Eastern Oklahoma Ear, Nose & Throat, Inc.
Septoplasty Post Op Instructions
The day of surgery, go immediately to bed and rest with your head elevated on two pillows. You may be up to the restroom and for meals with assistance. The following day, rest as often as necessary, but do not stay in bed. Pace yourself; light activity will help reduce swelling.
Start with a light diet. 7-Up, crackers, clear soup, etc. If tolerated, progress to a soft diet the following day.
No straining, lifting, or bending over for at least 2 weeks. If you bend, keep your head up and bend with your knees. This will reduce swelling.
Take pain medication as directed. Pain medication should not be taken more frequently than every 3 hours apart unless instructed by our office. Medication taken with small amounts of food is better tolerated.
No aspirin for 2 weeks (including ibuprofen or naproxen). Regular Tylenol or acetaminophen is ok for mild pain.
No alcohol for at least 48 hours. Remember not to drink while using pain medication or antibiotics. It is recommended that you do not drive while using pain medication or Valium.
Obtain 2 x 2 gauze pads. These are to be used as a drip pad under the nose. Change as often as necessary. This may be left off when you are no longer having drainage. In case of persistent bleeding, soak a small amount of cotton in hydrogen peroxide and insert into nostril. Repeat if necessary (it may be left in place for several hours or even overnight). Clean the tip of the nostril with a Q-tip dipped in hydrogen peroxide (the more debris you are able to remove, the more comfortable you feel). For comfort, lubricating the inside tip of your nose with a small amount of Neosporin ointment applied with a Q-tip is helpful.
Do not blow your nose for 10 days after surgery (remember to gradually work up to your previous level). If your nose begins to swell or ache, you are overdoing it and need to stop.
Do not injure your nose. This is especially important the first 6 weeks following surgery. Be careful around large pets and small children. Avoid any balls or rackets. We will gladly provide you with a written medical excuse from physical education classes. Avoid any sport that may cause injury, such as diving, skiing, etc.
Best results cannot be determined immediately. It sometimes takes weeks to months before your healing process is completed. Try not to compare results immediately after your surgery.
OFFICE (Answered 24 hours): 918-492-3636. If you reach the answering service, inform them that you are a surgery patient.