Service Delivery Options
- Early intervention- access to Specialists
- Pre-school, occasional care, parent breaks andschooling in community venues and homes- personalised care and education tailored to your child’s unique needs
- Group homes, respite care
- In home education and intervention supports
- Early Learning Circles- a 10 week playgroup with a difference
- Sharing Circles- peer to peer support groups
- Educational and behavioural supports
- Disability specific training
- Epigenetics testing- personalised nutritional and compounding plans
Brightlingsis a unique, integrated andinclusive service that is designed to personalise and respond to your NDISneeds and priorities.
Our key workercan supportyou with your plan and to helpimplement and reachyour goals, we link the participant
We design supportsthat can optimise your child’s experiences and make life more manageable.
We use well researched approaches, best practices and a trans-disciplinary approach. We will provide the nurturing care and connections that you deserve.
Contact: Regional Manager
Natalie Palmer
Phone: 0412 696 456
Can wehelp you
and your supports to
understand yourchild and
nurture their potential?
Brightlings- NDIS Registered
Disability Provider of Approved
Trans- disciplinary EarlySupports
Brightlingshelps you to:
- Personalise and support you with NDISoptions and choices
- Explore pre-diagnosis and best practice options
- Use tests that provide feedback on developmental progress and environmental influences
- Analyse any gaps in the seven areas of development, ensuring the correct foundation and supports
- Engage with disability specific training
- Identify and guide behaviours
- Access educational and intervention services
- Experience Parent breaks
- Gain information, become connected to community and in support groups and participate in capacity building programs
We analysecapacityand environmentsin seven areas of sequential development(shown below), thenaddress any concerns at each stageensuring the foundation is optimal. We start as early as possible to personaliseand to co-plan intervention strategies responsive to your needs: at home, inschool, in educational settings, in respite and community supports.
We can also support your plans and provide strategies for other people who educate and care for your child, to ensure they have tools that can build capacity at each of the 7 levels.
Brightlingsuses a whole systems approach, the key difference is that we provide information that can help you and others to first understand your child and then use methods to manageand educate your child.
5 P’s of Person Centred Planning
Our Family and Person-Centred practices will empower you and others to understand and engage with your child. Our simple and effective tools can alleviate challenges.
Our Trans-disciplinary team are highly experienced with complex needs, and will assistyou to design and integrate your supports. Our specialists will ensure that you are at the heart of our service to achieve best outcomes for all involved in your child’s care and education.
Referral and networking approaches are used to assess developmental needs and possible interventions.
We are here to help you to achieve your NDIS goals to build greater capacity and design a better more fulfilling future for your NDIS participant.