
The purpose of the Botswana Environmental Assessment Practitioners Board/Association isto register and certify Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAPs) (in terms of Section 20 of the Environmental Assessment Act, No. 10 of 2011) and carry out any other activities in order to promote the sustainable management of the environment through the realisation of quality environmental assessment in Botswana


To be a replicable model in southern Africa, and the rest of the world,in promoting the sustainable management of the environment through the realisation of high quality environmental assessments.


To provide quality assurance in the environmental assessment industry so as to safe guard environmental stewardship and sustainability by promoting international best practice in the use of impact assessment for informed decision making regarding policies, programmes, plans and projects. We will achieve this by;

  • Defining and adhering to minimum industry standards for registration and certification of EAPs;
  • Upholding a defined Code of Conduct for EAPs and acting in the best interest of the environment, sustainability and the public good;
  • Striving to continually improve EAPs' professional knowledge and skills development so as to stay current with new developments in impact assessment;
  • Advising all the relevant parties on the prevailing best practice in environmental assessment; and,
  • Promoting awareness of the purpose and practice of environmental assessment;


Quality - We will deliver consistent high quality service to our clients in our endeavour to promote sustainable development;

Ethics - We will conduct our business with integrity and honesty, and free from misrepresentation or deliberate bias;

Sustainable development - We acknowledge that we have a duty of care to present and future generations and to this end we promote sustainable and equitable outcomes from human actions that affect ecosystem and social functions.


BEAPA aims to provide the high standards of service to our valued customers in keeping with our vision, mission and values. The service principles and standards below define our turnaround time in defined services.

In delivering outstanding services to our valued customers we shall live by the following PRINCIPLES:

  • Professionalism in client service delivery;
  • Consistent friendly service provision epitomised by a smiling face;
  • Timeous response to our clients, including feedback;
  • Effective communication regarding our services and widely accessible information through various media;
  • Hold our staff accountable for their actions;
  • Ensuring compliance with our set service standards through a feedback mechanism.
  1. Internal Standards

Process/Activity/Outcome / Standard
1. / Accounts update / Weekly
2. / Annual Work Plan / Annual (in December)
3. / Quarterly Progress Report / Quarterly (Mar, Jun, Jul, Oct)
4. / Cash Reconciliation Report / Monthly
5 / Payroll / Every Month (25th)
6. / Agenda Sent to Board/Committee Members / 1 week before Board Meeting
7. / Quarterly Financial Report / Quarterly (Mar, Jun, Jul, Oct)
8. / Annual Report Publication / Annual (April)
9. / Board/Committee Meeting Minutes Drafted / 4 weeks after Board Meeting
10. / Updating of Register / 3 weeks after Board Meeting
11. / Issuance of Invoice / 1 week (after
  1. External Standards

12. / Acknowledgement of receipt of application for registration and certification OR any correspondence / Upon submission of application
13. / Response to External Letters / 1 week
14. / Convene board meeting to make decision on application / Quarterly
15. / Response to applicant after board meeting / 2 weeks
16. / Issuing of certificates to successful applicants / 2 weeks after board meeting
17. / Payments to Creditors / 1 week after receipt of invoice
18. / Notification of Registered EAPs in Govt Gazette / Annual (in January)
19. / Annual & Financial Report Submission to MEWT / Annual (within 6 months of end of financial year

What is a complaint?

An expression of dissatisfaction with the quality of a product or servicerendered to a customer.


What is a compliment?

A praise testimony regarding quality of a product(s) or service(s) received.