Service Development Plan 2013-2014
Action plan details
WindhillCC Network
This is an action plan detailing the priorities set by the CCHIP as part of the Local Authority Performance review. These objectives are reviewed at three meetings across the academic year and progress against them noted. These will underpin planning, resource allocation and the building of a portfolio of evidence to support Ofsted inspections. There are also additional targets that relate to our own identified capacity for improvements with regard to quality of access and impact.
Priority 1: Children’s Centre Performance Measure CP02 (a,b,c)
Linked to section 1 SEF – Access to services
To increase the proportion of under 1’s living in the CC localities registered at the Network / Priority Target:
- New targets to include ongoing analysis of new birth data and under 1’s registrations, in particular EH5 (lowest reg levels)
- To actively target households within the LSOA’s with lower reg levels generally & particularly re: under 1’s.
Odette Morgan CCNM
Karen Buffham DCCNM
Lee Routledge NCC
Objective / Specific Actions (dated) / Person/s
Responsible / Success Criteria / Specific Monitoring (dated) / Evaluation of impact / Resource Implication
To continue to monitor the monthly birth data / analyse with current registrations and C2C’s
ensure that registrations are uploaded onto Estart asap
CCN to compare the Q4 PbR data (once available) with new birth data – then review the non registrations and seek to find out why. OM/KB/JH to analyse
Continue to analyse by LSOA monthly to identify key priority targets/share updated progress with team/CCMC/families
Sept 2013 – OM/KB/NCP to highlight lowest reg LSOA’S & target them asap. / JH
OM/KB / monthly registrations will match birth data / end of month REACH
analysis at CCM meetings
at CCHIP review / monthly – reg levels for under 1’s will rise and good progress noted overall
CCHIP summer review indicates Q4 PbR increase of 19.5% over the year. / access to LIS birth data is limited
Office supplies/reprogarphics
No extra cost involved
To produce BME figures for under 1’s registrations
Post June 2013 CCHIP this was removed as a priority action. We established verification of local knowledge re: key trends. / Regular registrations are uploaded onto Estart
At month end data collection – run the relevant Estart report / JH
NCP / Month on month the data will improveand we will have a clear overview of the BME communities across the CC / Breakdown of ethnicity
Mapping of trends / If larger populations of specific ethnicity is noted these will impact on service delivery/info etc
Enables trends to be noted e.g. majority still WB but steady increase of WOTH such as Eastern European. / Estart
No extra costs involved
To have continued presence at WBC’s across the locality / Ensure that the C2C/reg forms are given to all new babies either at clinics or by home visits
To align with more regularity at the EH5 clinics – to boost reg data
September 2013 – now have Baby PALS in hall adjacent to the WBC effecting even more integrated partnership working and access to (new) families with babies. / All CC team (less NCP) have booked slots at these clinics
Identify specific team member to align with EH5 / Month on month data will improve
Registrations in EH5 will steadily increase– end August 2013 reg now 71% / End of month REACH analysis
EH5 monthly data will improve / Overall universal registrations will continue to rise supporting the achievement of ‘most’ families reg i.e. 80-96%
More families in target area’s will have reg with the CCN / Staff capacity to attend WBC’s
Employed x1 more play-worker x 30 hrs pw, pro-rata H3.1,(£15,725) with cover of EH5 WBC as specific role
Venue hire for Charis Centre & Thorley CC = £3800
To continue to deliver the ‘1st Parents’ Course with the HV team / Arrange timely meetings with HV team lead to review the delivery and future dates of this work in partnership Sept 2013 KB manages this cascades as necessary.Dates for Sept 2013 – July 2014 confirmed.
Share this info with all team members across both organisations
Organise rota of relevant staff to deliver sessions (x5 weeks)to include ‘Welcome session’ and My Baby Brain input
Manage the administration of these sessions – KB to manage
Ensure that CC venue is available: Sept 2013 this is now an integral part of the new annual programme
Ensure that M&E of sessions are undertaken – with joint responsibility with the HV team (agreement required from HV team lead) / OM/KB/ORW/
OM/PR / Courses are booked up with new parents
Attendance rates are high–improving
Venue is secure
Sessions are well planned
Feedback & evaluation is positive and indicates relevant learning / Breast feeding rates will show improvement – small incremental change Q4 PbR – September 2013
Event data can be analysed including BME
Follow up to benefits can be organised.
Identification of parents who would benefit from ORW support.
A higher % of families will access universal services
Each x5 week course is evaluated / New parents will be better informed of CC activities
New parents will be informed of the ‘Five to Thrive’ benefits for their babies / Staff
Venue – use of CC building (overheads)
MBB resource
Costs include refresh-ments approx £4 pw
To further strengthen the work in partnership with the Community Midwife Team / Extend the delivery of both ante and post natal clinics across the network
Initiate the joint delivery of Preparation for Labour and Birth sessions across the network– in place from April 2013.
Begin a Breast Feeding Support Clinic within the CCN – Sept 2013: this now runs x1 pcm @ EH3 as an ante-natal support group.
CCN will provide admin support to underpin all of the above
Regular meetings held with CCN leaders & the CM team lead to review progress and plan future- Sept 2013 these could be better BUT we do attend the monthly MW meeting as necessary. / OM/KB/JH/SW/NCP / Courses, clinic sessions, support group session will be well attended
New birth reg will rise month on month
New parents will start to access more of the universal programme
Breast feeding rates will show steady improvement i.e. rise at Q4 PbR / End of month REACH data broken down to detail under 1 registrations – starting April 2013
Monthly birth data / Feedback and evaluation will be positive
Attendance rates will increase month on month
Fathers as well as mothers will attend ante-natally / Staff
Venue – use of the CC
Cost of refreshments over the x3 evening sessions, @ £4 pw. Re-arrangement of staffing alignment to reduce accumulated TOIL/OT
To actively target households within the LSOA’s with lower reg levels generally & particularly re: under 1’s. / Analyse the 1st available monthly data sheet (April 2013) and identify those LSOA’s with lowest reg levels
Arrange another postcard drop– one delivered in partnership with YOT Summer 2013.
Ensure that via all visits to toddler groups/WBC/EY settings that partners have updated CCN info and C2C’s available for parents.Ongoing target of LR Community role as link.
Arrange drop off /pick up of these at regular intervals
Update the public notice board at the town library regularly. LR to organise during the Autumn Term 2013 / OM/KB/LR/NCP / Subsequent months will show improved trends of registrations / End of month under 1 breakdown analysis LSOA’s / Monthly reg will rise
Attendance at specific sessions for under 1’s will increase / LIS data
Staff time
Mid point review of Priority 1
June 2013 / 1 Strengths
By year end the network had increased overall reg of under 1’s by 19.5%, indicating that the improved working partnerships with health and midwifery who now offer more services out of the network for ante and post natal care (PbR data Q4 – EH3 71%, EH4 60.5%, EH5 59.3%)
September 2013: CCPM Q2 (J/A/S) reg data EH3 77%, EH4 56%, 57% - network 63%. / 1 Areas of continued focus
As part of planning for the new academic year of provision the network will initiate a dedicated under 1’s Stay & Play weekly drop in session.
September 2013: realigned to run alongside the weekly Wednesday EH5 WBC, also new planning systems with focus on Adult Learning so sessions now called Baby PALS.
Final point review of Priority 1
November 2013 / 1 Strengths / 1 Areas of continued focus
Priority 2:
Link to SEF sections 1 –access to services and 2 quality and impact of practice and services
Link to CCPM tbc
All eligible two year olds to take up entitlement of funded place / Priority Targets:
- To progress the information re: all 2 yr. olds with a place
- To encourage all families with an entitlement to funding to register with the WCCN
- To work with settings to track these children
- To refer into ORW IF required for additional support.
Objective / Specific Actions (dated) / Person/s
Responsible / Success Criteria / Specific Monitoring (dated) / Evaluation of impact / Resource Implication
To encourage all eligible EY settings to register to accept 2 yr. old funded places / Via EY setting visits - to identify any providers not yet registered and & signpost to relevant sources for application
Sept 2013 – all PVI settings across network now reg to receive the funding (incl Grove Cottage) None of the FDC settings are, but
Sycamore house will once Ofsted complete).
Promotion of BR to Senior ORW with a specific focus on 2 yr. olds (as part of FIGN). / LR & BR / More settings reg – LR has worked well to encourage all PVI’s to register now.
Increased sufficiency of 2 yr. places
Improved partnerships between CCN and EY settings
Continued trend upwards of FSP data – i.e. narrowing the gap of 20% most vulnerable – awaiting 2013 data. / LIS
Monthly report & data sheets
CCPM 04 / Increased access to good quality EY provision
Higher % of FIGN accessing services
Opportunities to develop readiness for school for both parent/carer and child / Time
Travel – cost (see payroll)
Stationery - cost
Staff cost: promotion of BR to senior ORW max cost to staffing budget (payroll) = £2000
To encourage those Childminders who already provide 3 & 4 yr. old places to accept 2 yr. olds / As above
Sept 2013 – to date only x1 CM reg across network. / As above / As above / As above / As above / As above
Early identification of those children aged 2 who are entitled to a 2 yr. funded place
Sept 2013 – evidence folder now in place EH4 office. / Via visits to EY settings and schools, ORW, universal CC activities referrals from all partners – (in hand).Ongoing
Identification of families & siblings of children age5 entitled to FSM – continue to work with schools and HT’s
EY settings to highlight that details will be shared with the local CCN – as stated on forms – process is now more robust and parents can also apply
HV team to share information with all families at 1 and 2 yr. development checks – OM to double check with PR / OM/KB/LR/BR / Local information sharing will enable early identification of children most vulnerable
The levels of 2 yr. olds taking up places will increase
Increased registrations of FIGN with the CCN
Improved reach/seen data of FIGN / LIS
Local knowledge will enhance data
Feedback from EY settings
CCPM 04, 05, 06 / 2 yr. tracking
More specific visit aims & objectives
ORW case load may increase
Increased levels of TAF/CAF/ES / Time
To track the progress of 2 yr. olds in a setting/taking up a funded place
Progress currently ‘in hand’ / Design an appropriate tracking data pro-forma – completed & ready to roll out from Sept 2013
Once identified the children at what setting – regular visits to inform the data collection & analysis -on-going
Information sharing between partners & the ORW service to ensure that all 2 yr. olds are captured – on-going
Ensure that all data received by HCC is shared with both LR & BR to progress reg and sign up to scheme. This will include info re: families entitled to letter and contact. / LR/BR
OM/KB/LR / The CCN will have an informed and fuller overview of 2 yr. olds, the settings and the placements
All eligible 2 yr. olds will take up a place
This will also support the identification of FIGN and work towards ensuring that their needs are met
Letters will be sent to all DWP/HCC identified families inviting application for a 2 yr. old place – data analysed and gaps identified monthly. / LIS
Estart event data
CCPM 04, 06 / On-going review of the data will inform the CCN re: planning for future services.
Inform the allocation of ORW capacity to support FIGN
On-going support for school readiness
Continued improved trends in FSP profile data. / Time
Petrol – payroll cost
Stationery - cost
Postage - cost
Midpoint review of Priority 2
End July 2013 / 2 Strengths
Current CSS data shows: EH3 23.1%, EH4 50%, EH5 33.3% uptake. However the network has already identified all of these children and is improving access to information for families / 2 Areas of continued focus – September 2013
- To start and continue with regular analysis of monthly data sent from HCC
- Ensure that letters are sent to identified families within the set time scales
- Encourage all settings to progress CC registration of new families
Final point review of Priority 2
November 2013 / 2 Strengths / 2 Areas of continued focus
Priority 3:Link section 2 SEF: The quality and impact of practice and services and section 4 Overall effectiveness
Link to CCPM 8 (a.b)
(a) To continue to support activities and further develop partnerships to halt the rise in figures of overweight children (b) in conjunction maintain and build on increase in prevalence of breastfeeding. / Priority Target: to be confirmed / Priority coordinators:
Objective / Specific Actions (dated) / Person/s
Responsible / Success Criteria / Specific Monitoring (dated) / Evaluation of impact / Resource Implication
3.1 (a)
To continue with the excellent work in partnership that has already been developed / ensure timely meetings with key strategic staff to organise and plan this service delivery – need to organise the Autumn term 2013 meeting asap.
provide detailed letters of agreement mapping out the work in partnership – still o/s, progress asap OM/KB Sept 2013
Ensure that regular M&E is provided detailing quality of provision & outcomes of it – focus on all the Parent Craft classes, no pro-forma from HV team yet re: 1st parents group. Sept 2013
Provide the admin resource to manage marketing and booking of places
Ensure that relevant event data is captured on Estart data base–ongoing
Run reports outlining status monthly - ongoing / OM/KB/NCP/JH/SW / Robust planning with relevant and key partners is in place– it is better Sept 2013
Clinics, development checks, sessions e.g. intro solids, are well booked in advance
Attendance levels are high – improving steadily Sept 2013
Reach data SEEN of target families moves towards the ‘majority’ i.e. 51-64%- end July data from HCC indicates 70.8% reach
Reg rates improve as a result of the above and move towards ‘most’ families reg i.e. 80-96%end August 2013 CCN reg = 82%
All feedback is positive and denotes key learning by parents/carers
Follow up evaluation is sought by CC staff / Estart event data
Estart 1/4ly profile data – target families seen
Estart FIGN 1/4ly Hard to reach seen at setting reports
Service level agreements – not in place for all partners – new commissioning toolkit available to search for template. Sept 2013
Letters of agreement – both with clear outline of expectation of M&E data to be shared with network – see above / Comprehensive programme delivered in partnership with key partners.
Clear vision for future planning, inclusive of partner delivery.
Data will show target families are able to access appropriate support & learning opportunities, providing positive outcomes. / Capacity of venue and staff availability
Cost of venue hire
WBC at Charis Centre every Wed (am) split across each CCVEN budget code total = £2025 pa/£675 per centre pa.
3:2 (a)
To continue delivery of Introduction to Solids workshops with HV team / ensure timely meetings with key strategic staff to organise and plan this service delivery – tie into Autumn term meetings
allocate relevant time and space for these sessions in the CC activity program– now displayed on the annual activity programme 2013-14
CCN to manage the admin of these sessions
Ensure that information and signposting to these sessions is maintained / OM/KB/PR
All CC and HV staff / Levels of good attendance will continue
Opportunities for Reg of new families
Access to other universal services will increase
This will also support sustained breast feeding levels and signposting to relevant support where necessary / Estart monthly event data
CCPM 08 (a,b) / Parents (in particular new parents) will feedback higher confidence levels in weaning process
Options for healthy lifestyle choices can be discussed
Signposting to relevant public health resources / Venue – use of LS
Network admin time
Re-prographic materials
Cost: Refreshments @ £4 per session = £48 pa
3:3 (a)
To ensure that relevant CC sessions are planned with access to physical activities included / Key Play Work staff liaise with Network EYP to ensure that session are adequately planned with links to the EYFS – planning alteration for Autumn 2013, big focus on Adult learning with a session specifically aimed at including opportunities for physical activities. Re-named Physical PALS. Also to maintain access to physical activity in all other universal sessions.
Where possible involve opportunities to outside play
To continue with the ‘Buggy Buddies’ project and consider rolling this across all S&P (now PALS) if final evaluation is good – awaiting final evaluation, but resources well used during summer term 2013 and learning journal in place.
To ensure that ‘Out & About’ sessions are maintained as part of the activity program – easier to manage during holiday programme e.g. walks to Birchanger Woods TO DO ‘Focus On.
Ongoing ‘Fun with Drums’ sessions commissioned from Day ‘O’ Drums right through academic year. / LR/KN
All CC staff
OM/Day O Drums / Session planning in place and evaluations identifying impact of physical play provision
Buggy Buddies’ project gains more momentum and interest
Overweight/obesity levels start to fall – check CCPM Q2 OM
Rising numbers of families will engage in out of centre physical activities / LIS data
CCPM 08(a,b) / Play Leader to evaluate daily/weekly
Continue with collecting ‘Children’s Voice’tbc? Ask LR
EYP to lead more detailed M&E at end of each half term