Sequential Birth Order Psychology

First Born

The first born is an only child until the second child comes to take away mother's attention. The only becomes a first born feeling there is no love for him or her.

Characteristic Bad Feeling: Guilt

Strategies for survival: Placating, Covering Up

Felt Loss: Love

Sense of Justice: People should get what they deserve

Thought Pattern: Research

T-shirt: "I don't know, what do you think?"

Childhood Behavior:Demanding, Show off

Emotional Expression:Flat

Source of Anger:Lack of Respect

Nature of Humor:Teasing

Means of Relating:Placating


Relational: Fears others may be offended, Placates

"The Child Within": Abandoned

Type of Procrastination: Dreaming instead of doing

Blind spot: Own thoughts, feelings, and desires

Boundaries: Others have absolute boundaries

A walk in the woods: Plunges into the woods pursuing distant goal

Careers: Business, Research, Counseling, Promotion, and Speaking

Strengths: Goal-setting, Compromise, and Leadership

Parenting: Directs children towards goals

Marriage: Goes along with what partner wants

As Friend: Compromising, Serving

Social Contributions: Discoveries, Information, and Dreams

Expression of Love: Agreement

Driving Style: As if everyone is out to get him or her

Common Phrase: "I don't know"

Responds To: "You may not agree with this, but...."

Second Born

The second born loses attention as the first born aggressively takes it away, leaving the second child to feel as if he or she cannot do anything well enough to merit attention.

Characteristic Bad Feeling: Inadequacy

Strategies for survival: Perfectionism, Logic

Felt Loss: Emotions

Sense of Justice: Necessity

Thought Pattern: Evaluation

T-shirt: "That won't work, it is not good enough."

Childhood Behavior: Deceptive, Critical

Emotional Expression: Controlled, Intense

Source of Anger: Criticism

Nature of Humor: Dry

Means of Relating: Correction

Spirituality: Self-discipline, Living by rules

Relational: Sensitive to others' anger, Peacemaker

""The Child Within"": Neglected

Type of Procrastination: Puts things off till they can be done perfectly

Blind spot: Others' emotions

Boundaries: Defined by rules

A walk in the woods: Watches ground around the feet; may go around in circles

Careers: Accounting, Banking, Art, Carpentry, Decorating,

Receptionist, Secretary, Teaching, and Writing Novels

Strengths: Self-discipline, Honesty, and Determination

Parenting: Insists of obedience to the rules

Marriage: Puts spouse, family ahead of self

As Friend: Offers constructive criticism

Social Contributions: Art, financial institutions, completed projects

Expression of Love: Constructive criticism

Driving Style: Drives angrily because others do not follow the rules

Listening Style: Listens for mistakes

Common Phrase: "You need to..."

Responds To: "This may not be perfect, but...."

Third Born

The second-born child picks on the third in the process of trying to pass on the feeling of inadequacy. Rather than feel inadequate, the third-born feels vulnerable. He or she learns to think that anyone can get to him or her.

Characteristic Bad Feeling: Vulnerability

Strategies for survival: Being Strong, Attacking

Felt Loss: Protection

Sense of Justice: There is no justice, victims must be rescued

Thought Pattern: Comparison

T-shirt: "No problem, it doesn't bother me any"

Childhood Behavior: Rebellious

Emotional Expression: Sympathy, Attack

Source of Anger: Put-downs

Nature of Humor: Put-downs

Means of Relating: Rescue

Spirituality: Devotional, Strength through prayer

Relational: Pleases, Sensitive to others' wants/needs

"The Child Within": Wounded

Type of Procrastination: Puts off tasks to pursue more interesting projects

Blind spot:Cooperation

Boundaries: None for self

A walk in the woods: Only goes in the woods to help others

Careers: Sales, Police Officer, Newspaper Reporter, Inventor, Poet,

Animal Trainer, Child Care

Strengths: Compassion, Practicality, Creativity

Parenting: Protective, Nurturing

Marriage: Wants to please spouse and children

As Friend: Often has only one close friend

Social Contributions: Inventions, Poetry, Inspiration

Expression of Love: Pleasing Others

Driving Style: Fearful or Fearless

Listening Style: Listens for what lies behind the words

Common Phrase: "No Problem"

Responds To: "Please"

Fourth Born

The third born tries to pass on the feeling of vulnerability by telling the fourth born he or she is not mature enough to play with the older children, leaving the fourth born feeling immature and unwanted.

Characteristic Bad Feeling: Anger

Strategies for survival: Not listening to self, Trying hard

Felt Loss: Belonging

Sense of Justice: There is no justice, you can only get even

Thought Pattern: Analysis

T-shirt: "Life isn't easy, you have to try hard"

Childhood Behavior: Uninvolved, Secretive

Emotional Expression: Anger, Empathy

Source of Anger: Blame

Nature of Humor: Insults

Means of Relating: Entertaining

Spirituality: Mystical

Relational: Feels trapped by other's feelings, controller

"The Child Within": Isolated

Type of Procrastination: Puts things off to think about the possible ramifications

Blind spot:Trust

Boundaries: Strict for self, Not allowed for others

A walk in the woods: Does not go in the woods but tells others where to go and how

to get there

Careers: Management, Teaching, Comedy, Dentistry, Factory

Strengths: Thinking, Understanding, Hard worker

Parenting: A buddy to the children

Marriage: Provider

As Friend: Does not take initiative

Social Contributions: Philosophy, Managing People

Expression of Love: Giving

Driving Style: Drives slowly while gazing at the surroundings

Listening Style: Listens to self or the other, but not both at same time

Common Phrase: "Try Hard"

Responds To: "This may be hard for you to believe, but...."

Only Child

The only child develops only child characteristics from having to cope with playing alone and with having to fend off adult intrusion.

Characteristic Bad Feeling: Frustration

Strategies for survival: Imaginary companions, two speeds (fast and slow) for doing


Felt Loss: Freedom

Sense of Justice: Everyone should be treated equally

Thought Pattern: Organization

T-shirt: "Leave me alone, I'd rather do it myself"

Childhood Behavior: Emotional, Obedient

Emotional Expression: demonstrative, tantrums

Source of Anger: Intrusion

Nature of Humor: Sarcasm

Means of Relating: Projection

Spirituality: Ethical

Relational: Feels others' feelings, fixer of problems

"The Child Within": Smothered

Type of Procrastination: Put off big jobs while doing little jobs

Blind spot: What others think/feel

Boundaries: Has them for self and others

A walk in the woods: Stays on the path

Careers: Radio Announcer, Finance, Teaching, Ministry, Management

Strengths: Organizing, Stability

Parenting: Allows children time and space

Marriage: Tries to meet partner's expectations

As Friend: Emotional, Considerate

Social Contributions: Organizational leadership, authors of self-help books

Expression of Love: Worry

Driving Style: As if everyone is going to do the right thing

Listening Style: Puts own meaning into others' words

Common Phrase: "You know"

Responds To: "I don't know about you but...."