Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS)


April 2009 to March 2010

ISAP A: Currently Funded Requesting Funding (2009-2010)

Traditional ISAP







N6E 2Z3


Application for the SWIS Activities - Ontario Region


Section 1: Applicant Information 2

Section 2: Organization Profile 3

Section 3: Action Plan 5

Section 4: Key Qualifications 8


Section 5: Settlement Programs 9

Section 6: SWIS 10

Section 7: Regional Priorities 13

Section 8: Budget 14

Section 9: Other enclosures 14

Check List 16


Section 10: Program Descriptions 17

Section 11: 2009-2010 SWIS Negotiation Guidelines 19

Appendices (separate excel document):

Appendix A: Revenue and Expenditures, Budget Requests Broken Down by fiscal year. (See attached excel spreadsheet).


Section 1 – Applicant Information

Applicant information (complete all parts)

Applicant Organization
Legal name of Organization
Payee (If different than above) / Contact Person
Address / Position/Title
ON / Postal Code / Telephone
( ) / Fax
( )
E-mail Address / Web Site Address
Date of Formation / Are you a non-profit organization?
Yes No / Date of Incorporation / Corporation No.
Charity Registration No. / GST Registration No. / Date of GST Registration
Name of the Chair of the Board / Telephone
( )
Name of Executive Director / Telephone
( )
Name of Coordinator of Settlement Services (If applicable) / Telephone
( )
Is your Mandate (Check One)
Local / Regional / Provincial (Ontario) / National
Is your organization authorized, in accordance with existing laws, to provide settlement and/or employment services, and has the capacity to do so? If yes, how long has your organization been involved in delivering or supporting the delivery of settlement or other similar services as a main priority?

If this is a joint application, list all co-applicants and identify the lead organization. All co-applicants must complete Section 1 and 2 and meet eligibility criteria identified in the funding guidelines.

Section 2 – Organization Profile

Attach the following information about your organization.

Please use the format outlined below.


1.  If former or present public servants are involved in the Board of Directors or are employed by your organization, are they in compliance with Conflict of Interest or Post Employment Measures for Public Servants?

N/A / YES / NO

2.  Provide the information about your organization’s staff as of April 1, 2009 on Appendix B (Excel Document).

3.  Which staff and volunteer positions require police and/or background checks? How often are they completed?


Complete the following information for your proposed project and attach a photocopy of your most recent renewal certificate from the insurer.

a)  Do you have third party liability coverage? Yes No

b) Do you have workers compensation insurance or comparable insurance?

Yes No

c)  Do you have fire and theft insurance? Yes No

d) Do you have transportation related insurance (if applicable)? Yes No

e) Other? Yes No

Please Specify:

5.  Describe the geographic area your organization serves in London and area.

6.  Describe your current clients’ profile.

7.  What mechanisms are in place to serve the Top 10 language groups and any new and emerging needs in your community?

8. Describe which steps your organization takes to provide services without discriminatory practices based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, marital status, family status, disability, or conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted.

FiNancial Information

9.  Describe your organization’s financial records, bookkeeping, and internal control systems. Who maintains your organization’s financial records? Provide contact information.

10. Is your organization receiving provincial pay equity funding?

Down payment Yes No

Proxy Funding Yes No


Section 3-Action Plan

Please provide an Action Plan outlining the outcomes you plan to achieve with SWIS funding in the next fiscal year. Please include the following:

* working in partnership with school boards to develop a service delivery model in schools, separately for elementary and secondary schools, serving the different target groups(parents, youth, school staff, etc.), promotion and outreach, monitoring and evaluation, etc.

* the outcomes for each activity and the anticipated results (for example, number of clients to be served, number of group sessions, goals of group sessions, building new partnerships, establishing advisory committees, creating itinerant services etc)

* What positions you will be requesting SWIS funding for will be involved in the activities outlined above.

* Clear timelines outlining when the goals will be accomplished between September 2009 and March 2010.

Please use the Table below when submitting your Action Plan. Please add rows as necessary.

Note: The table below refers to a regular ISAP Action Plan. However, you will be expected to provide a different plan relevant to developing and implementing a SWIS program in London and area.


Objective / activity / Stream activity—women, gars, youth, seniors, francophones, family / outcome / timeline / position of responsibility
Referral to Community Services / * provide clients with immediate contact information to services in the community as requested. Ex. Ontario Works, HRSDC, LINC/ESL / Ongoing to March 31, 2010 clients receive appropriate referrals based on their need
* estimate 200 referrals / Ongoing to March 31, 2010 / Settlement worker
Outreach to newcomers / * develop brochures and posters that will inform potential clients about available ISAP services
* distribute brochures to local libraries, LINC providers, health centre
* establish contacts and working relationships with newcomer community groups
* identify locations frequented by newcomers and target these locations / * estimate 30 new clients
* provide information to local community services about ISAP services in the community / * develop brochures within the first quarter
* distribute brochures within the first quarter
* outreach to 30 new clients by March 31, 2010
* provide info to local community services within the first quarter
* establish relationships with newcomer community groups within the first quarter
* identify locations where newcomers congregate and/or reside ongoing / Outreach Worker
Employment related services / * offer group session around employment options for youth including how to conduct a job search, rights and responsibilities, info on job banks available, acquiring a SIN Card / * interested newcomer youth develop a broader understanding of the job market in the community, legal rights as an employee in Ontario, contact info from service Canada
*3 group sessions with 10 clients per group session / * topic offered monthly / Settlement Worker—Youth
Service Bridging / * sit on local committee of human service agencies / * inform local human service agencies about how to best support and serve various newcomer groups
* provide information regarding newcomers’ diverse needs and how they may differ compared to other clients’ needs / Committee meets monthly / ISAP Coordinator and/or Settlement Worker
Initial Needs Assessment / Provide new clients with needs assessment tool to determine which programs meet client’s specific needs, determine if client is eligible for ISAP services / * direct client to appropriate services
* provide clients with ongoing support / * ongoing to March 31, 2010 as needed / Intake Worker and/or Settlement Worker, and/or JSW Facilitator


SECTION 4- Key Qualifications

11. Emphasis will be placed on the following criteria as part of the review process in selecting an organization to deliver SWIS in London and area:

·  Has extensive experience in the design and delivery of youth and or settlement activities;

·  Has established partnerships with relevant stakeholders, including school boards in London and area.

·  Has experience with the delivery of services through partners and experience with the supervision of staff off-site.

·  Has knowledge of newcomer communities within the catchment area;

·  Has the capacity to hire and develop staff and implement the SWIS program.

·  Has HR policies and practices, as well as agency staffing complements that are reflective of the diverse nature of London and area.

·  Maintains financial records, service delivery related documentation and statistics as required by CIC;

·  Has demonstrated experience in the administration of government funded projects;

·  Has diversified funding sources.

·  Operates in a computerized environment.

Please describe how your organization meets the above criteria:


SECTION 5 – Settlement Programs

12. Describe how your organization plans to meet the needs of RAP clients in the community. Do you communicate with the Reception Centre in your community on a regular basis (where applicable)?

13. How does your organization make sure that staff has a sound knowledge of services available in the community?

14. Please include a copy of your outreach strategy broken down for fiscal year 1: FYI – to March 31, 2010; Refer to Settlement Program requirements in Section 11 regarding what should be included.

15. If you received funding in 2008/2009, comment on how you implemented your outreach strategy, and what the results were. Did it have any impact on the number and types of clients served?

16. What system does your organization use to measure client satisfaction?

17. Describe any initiatives that your organization currently does which addresses the specific needs of newcomer youth, as well as women, seniors, GARs and Francophones.

18. Describe any unique and innovative service delivery strategies that you used in the past or what you plan to implement that help enhance the delivery of your SWIS.

SECTION 6 - SWIS Activity


19. Please list the job qualifications that will be used to select your organizations’ SWIS Coordinator.

20. Describe how settlement workers will connect with all newcomer families as they arrive in the schools served by SWIS. Explain any other outreach activities.

21. Describe the process in place to provide feedback to and from schools about services provided and statistics on the services. Provide a sample where possible.

22. How will you evaluate the effectiveness of your school year programming?

Please attach the assessment form (if a form is used).

23. Identify the steps you will take to organize group orientation workshops during the school year.

24. How many group orientation workshops will each settlement worker schedule during the school year? List Parent Orientation sessions, student orientation sessions and teacher orientation sessions separately.

a.  Parent Sessions
b.  Student Sessions
c.  Teacher Sessions

25. How many group orientation workshops are anticipated to be completed in 2009/2010?

# of parent group sessions / # of School staff group sessions / # of student group sessions
Anticipated Sessions for
September 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010

26. What process is in place to make sure that activities are focused on first year settlement needs?

27. How will you choose the summer locations? Please describe the types of summer sites, types of services offered in the summer, outreach mechanisms.

28. Describe the process used to provide assistance to all newcomer families and not just those who speak the language of the settlement workers.

29. Identify which settlement service providers you refer your clients to. For each provider, list which programs clients are being referred to (e.g. ISAP, HOST, LINC, NSP, etc.).

30. How is client feedback assessed? How is feedback incorporated into the program? Please attach a copy of the assessment form (if one is used).

31. How will the SWIS staff feedback be assessed? How will the feedback be incorporated into the SWIS activities? Please provide an example of what a staff feedback document would look like.

32. Identify any barriers that might stop newcomers from participating in your SWIS activities.

33. What steps would you take to minimize the impact of these barriers?

34. Identify which program priorities your application addresses and how your organization will address those priorities (see Section 7 – Regional Priorities).

Section 7 – Regional Priorities for all Applicants

Indicate which of these priorities your organization will focus on during the contribution agreement period and explain how you intend to do so.

Activities that involve innovative partnerships intended to increase access to services for clients

Activities that address diverse needs of diverse populations

Activities that focus on newcomers’ strengths

Activities that incorporate outcome-oriented approaches to services

Activities that have services available in both official languages

Activities that offer services that are designed to address local needs

Activities that build effective information and referral systems

Activities that address the specific needs of newcomers within the following streams: women, youth, seniors, Francophones, GARS and the family unit

Activities that work with municipalities and federal-provincial government departments to enable partnerships that will integrate newcomers in the economic and social life of Ontario communities.



Complete Budget request. Please refer to the Microsoft Excel Document titled SWIS Financial Info 2009 CFP. Please note that there are 6 tabs in this document. To view all tabs you must select them individually.


Include the following documents with your application. If you have submitted these documents with your 2009/2010 Request for Expression of Interest and Pre-qualification you do not have to submit them again. Please provide up-dates to these documents, if required.

1.  Constitution and bylaws of the organization

2.  Registration documents

3.  Most recent Annual Report, including the auditor’s report, financial statement, and management letter

4.  Minutes of the most recent Annual General Meeting

5.  Copy of the personnel policy

6.  Conflict of interest guidelines for staff and for members of the Board of Directors

7.  Job description and qualifications for each position for which you are requesting a financial contribution

8.  A copy of the most recent renewal certificate from insurer

9.  A copy of the most recent format used in the evaluation of your settlement services