Serpell Primary School



To ensure prescription and non-prescriptionmedications are stored and administered correctly.


Students who are unwell should not attend school.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to consider whether they can administer medication outside the school day, such as before and after school and before bed.

Antibiotics that are prescribed three times a day are to be given in the morning, after school and in the evening. The exception being if the child is going to Out of Hours School Care, in which case the middle does can be administered at school.

Medication Authority

Long term medications are to be authorised by a Doctor and recorded on a ‘Medication Authority - Long Term’ form.

Short term and infrequent medications may be authorised by the parent/guardian and recorded on a ‘Medication Authority – Short Term & Infrequent’ form.

All medications are to be:

  • accompanied by written authority providing directions for administration.
  • in the original bottle or container clearly labelled with the name of the student, dosage and time to be administered
  • within its expiry date

This is not required for students with Asthma or Anaphylaxis as this is covered under ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis and the Asthma Foundation’s Asthma CarePlan for Schools.

Medication Administration

The School Nurse will administer the medication on behalf of the Principal. In the absence of the School Nurse the Office Staff will administer the medication on behalf of the Principal.

Serpell Primary School will obtain:

  • clarification about medication from the parents/guardians, who may need to contact the prescribing medical/health practitioner.
  • general information relating to safe medication practices from the local or hospital pharmacists, ensuring that the identity of the individual student is not provided.

The principal or their nominee will ensure that the correct medication is administered:

  • to the correct student
  • in the correct dose
  • via the correct method, such as inhaled or orally and
  • at the correct time of day.

Administration details for short term and infrequent medications, are recorded on the ‘Medication Authority – Short Term & Infrequent’ form.

Administration details for long term medications are recorded on the ‘Everyday Medication Chart’.

All medication administrations are recorded on Incident Reporter.

The teacher in charge of the student at the time their medication is required, will release the student from class to obtain their medication.

Serpell Primary School will not:

  • store or administer analgesics such as aspirin and paracetamol as a standard first aid strategy as it can mask signs and symptoms of serious illness or injury (analgesics may be given as part of a health plan)
  • allow a student to take their first dose of a new medication at school in case of an allergic reaction. This should be done under the supervision of the family or health practitioner.
  • allow use of medication by anyone other than the prescribed student.

Note: Only in a life threatening emergency could this requirement be varied. For example, if a student is having an asthma attack and their own reliever puffer (Ventolin) is not readily available. The Ventolin will be obtained from the first aid kit and given without delay.


The medication for self-administered will be stored in the locked Health Centre Cabinet. Where immediate access is required by the studentsuch as in cases of asthma, anaphylaxis or diabetes, the medication will be stored in an easily accessible location.

At the principal’s discretion, students can carry their own medication with them. The medication must be in the original bottle and not have special storage requirements, such as refrigeration and doing so does not create potentially unsafe access to the medication by other students.

Serpell Primary School will consult with parents/guardians and the student’s medical/health practitioner to determine the age and circumstances by which the student could self-administer their medication.

Storing medication

Serpell Primary School will ensure medication is stored in the locked cabinet in the Health Centre to ensure it is stored:

  • securely to minimise risk to others.
  • in a place only accessible by staff who are responsible for administering the medication
  • away from the classroom.
  • stored according to the product instructions, particularly in relation to temperature.

Epipens are stored on the Health Centre shelf and not locked away so they are easily accessible in an emergency.

Medication error

In the event that an administration error is made Serpell Primary School will:

  • follow first aid procedures outlined in the Student Health Plan, or Anaphylaxis Management Plan where appropriate
  • ring the Poisons information Line, 13 11 26 and give details of the incident.
  • act immediately upon their advice, such as calling an ambulance, on 000.
  • contact the parents/guardians to notified them of the medication error
  • review medication management procedures at the school in light of the incident.


Serpell Primary School will have a stock of some infrequent, non-prescription medications that will be given to the child if required and if permission has been granted by the parent. The parent will provide permission by completing a ‘Medication Administration on Camp’ form.

ReviewThis policy with be reviewed every 3 years.

Ratified / Date
School Council / February 15, 2016

Attachment 1: Long Term Medications

Serpell Primary School

 9842-8182 Fax 9841-5466


NB: Long term medications must be authorised by a Doctor.



Child’s Name: ______Grade: ______

Name of Medication: ______

Dose: ______

Frequency/Time to be given: ______

Reason for Medication: ______

Doctor’s Name: ______

Doctor’s Signature: ______

Doctor’s Phone Number: ______ Date: ____/____/______



I have provided the medication in its original packaging.

Parent Name: ______

I authorize the staff of Serpell P.S. to administer medication to my child as detailed above.

Signature: ______Date: ____/____/______

Parent Contact Number: ______

Attachment 2: Short Term Medications

Serpell Primary School


 9842-8182 Fax 9841-5466


Name ______ Grade ______

Name of Medication ______

Dosage (Amount to be given) ______

Reason for Medication ______

Date/Time to be given …………………………………………………Or As required

Duration:From Date ____/____/______To Date ____/____/______

I have enclosed the medication in its original packaging.


Name ______

I authorize the staff of Serpell P.S. to administer medication to my child as detailed above:

Signature ______Date ____/____/______

Contact Number ______

RECORD OF TIME GIVEN (For school use only)

Date / Time / Signature / Date / Time / Signature

Attachment 3: Everyday Medication

Serpell Primary School  9842-8182 Fax 9841-5466


Student Name ______ Grade ______

Medication ______Dosage ______Time ______

Please enter date and sign when medication administered.

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday

Attachment 4: Medication Administration on Camp.


Medication Administration on Camp

Dear Parents

This year Serpell Primary School will be changing how we manage infrequent medications while on camp. We will have a stock of medications that will be given to your child if required and if permission has been granted by the parent.

Medication dosage will be given according to the child’s age and the recommended dose recorded on the medication packet. Medications may be a chewable tablet or liquid.

Please indicate by ticking if you give the staff of Serpell Primary School permission to give the following medication in the listed circumstances.

□Paracetamol (Panadol) for headache, tooth ache or minor pain.

□Loradine (Claratyne) for hayfever and minor sensitivity reactions.

□Ginger (Travacalm Natural) for travel sickness.

If you child is on other regular medication you will be required to complete a ‘Medication Authority’ form and provide the medication.

Asthmatics will be required to provide an ‘Asthma Action Plan’ and ‘School Camp and Excursion Medical Update’ form and supply the ventolin.

Please note, if your child has a fever or is deemed to be unwell to stay at camp, you will be contacted to collect him/her.

Thank you.

I ………………………………………………. (Print Parent Name) give permission

for my child ……………………………………………….. grade …………….. to

have the above medications if required. Parent Signature ……………………………………………………………