Name of Work:D/o Land for Sector A-1 to A-4 at Narela Project,
Phase –I,
Sub – Head:Consultancy for Construction of S.P.S., Sump Well
and rising main in Sector A-1 to A-4 Narela, Phase –I
N.I.T. NO. 2012-13
Name of Work / D/o land for Sector A-1 to A-4 at Narela Project phase-ISub Head / Consultancy for construction of S.P.S., Sump well and rising main in Sector A-1 to A-4, Narela, Phase-I.
Estt. Cost. / Rs. 10,77,734/-
Earnest Money / Rs. 21,555/-
Security Deposit / @ 5% of tendered amount
Performance Guarantee / @ 5% of the tendered value
Time Allowed / 6 Months
Certified that this N.I.T. Contains 1 to
On line item rate tender is invited through E-Tendering mode for the following work by the Ex. Engineer/ND-4/DDA on behalf of the Delhi Development Authority upto 3.00 P.M. on (mentioned below) from the approved and eligible contractors of DDA and the same shall be opened on the same day at 3.30 P.M. through e-tendering mode. / Name of Work / Estimated Cost (Rs.) / Tender Cost / Processing fee / Earnest Money Rs. / Time Allowed / Last Date of down loading of tender documents1 / Consultancy for construction of S.P.S., Sump well and rising main in Sector A-1 to A-4, Narela, Phase-I.
Consultancy for construction of S.P.S., Sump well and rising main in Sector A-1 to A-4, Narela, Phase-I. / 10,77,734/- / 500+5% vat = 525/- / 605/- / 21,555/- / Six Months
For eligibility criteria, mode of payment of tender cost processing fee and earnest money and other details of the tender visit the website or www.
For any assistance on e-tendering please contact M/s ITI Limited on 011- 22488721, 9350893669, 80110367038 and 9312064776
The detail terms and conditions and eligibility criteria can be seen/down loaded from the DDA’s website.
The Executive Engineer Northern Division ND-4 on behalf of Delhi Development Authority invites online item rate tenders from approved and eligible contractors of DDA, for the following work(s).
S.No. / NIT No. / Name of Work and Location / Estimated cost put to tender / Earnest Money / Period of Completition / Last date & time of submission of tender / Period during which EMD Cost of Tender Document E- Tender processing Fee and other documents shall be submitted / Time & Date of Opening of Tending1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Name of Work :D/o Land for Sector A-1 to A-4 at Narela Project,
Phase –I,
Sub – Head:Consultancy for Construction of S.P.S., Sump Well
and rising main in Sector A-1 to A-4 Narela, Phase –I
The scope of services to be performed by the CONSULTANT is given in Annexure –I and Schedule of Quantity.
In consideration and subject to rendering of all services by the consultant to complete as per satisfaction of the DDA within the time stipulated under this agreement, the consultant shall quote his consultancy charges on lump sum basis after considering the estimated cost of the project as Rs. 10.77 crores. The estimated cost of the project / actual cost may be less or more as mentioned herein above as such the consultancy charges as quoted by the consultant shall not be decreased/ increased in case of decrease/increase in estimated project cost/actual cost as worked out by the consultant and / or actual project cost.
The DDA shall make payment to the consultant towards the consultancy charges as per break-up of payment schedule given in Annexure – II
The consultant shall carry out detailed engineering for Sewerage Pumping Station in Sector A-1 to A-4 at Narela Delhi-110040 in conformity with generally accepted norms and sound standards of engineering. The consultant shall be responsible for the technical soundness of the services rendered. In the event of any deficiency in these services the consultant shall promptly redo such work at no additional cost of the DDA.
The consultant shall in order to safeguard the interests of the DDA endeavour to incorporate appropriate provisions in the specifications for purchase of equipments to ensure that the suppliers of equipments provide the necessary guarantees of performance. The consultant’s obligations in this regard shall be limited to providing technical assistance to the DDA in procuring such guarantees.
4.1.0On approval of the preliminary drawings by the Authority the consultant shall prepare project drawings to a suitable scale as per schedule given in para 8.0 The proposal shall be in the form of plans, elevations, cross sections, sketches, models etc needed to explain the project completely. The language proposals, general servicing and infrastructure systems etc. and other provisions as required by the Authority shall also be included.
4.2.0After the approval from the Authority, these plans with project report are to be submitted to DUAC (if required) for their approval. The Consultant shall fully satisfy the requirements of the DUAC in all respects within the time frame stipulated by the Authority in this regard and obtain their approval. On approval of the Project by DDA/DUAC/Building Department/Local Authority of their concerned Agencies, the Consultants shall prepare and submit for approval of the Authority the preliminary working drawings to a scale of not less than 1:100 and other suitable scale as decided by the in-charge together with detailed specifications and preliminary estimates of cost for architectural/Civil/Electrical/Horticulture/Landscape works and other services.
4.3.0The consultant shall prepare complete working drawings to a suitable scale for all internal and external services like water supply including overhead/underground water tanks, drainage, sewerage, electricity, telephones, fire fighting, pump houses, lighting, signage, internet and cable line system and other works as specified in the scope of works. These drawings shall be got approved by the consultant from the (Authority) SCREEING /TECHNICAL COMMITTEE of DDA. The consultant shall also prepare the composite plan showing all the services in one drawing. These drawings shall be such as will enable the Authority to Assess the job quantitatively and to carry out the works.
4.4.0The consultant shall certify completion, prepare completion report, completion drawings and submit the same to the local authorities for their approval (if required).
In the event that either party is prevented, wholly or in part by any Force Majeure as defined hereinafter from performing or accepting performance by the other party under the Agreement, it is agreed that either party shall have the right to terminate the Agreement immediately upon giving notice and full particulars of such act of Force Majeure in writing to the other party as soon possible after the cause relied on and in such an event the consultant shall be entitled to the amounts due to it as on that date under this agreement.
Force Majeure herein defined as:
Any cause which is beyond the reasonable control of the consultant or the DDA.
Natural phenomena, including but not limited to weather conditions (excluding monsoon), fire, explosion, floor, drought, earthquake and epidemics.
Acts of the government authority, domestic or foreign, including but not limited to war, declared or undeclared, priorities, quarantees, embargoes, licensing controls or production or distribution restrictions.
Strikes, lockouts and shortages.
Sabotage, riot, civil commotion, invasion and insurrections.
The works as enumerated under the scope of services are to be completed in all respects within a period of 24 months from the stipulated date of start of work provided all relevant drawings including vendor drawings etc. are submitted within 6 months from the date of start of work. If submission of vendor drawings etc. gets delayed on any account beyond the consultant’s control, the period of completion shall get extended appropriately by mutual consent of Engineer-in–charge and the consultant without any extra payment.
The consultant shall be liable for and shall indemnify the DDA in respect of all damages or injury to any of the consultant’s personnel or properties assigned to this Project.
English language will be used in all written communication between the Engineer – in- charge and the Consultant with respect to the services to be performed hereunder and with respect to al documents procured or prepared by the Consultant in connection with this project.
This Agreement shall not be transferred or assigned in whole or part by the Consultant without prior written approval of the Engineer-in charge to any person, company, firm or organization.
This Agreement shall be deemed to have become effective from the 10th day after the date of issue of award letter for the aforesaid services and shall be valid upto two years from the date of authorization. The period of completion can be extended appropriately on account of delays beyond the control either of the Engineer in charge or the consultant without any extra payment.
Any approvals to be obtained by either party from the third party/ department under this agreement shall not be unreasonably denied or withheld. However, the Engineer-in-charge shall be responsible for issue of letter of recommendation only whereas the consultant shall be responsible for obtaining necessary approvals from the third party/ departments at his own cost and for which no payment shall be reimbursed by the DDA. Any delay caused in obtaining such approvals shall be on consultant’s account
The consultant shall make a minimum of two visits per month at site of work free of charge to ensure execution of work as per Architectural design, specifications and detailed working drawings. For additional site visits, if required by the Department, the consultant may quote his rate for the same.
13.1The consultant shall obtain within the time specified by the Authority, all requisite approvals, sanctions and permissions required under any Act Rules, Regulations, Bye- Laws etc from all concerned authorities including Civil Aviation, Delhi Fire Services, Pollution Control Board, Environment Protection Authorities, P&T, Police and concerned Municipal Authorities at every appropriate stage wherever required. The Consultant shall make such modifications in the designs and drawings in consultation with DDA, as may be required by the Authorities, to fulfill requirements of bye – laws codes and standards and shall maintain close coordination with the said concerned Authorities. The consultant shall jointly get approvals from all authorities and bodies along with the Authority. All paper work/documentation for getting such approvals shall be done by the consultant. The coordination for such activities shall be done by the Authority. The consultant would attend meeting whenever necessary desired by the Authority.
13.2Whenever the Consultant is asked for some modifications, he shall be issued a letter to this effect specifying the time allowed for submission. If the modifications of the original scheme is to the extent of 5% or less of the project cost and does not involve complete re-approval of the project then nothing shall be payable to the Consultant. However, if the modification extends beyond 5% or more of the Project cost the consultant shall be paid extra as provided herein above on a pro-rata basis under the various related clauses. The decisions of the Superintending Engineer in this regard shall be final.
13.3The consultant shall provide necessary advice and consultation to the Authority for any variation or modifications that may be felt necessary by the Consultant during the implementation of this Project. Such modifications will be made through mutual consultations with the Authority. Suchmodifications shall be made and got approved by the consultant at his own cost.
13.4The consultant shall visit the site from time to time to examine and also to discuss any deviations/discrepancies/omissions with the concerned officer of the Authority regarding the execution of the project at various stages. He shall visit the site at the time of demarcation, start of work and at all important stages and also make periodic visits to the site during the Execution of works at site. The consultant may record his comments and observations relating to the deviations, if any from the approved plans and consultants specifications and Time frame. It will be the responsibility of the Authority to ensure that the Architectural control drawings are complied with. He shall also attend meetings as required by the Authority for this purpose in connection with the development and execution of the project.
13.5All expenses including local travelling expenses in connection with the preparation and execution of this scheme as per the scope of work shall be borne by the Consultant.
13.6The consultant shall provide ten sets of the drawings and one set of original tracing of re-produceable quality of all approved drawings including soft copy of each design, drawings/details at appropriate stages, for the use of the Authority. Till such time the re-produceable drawings are provided, the consultants will be liable to provide additional sets of approved drawings as may be required by the Authority.
13.7The time allowed to the consultant for fulfilling all his obligations under this contract as specified in Clause 8 and other clauses of the agreement shall be observed strictly throughout the stipulated period of the agreement or such extended period, if any, granted by the Authority in writing and shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract. If the work remains unconcerned and or incomplete at any stage with reference to the time schedule a compensation of 1% of the fees of the unfinished work per month of delay subject to a maximum of 10% of agreed consultancy charges or such smaller amount, Superintending Engineer DDA may decide shall be levied on the consultant. The decision of the Superintending Engineer, DDA in respect of grant of extension of time shall be final and binding upon the Consultant.
13.8In case there is any delay on the part of the Authority in fulfilling its part of obligations, suitable extension of time may be granted to the consultant by the Superintending Engineer.
13.9The consultant shall be required to submit a report after he completes his part of the agreement. This report shall contain the problems/ suggestions and his experiences during the period of work.
13.10The traffic diversion plan to be enforced during the construction period shall be prepared and got approved form Delhi Traffic Police.
13.11Consultant will work out all the Architectural and Structural system for various components of the scheme.
13.12The consultant has to work out his proposal keeping in view the limitations of space available and other features existing in the surroundings area and difficulties involved in shifting of existing utilities. The design and drawing shall be in conformity with MOST/IRC Specifications/other requirements. The consultant shall specify the method of construction and salient technology features to be incorporated at the time of construction and to be included in the tendered documents. Technology should be available in India and time tested for it efficiency.
13.13Keeping in view the proposal and stage of development the consultant at his/her own expenses shall organize presentation of work, progress based on the presentation/discussion. The consultant shall incorporate all the suggestions in the repost and submit the same with in specified time.
13.14The ownership proprietary rights for all data, drawings, report and computer software etc developed by the consultant under this agreement shall vest with DDA.
13.15All the job/work indicated in this agreement shall be deemed to be included in the consultancy fee charged by the consultant without any cost overrun. Nothing extra shall be paid on any account.
13.16The expenses to be incurred by the agency for obtaining advice of any other agencies for completing the job, shall also deemed to be included in the agreed consultancy charges.
13.17As per the latest GOI notification issued by ministry of finance, Dept. of Revenue, Service Tax of the consultancy fees shall be included in all the bills submitted by consultant and the same shall be payable by the employer in addition to the consultancy fee. If any additional tax/levy/charges is imposed by the GOI/GNCT during the currency, this will also be paid by the employer.
13.18The drawings, sketches, layout and models as may be prepared by the consultants shall be considered to be the property of the Authority and Consultant shall have no right, claim, or lien, there upon for any purpose whatsoever except for academic or publication purposes.
13.19In the event of any breach of the terms and conditions of this agreement or any delay, suspension of work, inferior workmanship or in case the consultant fails or omits to comply with the requirements of Authority asking him to rectify remedy or replace any defective plan, sketch or models etc within stipulated time. Authority may without prejudice to any right or remedy available under any of the provision of this agreement or otherwise, determined the agreement after giving one month’s notice in writing to the consultant. In the event of Authority determining the agreement, no further fee shall be payable to the consultant and he shall be liable for making good, any loss suffered by the Authority on account of the breach, delay or inferior workmanship on his part. The Authority shall also be entitled to get the balance work of the consultant executed by another person or departmentally at the risk and cost of the consultant. The Authority shall also be entitled to retain and make use of all the drawings and designs prepared and details furnished by the consultant.
13.20If at any time after the execution of this agreement and commencement of work, the Authority for any reasons whatsoever, does not required the whole or part of the scheme as specified in this agreement to be performed by the consultant, the Authority shall give one month’s notice in writing to this effect to the consultant, who shall thereupon have no claim to any payment or compensation whatsoever, on account of any profit or advantage which he might have deprived as a consequence of fulfillment of the agreement in full but which he did not derive inconsequence of the curtailment of work. The consultant shall be entitled to payment on a pro-rata basis, for work done, submitted and got approved by him up to the time of such notice.