Current as September 12, 2007

This web page will provide you with a snapshot of important resource people, deadlines and academic timeline, and description of graduate school forms that you will need to complete during your enrollment at Northwestern.

You may quickly move to a certain portion of the web page by clicking on the link below:

  • Key SESP Academic Program Contacts
  • Key SESP Administrative Contacts
  • Graduate School Student Representative Contacts
  • Important Dates and Graduate School Forms
  • Forms for Masters Students (Required and As Needed)
  • SESP PhD Program Qualifying Exam Requirements and the Graduate School
  • Enrollment: Residency Credit and TGS 598, 599, 503 & 512
  • Typical Timeline for PhD students
  • Forms for PhD Students (Required and As Needed)

Key SESP Academic Program Contacts (note, all e-mails end “@northwestern.edu”)

Human Development and Social Policy (HDSP)

Dan McAdams1-4174dmca@Annenberg 209

HDSP Program Chair

Mary Lou Manning1-4329mmanning@ Annenberg 201

HDSP Department Assistant

Learning Sciences (LS)

Louis Gomez7-2821l-gomez@Annenberg 337

LS Program Chair (focuses on PhD students)

Andrew Ortony7-3813ortony@Annenberg 110

LS Masters Program Chair

Daphne Nwankpa 1-7494d-nwankpa@Annenberg 201

LS Department Assistant

The department assistant for your program (Mary Lou Manning for HDSP and Daphne Nwankpa for LS) maintains your file and assists with processing TGS forms. While your official file is kept in Annenberg 201, please maintain copies of all documents (such as forms, applications, etc.) for your reference and as a backup.

Key SESP Administrative Contacts (note, all e-mails end “@northwestern.edu”)

Jessie Blank7-6519j-blank@Annenberg 133

LS MA Liaison to TGS in regard for administrative matters. Liaison to University Student Affairs departments. Coordinator of LS MA admissions.

Laura Salus1-3828l-salus@Annenberg 250

Course scheduling, T.A. scheduling for courses. Let Laura know if you are T.A.ing a class.

Mark Hoffman1-3790markhoffman@Annenberg 133

PHD Liaison to TGS in regard for administrative matters. Liaison to University Student Affairs departments. Mark works M/W/F, but checks his e-mail and voice mail on T/Th as well.

Jeanne Hughes1-5549jmhughes@Annenberg 248

Assistant Dean of SESP for Finances - GRATS and other fellowship information.

Aaron Whetstone1-8193a-whetstone @Annenberg 254

Room reservations for your Doctoral Defense, building keys, lost and found

Annie Kerins1-6161a-kerins@Annenberg 247

Payment of T.A.s, payroll issues.

Carmen Robinson7-4034c-robinson3@Annenberg 247

Payment of R.A.s, fellowship funding

Graduate School Student Representative (note, all e-mails end “@northwestern.edu”)

Graduate students have a Graduate School Student Representative who can answer questions related to TGS: enrollment, degree deadline, residency, fellowships, teaching assistantships, financial aid, and paperwork that you need to submit to graduate.

(A-J)Antoaneta Condurat1-8469a-condurat@Crown – North tower

(K-Q)Kate Veraldi7-1408k-veraldi@Crown – North tower

(R-Z)Stephen Scott1-3226sms@Crown – North tower

Important Dates and Graduate School Forms

If the form name is underlined, it is required. References to ‘you’ and ‘your’ are directed toward the student. For date specific forms, double-check dates listed below by visiting TGS’ web site at:

F. 11/09/07 –

Application for a Degree form due to TGS to receive a degree in Dec. 2006.

F. 12/07/07

Final Exam form, dissertation and all other related materials due to TGS to receive a degree in Dec. 2007.

F. 12/14/07 -

Master’s Candidate Certification Form due for Dec. degree.

F. 4/04/08 –

Application for a Degree due to TGS to receive a degree in June 2007

F. 5/09/08 –

Dissertations due to TGS to receive a degree in June, 2008.

F. 5/09/08 -

Final Exam form, dissertation and all other related materials due to TGS to receive a degree in June 2008.

F. 5/16/07 -

Master's Candidate Certification Form due for June master's degrees

For more information about forms that is not included below, visit:


Master’s Degree Candidate Certification

PurposeShows that your program has signed of that you have met all the degree requirements, or if appropriate, indicates remaining requirements to complete.

Deadline12/7/07 for December degree.

5/9/08 for June degree.

Access &Via CAESAR.

ProcessProvide information for all fields that allow the student to input text or data. Print the form out and have both of your advisors sign the form. Submit the signed form to your program’s department assistant. The department assistant will finalize the process by completing the departmental approvals and will retain a copy of the form for your student files.

SignaturesYour committee members and program chair. For LS M.A. students, Dean Peterson is often a signator. Must have 2 signatures.

Application for a degree

PurposeInformation on your diploma is based on this form, verification of intention to graduate.

Deadline11/9/07 to receive degree in December.

4/4/08 to receive degree in June.

Access &Via CAESAR.

ProcessInput all text or data into required fields and submit the form electronically to TGS. Print copy of form and submit it to your program’s department assistant so that a copy of the form may be retained in your student files.

SignaturesNone needed

Masters Forms Used as Needed


PurposeCoursework substitution, receiving credit toward residency requirement for previous coursework completed, degree deadline extension, etc. Does not cover absences (see next form).

Deadlinen/a – ongoing process.

Access &Via the ‘forms’ page on TGS web site:


Complete the form, print it out, have your advisor and program chair sign the form. Give the form to your program’s department assistant. The department assistant will finalize the process by sending the original to TGS and retaining a copy of the form for your student files.

SignaturesYour advisor and program chair.

NotesThe TGS usually honors petitions, if you have support of your advisor and program chair.

Petition for Absence

PurposeTo request a Leave of absence of up to one year.

Deadlinen/a – ongoing process

Access &Via CAESAR.

ProcessProvide information for all fields that allow the student to input data. Print the form out and have your advisor and program chair sign the form. Submit the signed form to your program’s department. The department assistant will finalize the process by completing the departmental approval portion of the online form and send it to TGS. A copy of the form will be retained in your student files.

SignaturesYour advisor and program chair.

NotesThe TGS usually honors petitions, if you have support of your advisor and program chair. When you are taking an absence, you must continue to register for TGS 512 ($100/quarter) to maintain your connection with the university.

Application for readmission/change in degree sought/dept. transfer

PurposeTo obtain permission for one of the three issues that are stated in the title of the form.

DeadlineOne month prior to beginning of desired term to return.

Access &Via the ‘forms’ page on TGS web site:


Complete the form, print it out, have your advisor and program chair sign the form. Give the form to your program’s department assistant. The department assistant will finalize the process by sending the original to TGS and retaining a copy of the form for your student files.

SignaturesYour advisor and program chair.

NotesOnce you submit the form to the TGS, they will issue an internal form to the chair of the program in which you seek to be admitted for his/her signature. Once this is signed and returned by the department, the TGS will approve. Prior to approving the request, the TGS will typically want to know from the department that you have funding and in what format (RA, TA, etc.).

SESP PhD Program Qualifying Exam Requirements and the Graduate School

HDSP: Once your complete the HDSP coursework requirements, you are eligible to satisfy the HDSP departmental qualifying exam which consists of submission of a course outline and a faculty review of your trial research. HDSP has an internal form for the trial research paper, on which you will need the signatures of your two readers and the program chair. The HDSP qualifying exam is not the same as the TGS qualifying exam (for which TGS form, ‘qualifying exam’ is required).

Once you successfullycomplete your HDSP qualifying exam requirements, you are admitted to candidacy. Your program’s department assistant will submit the ‘qualifying exam’ paperwork on line. The deadline for admission to candidacy is before the beginning of the fourth year.

Once admitted to candidacy, you prepare to defend your dissertation proposal (this is the TGS qualifying exam). Prior to your dissertation proposal meeting, complete the ‘prospectus’ form on line (see details below). The deadline to propose your dissertation is the beginning of your fifth year.

LS: At the end of the second year, LS PhD students prepare for the LS qualifying exam (in September) by receiving the exam topic in June and researching and preparing a major paper over the summer (due the end of August). During the 1st or 2nd week of September, you present your paper to your committee and others in the LS program. The LS qualifying exam is not the same as the TGS qualifying exam (for which a graduate school form is required).

Once you successfully complete the LS qualifying exam and complete all of your coursework, you are admitted to candidacy. Your program’s department assistant will submit the ‘qualifying exam’ paperwork on line. The deadline for admission to candidacy is before the beginning of the fourth year.

Once admitted to candidacy, you prepare to defend your dissertation proposal (this is the TGS qualifying exam). Prior to your dissertation proposal meeting, complete the ‘prospectus’ form on line (see details below). The deadline to propose your dissertation is the beginning of your fifth year.

Enrollment: Residency credit and TGS 598, 599, 503 & 512

Residency Credit for a previously earned Masters Degree: To be awarded up to three quarters of residency, ask your program chair to send an e-mail to Mark Hoffman stating the number of quarters of residency that you should be awarded for work done at another institution (include the name of the institution, year of graduation, and degree earned). You must complete your coursework in nine quarters. If you are awarded three quarters of residency (but have 7 quarters of coursework to complete), you will have to pay for the seventh quarter.

TGS 598, 599, 503 & 512 enrollment: As you progress through your PhD at Northwestern, you will need to register for various TGS credit.

- Before Admission to Candidacy: TGS 598 Resident Doctoral Study

This registration is not a requirement, unless a student has finished their coursework but has not been admitted to candidacy. After completing at least three quarters of full-time study toward the PhD degree, a student may register for TGS 598 Resident Doctoral Study. This registration carries no credit toward residency but allows a student to maintain full-time status and to use University facilities..

- After Admission to Candidacy: TGS 599 Post-Candidacy Research

This registration required. After satisfying the residency requirements and completing coursework in accordance with current regulations of the Graduate Faculty and the department or program, and after being admitted to candidacy, the student must complete three quarters of TGS 599 Postcandidacy Research registration. The three quarters of TGS 599 need not be consecutive, but this registration requirement must be fulfilled, whether or not the student is in residence, by the time the dissertation is submitted and prior to the degree deadline. The only exception to this requirement is that students who complete the requirements for the PhD in fewer than three quarters after all residency and course requirements are met need only register for TGS 599 in those quarters between the completion of residency and the submission of the dissertation. In this calculation, Summer Session is considered a regular academic quarter.

- After Completing TGS 599 Post-Candidacy Research (Funded): TGS 503 Resident Research Continuation

A student who has completed three quarters of TGS 599 and needs to maintain full-time status should register for TGS 503 Resident Research Continuation if they are receiving funding. The cost of TGS 503 is approximately one third of the cost of TGS 599. Full-time registration is required for use of University facilities, access to the Student Health Service, and insurance coverage. TGS 503 is an appropriate registration for teaching assistants, research assistants, fellows, those students who wish to borrow or defer federal student loans, and international students on J-1 or F-1 visas.

- After Completing TGS 599 Post-Candidacy Research (Unfunded): TGS 512 Continuous Registration

A student who has completed three quarters of TGS 599 and needs to maintain full-time status but who is no longer receiving funding should register for TGS 512 Continuous Registration. The cost of TGS 512 is $100 per quarter. Full-time registration is required for use of University facilities, access to the Student Health Service, and insurance coverage.

Typical Timeline for PhD students

Course work / Qualifying Exam* / Admitted to Candidacy / Prospectus (dissertation proposal) / Dissertation Defense / Final Exam * / Application for Degree
2 - 3 years / Before start of 4th yr / Before start of 5th yr / 2 months prior to degree
* Student must satisfy program qualifying exam tasks 1st / * Submitted by program once all changes made to dissertation
TGS 598 (only if needed) / TGS 599 (must enroll for 3 qtrs) / TGS 503 (once 3 qtrs 599 complete, if receiving funding) / TGS 512 (if not receiving funding, but not finished with PhD)


Required Forms

Qualifying Exam

PurposeNotifies TGS of student’s completion of the department’s qualifying examination.

DeadlineMust be submitted before the student’s first quarter of TGS 599 registration

Access &Via CAESAR.

ProcessOnce you have completed your program’s qualifying exam requirements, notify the program’s department assistant. The department assistant will confirm that you have completed the program’s requirements and then complete this form online (you do not have to do anything) and retain a copy for your files. If you have received any residency credit for coursework completed at another institution, it will be confirmed at that time.

SignaturesYour advisor and program chair will need to notify the department assistant that you have met all requirements.

Prospectus (dissertation proposal)

PurposeNotifies TGS of your completion of the prospectus and approval by the student’s committee.

DeadlineMust be completed before the start of your fifth year.

Access &Via CAESAR.

ProcessProvide information for all fields that allow you to input data. Print the form out and have your committee sign the form at your dissertation proposal meeting. Submit the signed form to your program’s department assistant. The department assistant will finalize the process by completing the departmental approvals and will retain a copy of the form for your student files.

SignaturesAll committee members. At least three members, including the chair, must be chosen from the graduate faculty. The list of graduate faculty is available when you input the data on the on-line form.

NotesYou may complete both your Qualifying Exam and Prospectus form at the same time, but you must do so before the qualifying exam deadline passes (end of your 4th year).

Final Exam

PurposeNotifies TGS of your completion of your dissertation.

DeadlineMust be completed by 12/07/07 for December 2007 or 5/09/08 for June 2008 degree completion.

Access &Via CAESAR.

ProcessProvide information for all fields that allow you to input data. Print the form out and have your committee sign the form at your dissertation defense. Submit the signed form to your program’s department assistant. The department assistant will finalize the process by completing the departmental approvals and will retain a copy of the form for your student files.

SignaturesAll committee members. At least three members, including the chair, must be chosen from the graduate faculty. The list of graduate faculty is available when you input the data on the on-line form.

NotesThe department assistant will not submit the form until your advisor has informed the department assistant that you have made all necessary changes, suggested by your committee at your dissertation defense, to your dissertation.

PhD Forms Used As Needed

Application for a degree

PurposeInformation on your diploma is based on this form, verification of intention to graduate.

Deadline11/9/07 to receive degree in December.

4/4/08 to receive degree in June.

Access &Via CAESAR.

ProcessInput all text or data into required fields and submit the form electronically to TGS. Print copy of form and submit it to your program’s department assistant so that a copy of the form may be retained in your student files.

SignaturesNone needed


PurposeCoursework substitution, degree deadline extension, etc. Does not cover absences (see next form).

Deadlinen/a – ongoing process.

Access &Via the ‘forms’ page on TGS web site:


Complete the form, print it out, have your advisor and program chair sign the form. Give the form to your program’s department assistant. The department assistant will finalize the process by sending the original to TGS and retaining a copy of the form for your student files.

SignaturesYour advisor and program chair.

NotesThe TGS usually honors petitions, if you have support of your advisor and program chair.

Petition for Absence

PurposeTo request a Leave of absence of up to one year.

Deadlinen/a – ongoing process

Access &Via CAESAR.

ProcessProvide information for all fields that allow the student to input data. Print the form out and have your advisor and program chair sign the form. Submit the signed form to your program’s department. The department assistant will finalize the process by completing the departmental approval portion of the online form and send it to TGS. A copy of the form will be retained in your student files.