SET V Writing Team


Isothermal Planning and Development Commission

Overall Strengths

·  Location – Close to major cities and Interstates

·  Natural Resources/Beauty

·  Highway Infrastructure – Highway capacity exists but perhaps being under-utilized.

·  Educational alliances are strong. All three community colleges work very closely with K-12 and existing industries.

·  Low cost of living compared to surrounding metropolitan areas (i.e. Charlotte, Asheville, Greenville/Spartanburg)

Overall Weaknesses

·  Lack of a willing and skilled workforce. This also includes widespread inability to pass background check and drug screen.

·  Infrastructure – There are some areas within the region that lack adequate infrastructure where other areas have sufficient infrastructure that is being under-utilized. Insufficient broadband access to the entire region.

·  Low attraction and retention of youth.

·  Lack of Strategic Action.

·  Lack of Branding and regional identity.



·  More Diverse population (Hispanic community is growing) Statistics in this area may be slightly misleading.

·  Job creation bringing more people into the region. – Is this accurate and if so, is it significant? Think about this in context of following slides: population change (decline 2010-14/slight growth projected by 2020), income and poverty (income down/poverty up), unemployment rates (down but still higher than rest of state), and earnings per worker (lower than rest of state and lower than 2003)

·  Aging workforce will create more job openings.

·  Services for aging population may produce more jobs in the Healthcare Industry.


·  Lack of high-skilled jobs and skilled workforce to fill current positions.

·  Age gap in workforce. Older workers are preparing for retirement with no younger workers to fill the vacant positions.

Human Capital


·  Above state average for high school diplomas and Associate’s Degrees. Review in full context: 18% without high school diploma, state average is 15%.


·  Lack of skills/trades and post Associate’s Degree education (4-year).



·  Commuters are staying within region for work

·  Educational opportunities available through Community Colleges.

·  Aging population equals knowledge, volunteers and disposable income.


·  Population issues: low/no growth, specifically loss of younger population and difficulty attracting younger generations

·  Low wages

·  Commuting out of region: out migration does not stimulate local economy


·  EDUCATION: focus on education: funding, results, trade training in high school, free tuition, pathways, etc.

·  COLLABORATIVE REGIONAL MARKETING/BRANDING: Co-brand, co-market, co-invest, share revenue, as a region

·  MANUFACTURING AND HOSPITALITY/TOURISM: take advantage of growth industries

·  RECREATION: improve and increase access to recreational facilities and adventure opportunities; target marketing to younger demographic

·  TRANSPORTATION: improve/increase local public transportation and look at region as a transportation/distribution hub