Seventh Grade Math


Course Syllabus

Teacher: Connor NelsonE-mail:

Content Area: Mathematics

Prerequisite: noneGrade: 7

A 7th grade math class is a required course.

Course Overview

This class is the first in a two year sequence that covers the content of a high school pre-algebra class, along with explorations and extensions in a variety of related topics. Successful completion of the two years will prepare the student for Algebra I. Students will come out of this course with a deep understanding of the 7th grade core standards for math:

  1. Number and Operations and Algebra:
  2. Develop an understanding of operations on all rational numbers
  3. Develop an understanding of solving linear equations
  4. Number and Operations, Algebra and Geometry;
  5. Develop an understanding of proportionality
  6. Apply proportionality, including similarity
  7. Measurement and Geometry:
  8. Develop an understanding of formulas for surface area and volume
  9. Use formulas to determine surface area and volume


Students will:

  • Think
  • Learn how to learn math independently, in groups, and with instruction
  • Read, write, and verbalize concepts
  • Demonstrate math principles
  • Use creativity and logic to solve problems, and
  • Understand how math can be applied in the “real world.”

Classroom Rules/Guidelines

Participation: My goal for this year is to create a community of mathematicians in our class that promotes peer-to-peer learning and an exchange of ideas. Throughout the year, learning may take the form of independent work, small-group tasks, and whole-class discussion. For all three of these settings, it is crucial that you participate to the best of your ability by asking questions, providing your ideas, and staying on task. Your group and your class community are counting on you!

Behavior: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible. You are expected to consistently participate and focus on the given task. It is also important to be respectful of one another during class, especially when your peers are showing their ideas. Mathematicians – both students and professionals – often make mistakes and it is important that use these mistakes to help our learning, not to put-down others.

Attendance: In order to develop a thorough understanding of content, it is essential that you are here every day. Make sure that you are fully prepared for the school day (Eat breakfast! Get enough sleep!) and are ready to participate in activities. Please communicate with me and the school if you know of any upcoming absenses.

Materials: The following materials are needed daily for class: paper, pencil (all math will be done in pencil), pens, a journal (separate spiral notebook), textbook and binder/folder.Cellphones: The use of cellphones and other electronic devices (iPods, iPhones, laptops, tablets)is strictly prohibited in this class. Unapproved electronic items seen or heard in the classroom will be confiscated.

Textbook:Oregon Focus on:SMc Curriculum, 2008

Rational Numbers & Equations


Surface Area & Volume

Stage 2 Common Core State Standards Companion Text

Grading Policies

Your final grade for this course is calculated from two areas. A summary follows:
Learning Target Assessments (90% of grade)
Students will be assessed multiple times per unit on specific learning targets. Instead of receiving a grade for the whole assessment, students receive grades on individual learning targets. Students will be assessed on each target three times; the lowest of these three scores are dropped. The grade criteria for learning targets follows:
10 (100%): I demonstrated proficiency by accurately solving the problem as well as showing my work andverifying my answers.
7 (70%): I demonstrated some understanding of the proficiency, but made some errors in accuracy.
1 (10%): I demonstrated very little or no understanding of learning target.
Students scoring a 1 on any proficiency are required to retake this proficiency to score a passing grade (7 or 10). Before a student may retake a proficiency, he or she must prove that he or she has made progress toward the learning target. This process will be discussed in class. / Portfolios (10% of grade)
Students will be compiling weekly portfolios of all of their completed classwork and homework for that week. For each assignment, students will self-assess their level of understanding of the task and their effort to reach proficiency of a learning target. Portfolios are due Monday when class begins. The grade criteria for portfolios follows:
4 (100%): I demonstrated proficiency by accurately solving the problem as well as going above and beyond by showing my work andverifying my answers.
3 (83%): I demonstrated proficiency by accurately solving the problem.
2 (66%): I did not demonstrate proficiency, but I’m on the right track and may need additional help.
1 (50%): I demonstrated no understanding of learning target.

Content Standards

The standards that will be covered in this course are too numerous to list. Information related to the Common Core State Standards can be found at

Course Outline(Subject to change)

Quarter 1 (September 3 through November 5)

  • Focus: Rational Numbers & Equations
  • Topics covered: Positive Rational Numbers, Integers, Rational Number Operations, Solving Equations,

Quarter 2 (November 12 through January 23)

  • Focus: Proportionality
  • Topics covered: Angle Relationships, Ratios and Rates, Proportions & Similarity,

Quarter 3 (January 28 through April 9)

  • Focus: Data Analysis
  • Topics Covered:Percent & Probability, Sampling & Statistics, Direct Variation,

Quarter 4 (April 13- June 10)

  • Focus: Geometry
  • Topics Covered:Two-Dimensional Geometry, Surface Area, Volume

Final Note: It is important to me that you are developing your understanding and confidence in the course content throughout the whole year. I want to see you succeed in this class!! If you find that you are struggling with your work and would like to receive extra help or complete a test retake, I am available before or after school on most days. Just ask!

Please sign below indicating that you have read and understand this syllabus. Please return this portion to me by September 5.


(Signature of Student)(Signature of Parent/Guardian) (Date)