KS1 Topic: Celebrations Block E: Saying Thank You

Session 7 Thank You Gallery!
Early Learning Goals / EAD ELG 16 EUM&M Chn safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.
EAD ELG 17 BI: Chn use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and purposes. They represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through art.
Teaching Objectives / To create 2D representations of the people or things chn are thankful for, in the style of artist Matisse.
Examples of work by artist Henri Matisse: cut-outs – ‘Jazz’, ‘The Snail’ ‘Goldfish’ as well as his paintings of people; Coloured paper to cut and tear, scissors, glue, base paper, felt tip pens, black thick markers; Battery operated candle. / Weblinks
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLgSd8ka0Gs Teacher info on Henri Matisse cut-outs;
https://artlessonsforkids.me/2010/10/25/matisse-inspired-self-portraits-in-grade-one/ - Matisse inspired self-portraits.
Whole class: Show examples of Matisse’s work and ask chn: What do you like or dislike? What can you see? What colours are there? Which colours go well together? Matisse was a great painter but he also liked to ‘paint with scissors’. Demonstrate cutting an apple shape from piece of paper and say to chn: I’m thinking of something I like to eat and I’m thankful for. What am I thinking of? Glue apple shape onto contrasting coloured card and admire it. We are going to have a go at cut-outs just like Matisse! When artists show people their finished work they display their paintings or sculptures in a special place called an Art Gallery. Has anyone visited and Art Gallery? Well we will display our Matisse –work and then invite your grown-ups to come and visit it to see our paintings! The title for our work will be ‘Thank You’; we will have pictures of people or things we want to say ‘thank you’ to or for. Remind chn of the different things we have said thank you for from previous sessions, e.g. the Thanksgiving Turkey craft, Thank you poster, Harvest and Sukkot prayers and some of the special memories from Session 6 when celebrating family members! Ask chn to choose someone or something they are thankful for.
1. Teacher guided: Self-portraits; refer to the weblink. Use this idea to produce portraits of a person chn would like to give thanks for. Chn cut coloured paper to produce different shapes (take opportunities to name shapes, if chn happen to cut geometric shapes, e.g. that shape has 3 sides, a triangle; that shape has 4 sides, a square. You could ask some chn to work together to produce a bank of shapes for all to share. Chn arrange assortment of cut out shapes onto their large base paper; glue into position. Chn draw person using pencil; go over pencil lines with black marker. Chn talk about that person and the reasons why they are thankful, then writes caption for painting independently - teacher scribes short summary. 2. Assistant guided: chn cut out shape(s) of something they are thankful for. Glue to base paper. Embellish with wax crayon additions – stars, flowers, shapes, dots, swirls as they wish, to add colour, texture and pattern. Chn write caption to attach to picture.
Plenary / Chn show their work to each other and explain who/what it is. Why are they thankful? At Thanksgiving, Harvest and Sukkot people thank God for the good things they have; what would chn like to say thank you for? Chn write simple thank you verse or prayer on small w/b. Sit in circle around candle and take it in turn to read their ideas and prayers. You may want to tell them that ‘Amen’ means we all agree. Everyone could join in with amen. Mount and display completed pictures with captions and names as though in an Art Gallery. Invite grown-ups in to view Art Gallery before and/or after school. Alternatively, give a presentation of this block’s work: the songs, ‘Thank You’ poster, short prayers and graces and blessings, cards to saying thank you for family members, ‘turkey craft’, photos of activities such as the sukkah, role play families as well as viewing the Art Gallery.
Outcomes / Children will:
·  Create pictures inspired by the work of artist Henri Matisse
·  Invite visitors to view and comment on their work

© Hamilton Trust. This activity may be adapted for use by a teacher in his/her own class. It may not be reproduced for any other purpose.

We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.