Sex: male female (try to leave some place for other options)
Please check all that apply:
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Hispanic / Latino
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
1)Which two of the following gases have the biggest contribution to the greenhouse effect:
- Carbon Dioxide
- Hydrogen
- Methane
- Nitrous oxide
- Ozone
- Water vapor
2)Circle the biggest contributor to current climate change:
- Burning Fossil Fuels
- Forest Loss
- Human Diet
- Ocean Acidification
3)To achieve sustainability we need to harvest renewable resources:
- at the rate of maximum sustainable yield
- at the rate of minimum sustainable yield
- at less than their rate of replenishment and in a way that has the least environmental impact
- at the rate of zero and develop alternatives as quickly as possible
4)What are the three pillarsof sustainability?
- People, Planet, Profit
- Local, Regional, Global
- Perspective, Community, Equity
- Social Justice, Economic Growth, Climate Change
5)What is Biocapacity:
- the ability of a natural resource (forest, marine fish population,…) to replenish
- the carrying capacity of a natural habitat
- the capacity of natural ecosystems to provide clean water, food, and other natural resources
- the capacity of a species to tolerate different levels of a pollutant
6)What is the main cause of ocean acidification?
- Increase in marine populations
- Waste dumping into the oceans
- Increase in carbon dioxide absorption
- Die off of coral reefs
7)What is the main historic contributor to the ozone hole?
- Carbon dioxide
- Methane
- CFCs (chloro-flouro-carbons)
- Nitrous oxides
8)What is the correct term to indicate that climate change is human caused?
- Anthopogenic
- Ecologic
- Socioatomospheric
- Anthropology
10) When did/will humans start using the Earth’s biological resources at a rate faster than they can replenish?
a. 30-40 years ago
b. right now
c. 30-40 years in the future
d. 120 years in the future
- water vapor & carbon dioxide. Water vapor (clouds) is an abundant,naturally occurring,and very powerful greenhouse gas that helps keep our atmosphere comfortable. Recent changes (last 300 years) in carbon dioxide concentrations have been caused by humans. This is primarily through the combustion of fossil fuels, but is also caused by cement production and the degradation of natural ecosystems. Humans are also responsible for increases in other greenhouse gases like methane (CH4), nitrous oxides (NOx), ozone (O3), and others, but changes in CO2 are our biggest impact on the greenhouse effect and resulting climate change.
- Burning fossil fuels
- at less than their rate of replenishment and in a way that has the least environmental impact
- People, planet, profit – Also frequently described as environmental stewardship, economic health, and social justice
- the number of acres required to produce the resources we use
- Increase in carbon dioxide absorption
- CFCs
- Anthopogenic
- 30-40 years ago – The Global Footprint Network ( has calculated that we reached this level in 1975
Instinctively, how much do you agree with the following questions:
Strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree
9)My daily decisions have an impact on climate change.
10)I consider myself a sustainable citizen.
11)I’m knowledgeable about climate change.
12)I’m knowledgeable about sustainability.
13)I can formulate a plan to live more sustainably.
14)I’m confident I’ll make sustainable choices throughout my life.
15)I’m confident I can implement sustainable practices in my future career, regardless of my career choice.
16)NAU is a sustainability leader
Questions Only in the Post-Test:
I enjoyed participating in the Sustainable Citizen Program.
I think Sustainable Citizen Program was practical.
I think Sustainable Citizen Program was a good use of my time.
I would recommend the Sustainable Citizen Program to other Lumberjacks.
I feel like I have the tools to help others become more sustainable.
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