Setting Up Tradestation 2000i with the Esignal Data feed
< Make sure that Tradestation has service pack 5, and the patch installed, from here: and then the activex plugin from here: >
Global Server
When Global Server is first opened the following setup menus are displayed, the correct settings for Esignal to work are shown below:
On the next screen shot, the DBC Data Feed Selection, the “eSignal Online” setting must be selected.
Afterwards the data collection setup wizard appears.
After this your global server should be correctly setup. Make sure that signal and the patch are already installed before you perform any more. The next instructions are on adding symbols.
Adding New Symbols
Go on Insert, Symbol, and click on the ‘add new’ button.
Next type in the symbol you want:
To find the name for the symbol go to this site: and this site is also very good for learning the format:
Forex / Garban (Requires service subscription.)Forex Symbols
Enter the symbol, a space, the spot code, a dash, then FX
Example: JPY A0-FX
Entering the standard Forex symbol using the A0 spot code is the crossrate to the US Dollar.
Example: GBP A0-FX
To view International crossrates combine the 2 Forex symbols followed by a space, then A0-FX
Example: DEMFRF A0-FX
Garban Bond Symbols
Enter the symbol, a space, the forward rate code, a dash, then GB.
Example: TRE Z4-GB
After clicking on ‘OK’ the following window precedes:
Make sure that your settings are similar to the one above, and then click on settings.
Then click on sessions and make sure that the information is the same as below:
Click on Ok, and then ok again to return to the main screen, you should see something like this:
Lastly double click on the symbol and select the history to save tab and make sure it is like on the screen shot below:
Lastly click on file, ‘Download from Esignal’
If you haven’t got the items above, click on add item and select forex, and check all the ticks that are ticked below.
Click on OK and then check all the history settings enter a date in the ‘Date Range’
And wait for Global Server to download the data, make sure that Data Manager is up and running. When the download has finished, right click on the symbol and choose connect.
Below are some sites you can look at to help you with this:
Open Tradestation, and make sure that Global Server and Esignal Data Feed Manager are running.
Click on the new charts icon, to open the create chart window, select GlobalServer in show and type in your symbol, then select it from the list and click on plot.
Then this window appears, make sure that field is set to ask record, and then choose intra-day and type in the amount of minutes you want for the chart.
This would be the result:
Which would update in real time.
For any more help go to this forum:
And your questions will be answered with a pinch of salt.
(EDIT) need to finish contents page and some improvements