Celebrate! CSU

Service-Learning Awards Nomination Form

Thank you for recognizing outstanding university-community engagement through service-learning and or community-based research at CSU. Please take the time to nominate exceptional students, community partners, and faculty members for the awards that follow:

Exceptional Achievement in Service-Learning Community Partner Award -Presented to a CSU community partner for their commitment to building university-community partnerships that meet community-articulated needs and challenges while supporting the holistic education of the next generation of professionals, leaders, and citizens.

Instructional Innovation in Service-Learning Award -Presented to an instructor who clearly enriches course content and addresses community concerns through skillful application of service-learning pedagogy to an academic course.

Exceptional Achievement in Service-Learning Student Award -Presented to a student or student group for their remarkable social or environmental contributions achieved through an academic service-learning course, a supervised internship or professional project, or community-engaged research.

Nominations are due by Wednesday, February28, 2018, 5:00 p.m.

Please complete and submit the form below to:

2018 Celebrate! CSU

Service-LearningAwards Nomination Form

Your Information:



Your Nominee’s Information:

For which award is this nomination (check only one)?

Exceptional Achievement in Service-Learning Community Partner Award

Instructional Innovation in Service-Learning Award

Exceptional Achievement in Service-Learning Student Award

Name of the Person(s), Group, Community Partner being Nominated:

Individual Contact Representing this Nominee:

Phone: E-Mail:

Tell Us About Your Nominee:

1)Please summarize how your nominee has advanced Service-Learning and/or Community-Based Research through student academic learning and/or how it has enhanced their community understanding(150 words or less):

2)Please highlight how your nominee has improved University-Community engagement and collaboration(150 words or less):

3)Please describe how your nominee developed or furthered an innovative or creative, sustainable initiative to a community problem through their University-Community partnership(150 words or less):

4)If possible, report clear impacts in definitive terms (using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods) to determine measurable outcomes, community improvement, or partnership value(150 words or less):

5)Please Share the methods(s) of reflection employed in this Service-Learning or Community-Based Research initiative(150 words or less):