technical MANUAL
( explorer plus )
( User and maintenance manual )
Instruments for air quality control
Via Torino, 14 – 20010 Bareggio (MI) – Tel. +39.02.90361324/5 – Fax +39.02.90361249
Web site: – E-mail:
This manual has been drawn up to enable an optimal use of the zambelliproduct and then read it carefully before the use and keep with the product so that it can be consulted during the sampling.
In the continuous improvement of the product this manual is subject to change and revisions without notice. If you have any doubt please contact the zambelli technical assistance
Technical manual / sEQUENTIAL SYSTEMS1particular instructions
We recommend to program with the Zambelli assistance maintenance / periodic calibration, it is advisable to make an annual review.
Contact us before the expiry of the guarantee to get information about campaigns, events and benefits.
There are preventive maintenance contracts that help to keep the instrumentation to maximum efficiency, cheap and reduced time.
1.1transport – shipment - packing
The materials, together with procedures utilized for packing and shipment of the Zambelli units, are studied to protect the products and to guarantee their integrity in the best possible way and, for this purpose, we suggest you should reuse the same packing to transport the units.
1.2It is forbidden TO tamper with,MAKE modificaTIONSAND/oRreplace components
The instrument damaging from personnel unauthorized by Zambelli Srl invalidates the warranty.
Tampering with, making modifications and/or replacing original Zambelli components may cause:
- The product not to work properly
- The modification of the technical specifications
- The lack of compliance with necessary Standards
For these reasons:
- Any broken component must be replaced with one which complies with the original
- Any technical intervention on the product must be carried out by qualified technicians
- Zambelli s.r.l. is willing to supply parts and to carry out any necessary maintenance interventions.
The Zambelli units are supplied to the final user with a guarantee:
The guarantee does not include damage, caused by improper use of the unit, together with damage caused by natural events (fire, floods etc.), by being dropped, by violent acts , misuse and by connection to electrical circuits which are not in conformity with the regulations.
The guarantee does not include any possible parts subject to use, the parts which usually wear out due to normal use of the same, and the periodical calibration interventions according to the existing laws.
Any possible repairs under guarantee must be carried out at the Zambelli S.R.L. Laboratories, and should any faults be found due to one of the above indicated causes, both the labour and any parts will be invoiced according to the price list, regardless of the date of the delivery note.
Please note that the rotary pumps installed in some Zambelli’s sampling lines (see technical specifications) require a periodic revision, in fact they must be reviewed every 5000 hours or 6 / 7 months of use. We recommend to program with Zambelli technical assistance a periodic maintenance in order to avoid not under warranty unpleasant and machine failures.
When you sampling in stack the first components to be exposed to heat are the probes and accessories in metal material, in this regard, it recalls the importance of using the "graphite grease " to lubricate the metal threads, so as to avoid seize up due to heat expansion
- Check periodically that the air inlet and outlet of the instrument are not blocked..
- The instrumentation provided with gas-meter must never be reversed even during transport or storage.
- Connect the instrumentation to electricity line only after checking the correct compatibility, compared to what it says on the label of the instrumentation.
- Verify that your plant has the ground earth linking.
- Make sure you have made all the electrical and pneumatic connections correctly.
- We recommend to download the memory at the end of each set of samplings.
- The incorrect modification of the instrument setup can cause anomalies, therefore read the supplied manual. If you have any doubt contact the Zambelli technical assistance.
Zambelli S.r.l. offers a new sequential system for ambient for the sampling of total dust (TSP), PM 10and PM 2,5.
The system allows to sample 16 times sequently and it is made of a new compact cabinet entirely in aluminium (or by request available in other materials) thermoventilatedwhere the filter change is automatic and where accessories could be placed, the cabinet is divided into 2 parts so to have it lighter and easy to transport: control unit (upper side) and pump (lower side).
Using the sample heads conform to European Norm EN 12341 (2,3 m3/h)the sequential system is conform to D.L. n ° 60 of the 02.04.2002.
The sequential system conforms to existing norms in regards to electric safety ( CE )
The system, protected by a sturdy door, has a control panel that allows the management of the system and the automatic movement of the filters. Youcan use an optional module to manage the sensorsof relative humidity, of the speed and wind direction and of also a system that regulate and keep constant the flow sampling.
Using the heads for sampling PM 10 and PM 2.5 in accordance with European standard EN 12341 (flow rate 2.3 m3 / h), or alternatively, the sampling heads PM 2.5 and PM 10, conform to USEPA (flow1 m3 / h), the detection of ambient temperature and barometric pressure allow to calculate and update in real time the samplingflow, so to maintain constant the air speed at the entrance point of the fractionated PM 10 or PM 2.5. This regulation system grants higher accuracy in the collection of particles with the use of PM 10 - PM 2.5).
The data of the planning and of the samples managed by the system are stored and / or printed.
The memory capacity can store more than 20 samples, considering that the data of asamplingare made of the settled data and of the individual samples. For more safety reason, the data are protected against the accidental cancellation.
The stored data can be downloaded to a Personal Computer and/or printed even during or at the end of the samplingperiod. With the storage of the data it is possible to continue with the execution of the sampling even in case of error of the printer.
The software features of the sampler are described in the following paragraphs.
Parameters list:
- Volumic flow at the beginning of the sample
- Average of the volumic flow in the sampling period
- Variation coefficient CV of the volumic flow in the sampling period
- Indicator of exceeding for more than 5 minutesof the limit of the 10% of the settled flow
- Total volume sampled
- Ambient temperature
- Average, minimum and maximum of the ambient temperature in the sampling period
- Atmospheric pressure
- Average, minimum and maximum of the ambient pressure in the sampling period
- Down pressure on the filtering device during the sampling
- Average, minimum, maximum down pressure in the sampling period
- Temperature close to the filtering device
- Indicator of the exceeding maximum allowed limit (5 °C) in the difference between the temperature close to the filtering device and ambient temperature for more than 60 minutes
- Maximum differential between temperature close to the filtering device and ambient temperature with date and time of the event
Picture 2
ASetting optional accessories (Peltier and thermoresistance)
DStarting fan push-button, for the cabinet ventilation
EFuse holder (fuse)
FON-OFF push button for the starting of the command panel
GPower on the back-lighting of the display
HPower on the serial printer (J)
ISerial port USBfor downloading data to PC
JSerial printer ( in the command panel )
KMain switch of the system ( Magnetothermic 220Vac – 10A )
LBack lighted display
MAlphanumeric keyboard
NVolumetric counter –Indicating the sampled volume
OFlow selection – conforms to UNI EN 12341 (38.3 Lpm) or in conformity to US EPA (16.7 Lpm)
PSocket connection AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (connect the cable coming from the support)
QSocket for connecting external pump (X)
RExhausting air - It 's the hole from which the air sucked out - It' s very important that during operation this hole would not be blocked, since the pneumatic circuit under pressure could break the volumetric counter
SGREY rubber holder – Connecting the air entrance of the pump (W)
TBLACK rubber holder – Connecting the air exit of the pump(V)
UDischarge condense from the condenser type Peltier
VBLACK rubber holder –Air exit from the pump
WGREY rubber holder –Air entrance from the pump
XConnecting cable of the external pump
Start the system EXPLORER PLUS acting the main switch on the control panel of the instrument, within a few seconds it appears the display where it is indicated: model, software version installed, the percentage of free memory, serial number, date and time set.
Free Memory 100.0 %S/N. XX
Press any button to continue and access the main menu…
3.3MAIN Menu
In the main menu there are 5 options:
With the use of the buttonsmove the cursor on the desired menu and push .
With this easy operation you have access to the different menus…
3.4Symbols and unit of measurement
Symbols / Unit of measurement / DescriptionCAMP. / N. / Number of the sampling actually running
LITRI / L / Total sampled volume in litres (for single sampling or membrane)
FLUSSO / lpm / Effective flow (Reading the beginning of the sample)
CV% / Variation coefficient – it is the difference between the theoric flow (set) and the effective flow kept by the instrument
MINUTI / min / Time spent from the beginning of the sampling
T.AMB / K / Ambient temperature (Reading placed at the beginning of the sample)
T.FIL / K / Filter temperature (reading placed at filter/sensor)
T.CON / K / Ambient Temperature (reading placed at volumetric counter)
P.AMB / hPa / Barometric pressure (Pression measured in ambient)
P.DIFF / hPa / Differential pressure (Pressure measured in the pneumatic circuit / suction pump to calculate the flows and compensate the drop)
The automatic mover of the filters (built into the system) allows you to sample up to 16 filters in sequence. The system guarantees the protection of the white filter and the filter exposed to any external pollution. Thefilter holder prevents the manipulation on-site of the filtration membranes.
Picture 3
ALoader cassette filters containing "white" filters
BLoader filter cassette collection containing sampled filters
CSecurity Door (To protect your filters from external dust).
DTree balance (pushing-filter)
ELED ERROR – It lights in case of anomaly or failure of filter positioning
FLED BUSY – It lights when the Controller 16 is activated by the system
GLED POWER – It lights to indicate the correct power of the CONTROLLER16
HRESET – Push reset button to clear the error (later shut down and turn the Controller 16)
ICHARGING THE FILTER – Charge the filter manually
LDISCHARGING THE FILTER – Discharge the filter manually
MSledging sliding filters (See instructions on the preparation of the filters - cap.4.6)
To run the samples you must use the "cassette filters”. This system of "filter preparation” has the advantage of avoiding the manipulation of the filter in the place where it has been executed the sampling. The CONTROLLER 16 is equipped with 2 cartridge filters, one for the "white"filters and the other for the sampled filters. The loader of the cassettefilter is a system that facilitates the transport and the storage of the filters. It is able to contain up to 16 filter cassettes. Inside each cassette filter it can be placed membranes of different types depending on the substance that has to be determinated.
Picture 4
A/ECassette filters loader (max 16 filters)
BCap closing the loader to be used for transportation
CCassette filter in aluminum teflon
DDetails of the cassette filter
FRubber holder to be inserted in the “white” filters loader. This rubber holder allows the connection of the pipe that, from the CONTROLLER 16 allows the inlet of air to push and lift the filters during the loading
GMode loading and ejection of the cassette filters from the loader
HHousing of the loaders in the CONTROLLER 16
The preparation (conditioning) of the filters must be performed without the cassette filter.
Always check the precise fitting of the cassette filters (Sequence: Membrane - White Ring - closure Ring of the cassette filter) and verify that they are blocked and without dents.
In the case of use of membranes in Teflon with ring reinforcement it should not be mounted the white cassette filter. If you use membranes in cellulose acetate it is necessary to mount a pre-filter to increase the total thickness. Use membranes with maximum thick of 475 micron (please contact before Zambelli for the use of higher thickness membranes).
Do not write and do not apply labels on the sides of the cassette filter. Always check the exact quantity of the cassette filters in the left loader (white filters) depending on the number of samples to execute.
Picture 5
AFan that brings air outside the cab (exit - no filter)
BFeeder plug
CFan that brings air inside the cab (entrance - with filter)
Clean and / or replace regularly (at least once a month), the filter that is under the protective cover of the fan
DFlange passing the wall
ELock for the closure of the cabinet
FExternal compartment for pump
GHandle for transport (also installed by mounting the air conditioner)
HDetails of the cab with and without conditioner (optional)
Depending on thetype of sampling to run and depending on the reference methodit is possible to use one of the following sampling heads.
Picture 6
Head for particle sampling PM 10 made according to European norm EN 12341 and certified by CNR of Rome (flow 2,3 m3/h)
Head for particle sampling PM 2,5 (flow 2,3 m3/h).
Picture 7
Head for particle sampling PM 10 made according to US-EPA (flow 1 m3/h)
Picture 8
Head for particle sampling PM 2,5 made according to US-EPA (flow 1 m3/h).
Picture 9
After installing the cab and after having connected all electrical and pneumatic connections of the sequential system, you can proceed with the placement of the ramp support (pole).
- Must be mounted past the flange wall (A) on the top of the cabin.
- Before inserting the sampling head in the ramp lubricate the OR with silicone oil.
- Before inserting the ramp in CONTROLLER 16lubricate the OR with silicone oil
Repeat steps lubrication of OR at the beginning of each set of samplings.
BPlace on top of the ramp support (C) the sampling head depending on the type of determination to be performed
DUsing a compass key to tighten or unscrew the nut, insert the ramp in the flange (A) until it reaches the CONTROLLER in order to reach the axis of the push-filter (E), after which put it in the push filter and verify that it gets the lower position of the push-filter; subsequently lift it at least 5 mm (F). Before starting a series of samplings, verify that the OR of the pale is inserted even when the push-filter goes down to the filter cassette. For this verification, proceed with the manual loading of the filter, through the useof the dedicated button on the CONTROLLER 16
GSelect tha sampling flow:
- In conformity to the “US EPA” norm ( 16.7 l/min )
- In conformity to the “UNI EN 12341” ( 38.3 l/min )
With the instrument it is also provided a CD-ROM containing the software that allows to download and save the data of samples, the menu allows to put in communication the software (installed in the PC) with your instrument
Insert CD-ROM in your PC, CD-ROM is autoinstalling therefore wait some istances and it will appear the procedure for the installation:
At the end of the sequence you will find on the desktop the connection to start the software.
To remove the software reinsert the CD-ROM, wait for the appearance of the following mask:
At the end of this simple procedure it has been removed the software…
To download the memory must be installed on your PC the supplied software (Zambelli Instrument Manager in the basic version - See cap.5.1).
After installing the basic software connect your PC via the serial cable supplied to the RS232 port of the instrument, start functioning and from the main menu select MEMORY and then connect to PC FOR DOWNLOADING:
After having selected “connect to PC for downloading” it appears the following mask:
( In that phase the instrument is waiting for a command by the PC ).
Start “ZAMBELLI INSTRUMENT MANAGER” (installed before), follow points 1, 2 and 3 indicated by the mask UPLOAD of the software, to download the data in the memory: