation


Postop. wound infection,unspec


AR - surface/infiltrat.anaesth

Cervical Smear

Template For Cervix smear screening

Prompt Age & Sex Coded Subsets

Cervical smear taken (7E2A2) 15-75 F

Last menstrual period -1st day

(1513) 0-140

H/O: abnormal uterine bleeding

(158) 0-140

H/O: post-coital bleeding)


H/O: inter-menstrual bleeding)


H/O: post-menopausal bleeding)


Heavy episode of vaginal bleeding)


H/O:abnormal uterine bleed NOS)


[D]Pelvic and perineal pain

(R090G) 0-140

Presence of chaperone

(9NP) 0-140

Chaperone offered)(9NP0)

Chaperone present)(9NP1)

Chaperone refused)(9NP2)

Nurse chaperone)(9NP3)

Chaperone not available)(9NP4)

IUD checked - no problems

(6154) 0-140

IUD checked - no problems


IUD checked - problems(6155)

Cervical smear result

(4K2) 0-140

Cervical smear:inadequate spec)


Cervical smear: negative)


Cerv.smear: mild dyskaryosis)


Cerv.smear: severe dyskaryosis)


Cerv.smear:severe dysk.?


Cervical smear: ? gland neopl.)


Cervical smear:atrophic change)


Cerv.smear: mod.dyskaryosis)


Cerv.smear: borderline changes)


Cerv smear endocerv cells pres)


Cerv smear endocerv cells abs)


Smear NAD - no endocervical cells)


Cerv smear trans zon cell pres)


Cerv smear trans zon cells abs)


Cervical smear result NOS)


Abnormal Metaplastic Cells)


Atypical Metaplastic Cells)

Pregnancy Screen

Template For Termination of pregnancy NEC Classification Code Appears in ()

Prompt Age & Sex Coded Subsets

Last menstrual period -1st day

(1513) 10-60 F

Urine pregnancy test (465) 0-140

Urine pregnancy test negative


Urine pregnancy test equivocal


Urine pregnancy test positive


Gravida status (153) 0-140

Gravida 0)(1531)

Gravida 1)(1532)

Gravida 2)(1533)

Gravida 3)(1534)

Gravida 4)(1535)

Gravida 5)(1536)

Gravida 6)(1537)

Gravida 7)(1538)

Gravida 8)(1539)

Gravida 9)(153A)

Gravida 10)(153B)

Gravida NOS)(153Z)

Parity status (152) 0-140


Para 1)(1522)

Para 2)(1523)

Para 3)(1524)

Para 4)(1525)

Para 5)(1526)

Para 6)(1527)

Para 7)(1528)

Parity NOS)(152Z)

ABO blood grouping (431) 0-140

Blood sent for grouping)(4311)

Blood group A)(4312)

Blood group B)(4313)

Blood group AB)(4314)

Blood group O)(4315)

ABO blood grouping NOS)(431Z)

Rhesus blood grouping

(432) 0-140

Rhesus negative(4321)

Rhesus positive(4322)

Preg. termination counselling

(6776) 0-140

Requests pregnancy termination

(8M6) 0-140

Reason for terminatn pregnancy

(9Ea) 0-140

Endocervical chlamydia swab

(4JK9) 0-140

Endocervical chlamydia swab


LVS for chlamydia taken by pt


Urine screen for chlamydia


Haemoglobin estimation

(423) 0-140

Cervical smear taken (7E2A2) 0-140
Refer to other provider

Refer on (2nd)

Coding For Referred on
Referral to genitourinary clinic

(8HTa) 0-140

Gynaecological referral

(8H58) 0-140

Referral to fertility clinic

(8HTB) 0-140

Refer to TOP counselling

(8H7W) 0-140

Ref for termination pregnancy

(8HHV) 0-140

Referral to male urology clinic

(8HTb) 0-140

Referral to vasectomy clinic

(8HTf) 0-140

Referral to psychosexual clinic

(8HTc) 0-140

Dermatological referral

(8H43) 0-140


Template For [V]Sterilisation Classification Code Appears in ()

Prompt Age & Sex Coded Subsets

Contraception: vasectomy

(61G) 0-140

Vasectomy requested(8M00)

Reversal vasectomy requested


Sterilisation counselling