Service Delivery to Female Sex Workers/ (FSWs)
Government of the Punjab,
P&S Healthcare Department, Lahore
Government of the Punjab has taken the initiative to control the spread of HIV / AIDS in the Province. FSWs (Female Sex Workers), are more likely than MSWs (Male Sex Workers), to engage in sex with general population and may be the main contact between the high risk core of the epidemic (PWID and MSWs) and the general public.
2. Punjab AIDS Control Program (PACP) aims to procure services for all categories of FSW’s in 8 districts of Punjab (Lahore, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Sargodha, Gujrat, Multan and Sheikhupura). These services will include: peer outreach & counseling for safer behaviors, condom distribution, STI Care, prevention and social services. The service delivery will also include testing and screening of HIV, Hep-B, Hep-C, Syphilis and PAP Smear alongside the behavioural change communications among the key population of FSWs. The PACP will provide testing & screening kits alongwith necessary technical assistance.
The interested applicants should attach the following documents along with the EOI:
- Documentary proof of valid legal entity of the firm in Pakistan”.
- Audited statements of accounts for last five years.
- Profile of the Organization, Detail of Bank Accounts, Tax exemption certificates, Scope & Objective of Firm/NGO/Implementing Partner.
- Description of organizational capacity in terms of technical / administrative / financial management of public health.
- Details of project implemented during last ten years, especially HIV projects.
- Qualification & experience of team for implantation of the project.
- The firm will undertake that neither the firm nor its any member is blacklisted/ debarred/disqualified by any Public or Private Organization in Pakistan.
4. Interested applicants can obtain the complete set of EOI documents from the websites The interested applicants should submit their sealed EOI documents for any or all districts in the Procurement Cell of Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department 1-Birdwood Road Lahore on or before 03-02-2017 till 11:00 AM. The EOIs received till the stipulated date & time shall be opened publicly on the same day at 11:30 AM.
5.Qualified/Shortlisted applicants shall be issued letter of invitation as per provision of PPR, 2014, to collect RFP document containing terms of reference, list of documents to be attached for evaluation of proposals.
NOTE:The procurement shall be governed by Punjab Procurement Rules, 2014.
Project Director,
Punjab AIDS Control Program,
7-B Huma Block Allama Iqbal Town Lahore
Tel#042-99260291, 042-99260292
Applicant / Means anycorporation, company, partnership, joint venture, association, firm, public or private entity or a Consortium, that is eligible, has the expertise and ability to undertake the Assignment as per the requirements of this PDQ.Assignment / Means the works to be undertaken and services to be provided by the Applicant upon being selected as the successful bidder after the bidding process to be conducted post pre-qualification, including:
A service for all categories of FSW’s in 8 districts of Punjab (Lahore, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Sargodha, Gujrat, Multan and Sheikhupura).
These services will include: peer outreach & counseling for safer behaviors, condom distribution, STI Care, prevention and social services.
The service delivery will also include testing and screening of HIV, Hep-B, Hep-C, Syphilis and PAP Smear alongside the behavioural change communications among the key population of FSWs.
The PACP will provide testing & screening kits alongwith necessary technical assistance.
Consortium / Where the Applicant is comprised of a group of firms/companies/consultants/advisors etc. who have submitted an EOI as per the requirements of this PQD; all members, if awarded the contract, shall individually sign and be jointly and severally liable for the entire Assignment and such an association may be known as a Consortium for submission of the EOI.
Due Date / The EOI shall be submitted by the Applicant onor before 03-02-2017 at 11:00 AM
EOI / Expression of Interest to be submitted by the Applicant containing the information as set out and required under this PQD.
GoPb / Government of the Punjab.
Lead Consultant/Advisor / If the Applicant is a Consortium then one of the entities of such Consortium shall be designated as the Lead Consultant/Advisor in the EOI to perform a lead role who has been duly appointed by all Consortium to submit and sign on their behalf all documents required hereunder to bind the entire Consortium to the contents thereof.
Power of Attorney / The Power of Attorney to be provided by the Applicant in the form appended as Schedule 5 to this PQD.
PACP / Punjab AIDS Control Program
PQD / These Prequalification Documents issued by the Punjab AIDS Control Program,Health Department, GoPb
RFP / Request for Proposals
The Punjab AIDS Control Program, Government of the Punjab,P&S Healthcare Department, (the "Authority") invites Expression of Interest applications ("Expression of Interest Applications") from prospective bidders (each a "Prospective Bidder") for Service Delivery to Female Sex Workers(FSWs)in 8 districts of Punjab (Lahore, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Sargodha, Gujrat, Multan and Sheikhupura). These services will include: peer outreach & counseling for safer behaviors, condom distribution, STI Care, prevention and social services. The service delivery will also include testing and screening of HIV, Hep-B, Hep-C, Syphilis and PAP Smear alongside the behavioural change communications among the key population of FSWs. The PACP will provide testing & screening kits alongwith necessary technical assistance.
- Fraud & Corruption
- The PACP requires that the Applicant observes the highest standard of ethics in relation to the submission of the EOI for prequalification and further documents required for prequalification and thereafter.
- The PACP will reject a proposal for prequalification if it determines that the Applicant has directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive or obstructive practices in competing for the contract in question and will declare the applicant ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time.
- Eligible Applicants
- Documentary proof of valid legal entity of the firm in Pakistan”.
- If the Government of Pakistan prohibits commercial relations with any country, any Applicantsof such countries/dealing with such countries are ineligible to apply.
- AnApplicant declared disqualified / blacklisted / debarred by any public sector organization in Pakistan shall be ineligible for prequalification.
- Clarifications in relation to the PQD
- An Applicant requiring any clarification in relation to the PQD shall contact the PACPin writing at the address indicated in this PQD.
- The PACPwill respond in writing to any request for clarification provided that such request is received no later than ten days prior to the deadline for submission of the EOI.
- The PACPshall forward copies of its response to any queries raised by an Applicant to all Applicants who have acquired the PQD through official website including a description of the inquiry. If the PACPdeems it necessary to amend the PQD (as a result of a clarification or for any other reason whatsoever) it shall do under intimation to all Applicants who have obtained the PQD through its official website.
- Amendments in Prequalification Documents
- At any time prior to the deadline for submission of EOIs, the PACPmay amend thePQD by issuing an addendum.
- Any addendum issued shall be part of the PQD and shall be communicated in writing to all who have obtained the PQD documents from the PACP.
- To give Applicants reasonable time to take an addendum into account in preparing their applications, the PACPmay, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of applications.
- Cost of Application
- The Applicant shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of EOI. The PACPwill in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the prequalification process.
- Documents establishing the eligibility of Applicant
- To establish its eligibility, the Applicant shallcomplete the eligibility declarations.
- Documents Establishing the Qualification of Applicants
- To establish its qualifications the Applicant shall provide theinformation requested in the corresponding sheets, prequalification criteria etc.
- Signing of the Application
- The Applicant shall prepare and submit the EOI as described in this document. The EOI shall be signed by a person authorized on behalf of the Applicant.
- Sealing and Identification of Application
The Applicant shall enclose its EOI in a sealed envelope that shall:
- bear the name and address of the Applicant,
- be addressed to the Project Director, Punjab AIDS Control Program, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. Phone Numbers: 0092-99260291 & 0092-99260292
- bear the specific identification of this prequalificationprocess indicated in the PQD.
- Each EOI shall be in English accompanied by the supporting documents. Should any original supporting documents not be in English, a certified translation of the same in English shall be provided by the Applicant. Submission of EOI should be done physically at the address specified at point (ii) above (the “Address”) and submission through fax, e-mail, cable, telegram or any other means not specified above, will not be accepted.
- The PACPwill accept no responsibility for not processingany envelope that was not identified as required.
- Deadline for Submission of Application:
- Applications shall be received by the PACPat the Address and no later than the deadline indicated in the PQD.
- The PACPmay, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of applications by amending the PQD in which case all rights and obligations of the PACPand the Applicant subject to the previous deadline shall thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.
- Late Application:
- Any application received by the PACPafter the deadline for submission of applications will not be entertained.
- Opening of Applications
- The PACPshall open all application on 03-02-2017 at 11:00AM, Committee Room of Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department, 01-Birdwood Road, Lahore.
- Confidentiality
- Information relating to the evaluation of Applications, and recommendation for prequalification, shall not be disclosed to the Applicants or any other persons not officially concerned with such process until the notification of prequalification is made to all Applicants.
- Clarifications of Applications
- To assist in the evaluation of applications, the PACPmay, at its discretion, ask any Applicant for aclarification of its application which shall be submitted within a stated reasonable period of time. Any request for clarification and all clarifications shall be in writing.
- If an Applicant does not provide clarifications of the information requested by the deadline, the application shall be evaluated based on the information and documents available at the time of evaluation of the application.
- Responsiveness of Applications
- All applications not responsive to the requirements of the PQDshall be rejected.
- Notification of Prequalification
- The PACPshall promptly notify each Applicant as to whether or not it has been pre-qualified and shall make available to any person directly involved in the pre-qualification process, upon request, the names of all Applicantsthat have been pre-qualified.
- Interpretation & Final Determination
- The interpretation and final determination of any matter relating to the PQD, the EOI, all enclosed documents, sections, compliance documents etc. as well as any additional or supplementary information required by the PACPwill be at Health Department’s sole discretion which shall be final and binding on the applicants.
- Use of Information
- Permission for disclosure of information submitted by an Applicant as part of the EOI is not required for the release of information to the PACPor GoPb, its consultants, advisors and personnel for the purpose of prequalification and evaluation.
- Redressal of Grievances
The PACPin accordance with Rule No 67 of the Rules shall constitute a ‘Grievance Redressal Committee’ comprising of an odd number of persons with proper powers and authorization to address any complaint with the following mandate;
i.Any Applicant feeling aggrieved by any act of the PACPafter the submission of the EOI may lodge a written complaint concerning its grievances not later than ten (10) days after the announcement of the applicants that have been pre-qualified.
ii.The committee shall investigate and decide upon the complaint within fifteen days of the receipt of the complaint.
iii.The Applicants mere act of lodging of the complaint shall not warrant suspension of the procurement process.
- Governing Law
This PQD will be governed by and construed in accordance with all applicable Laws in Punjab, Pakistan.
- General Instructions
- The process will be governed under the Rules, as amended from time to time and instructions of the GoPb received during the completion of the process. The Rules may be obtained from the Punjab Public Regulatory Authority (“PPRA”) website Moreover, the whole PQD shall be construed and interpreted in line with the Rules.
- The Applicant must submit complete information as per PQD by the Due Date. EOI received after Due Date will be rejected;
- If the Applicant is a Consortium, there must be a Lead Consultant/ Advisor appointed through a Power of Attorney executed by all Consortium members but such Consortium is limited to maximum of 4 members only. If the Applicants are a Consortium each firm of the Consortium (including the Lead Consultant/Advisor) shall furnish a Power of Attorney authorizing an authorized representative of the Lead Consultant/Advisor on their behalf. One member of the Consortium may submit only one EOI and if one member submits more than one EOI, the PACP shall reject all such EOI;
- Power of Attorney to be printed on stamp paper signed and notarized. In the case of a Pakistani Attorney, a copy of his/her national identity card (“NIC”) should be attached with the Power of Attorney. In the case of a non-Pakistani Attorney, a copy of his/her passport should be attached.Additionally, in the event a Power of Attorney is being executed outside Pakistan, for the purposes of notarization of the Power of Attorney the stamp of the Notary Public of the country (in which the Power of Attorney is being executed) will have to be affixed to the Power of Attorney and once the document has been notarized, the Power of Attorney must be attested by the office of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the country (in which the Power of Attorney is being executed). Upon attestation in the aforesaid manner, the Power of Attorney must be attested by the Pakistani Embassy in that country by affixing its official stamp on the Power of Attorney. Once the original Power of Attorney has been brought into Pakistan, adhesive stamps are to be affixed on the same.
- In the event the Applicant is a Consortium, all communications and correspondence shall be routed through the Lead Consultant/Advisor. The PACPshall only correspond with the Lead Consultant/Advisor and as such delivery of any notice, information or other correspondence to the Lead Consultant/Advisor shall be considered deemed delivery to all the members of Consortium.
- Annual audited statements of accounts for the last five years of the Applicant duly certified from a registered chartered accountant shall be submitted with the EOI.
- The Applicant, and if applicable, must be registered with the income tax authorities and a copy of the NTN (National Tax Number) must be submitted with the EOI.
- The PACPwill evaluate the EOI as per evaluation criteria provided hereunder and will prepare a shortlist of the Applicants as per the Rules. .
- The PACPmay confirm the status of the Applicant for the sake of conflict of interest before completion of the pre-qualification process. For this purpose, the Applicant shall be required to provide this information in specific terms and any misrepresentation shall be made a ground for rejection. Applicants may note that in case of their selection, any such links, if detected during the currency of their contract, would be reported to the PACPand PPRA for cancellation of its registration/license leading to their blacklisting.
- The PACPwill not reimburse any cost or expenses incurred in connection with the preparation or delivery of the EOI or visits to any office or site.
- The PACPshall be under no obligation to return any EOI or supporting materials submitted by the Applicant.
- Any misinformation forged statements etc. will lead to disqualification from prequalification and any other action as per law.
- The firm will not be considered if been expelled/black listed from any project or contract by any public/private (World Bank, UN Agency, INGO etc.) entity or Authority; or
- hadanycontractterminatedbyanygovernment,governmentinstrumentality, National or International Civil Society Organization for breachof contract bysuchProspectiveBidderorpartner.
Eligibility Requirements / Pre-Requisite
Availability of following documents in the EOI shall be checked to shortlist the Applicants:
(a)Documentary proof of valid legal entity of the firm in Pakistan”.
(b)Details, in the format provided at Schedule 1 hereto, of similar contracts completed during the last ten (10) years. If the Applicant is a Consortium, the details for each of the Consortium members has to be provided;
(c)Details, in the format provided at Schedule 3 hereto, of works completed by the Applicant during last 10 years, indicating total cost If the Applicant is a Consortium, the details for each of the Consortium members has to be provided;
(d)The Applicant shall provide audited statements of accounts and annual turnover for the past five years duly supported by audited statements. Annual average turnover of the Applicant for the last five years must be at least Rs.30.00 (ThirtyMillion) annually. The audited statements and annual turnover shall be that of the Applicant and not of any parent company, subsidiary or any affiliates of the Applicant, any non-compliance shall constitute as grounds for disqualification;