MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Kurt Wheeler, Trustee Amy Mann, Trustee Dave Porter, Trustee Fritz Koennecke, Trustee Maureen Fellows
ALSO PRESENT: Jim Stokes,Mike Hayes, Bob Lucas, Jason Emerson, Lauren Lines, Bobbie Constable, Bobby Hart
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m.
Upon a motion by Trustee Mann, seconded by Trustee Koennecke the Board approved the minutes from the August 7, 2017 Village Board Meeting and the August 17, 2017 Village Board Meeting by a vote of 5-0.
Mayor Wheeler reported Paul Brooks is heading up a committee toraise funds for the John Lincklaen Statue which will be located at Lakeland Park. After some discussion about asking the board to consider other locations, the committee has opted to stick with the original plan to place the statute in Lakeland.
Mayor Wheeler gave a brief update on the public meeting hosted by the Consolidation Committee at the high school. At this time the committee is working on questions that need to be asked. Lauren Lines has spoken to a gentleman from the firm CGR which has a lot of experience aiding other communities with consolidations. Ms. Lines told him what the committee would like help with. He will have a proposal to the Village by Friday, September 8th. The Town and Village have been awarded a grant of $48,000 although it has not been received yet.
Two members of the public inquired about the Village’s policy regarding undocumented immigrants who may be stopped for a traffic violation or other suspected offense in the context of a story and letter which appeared in the Cazenovia Republican. Mayor Wheeler said that the board was already in the process of researching its legal obligations and protocols for situations of this nature. The village strives to be a welcoming place for all who reside in or pass through the community. Thevillage’s top priority with regard to local law enforcement is protecting public safety not federal immigration policy. Chief Hayes concurred and noted that there have only been three incidents of this nature which warranted communication between village police and immigration officials in his seven years on the job.The Mayor will conduct further research on this issue with the assistance of the Village Attorney and Police Chief.
Bobbie Constable asked the Board how the Board was proceeding with the three properties on Albany St. located next to Amanda Bury. The Mayor reported that theVillage received the appraisals on the three properties and that there is a strong desire by both the village and many local residents to see the properties be developed. A short discussion followed.
Trustee Koennecke presented his monthlyreport:
Lake Association
- CLA is pleased with the visibility of the Lake Patrols
- Milfoil treatment was a success
- Harvester has been used part time this year. It only cuts where there are weeds and the milfoil treatment was not applied.
Lake Watershed Council
- Next meeting is this Thursday at 7pm in the Village Boardroom- agenda is to plan for the November Lake Summit
- Potential new police schedule is being discusses – awaiting formal union proposal
- Police Report and Marine Patrol Report attached
- It is time for us to submit Chief Hayes’ waiver. The chief and mayor have drafted a thorough justification for submission to the Civil Service Commission
Police Report(see Chief Hayes’ report below):
The following report reflects statistics from 08/01/2017 through 08/31/2017
1.MAJOR INCIDENTS: Any case that is a felony or is information that is needed to ensure to public safety.
2. ONGOING INVESTIGATIONS: Currently we have sixteen open cases that are actively being investigated along with 2 active warrants.
3. CALL REPORT: For the above dates we had a total of 130 calls for service, of which 120 for within the village and 10 were in the town at the request of an outside agency and 71 vehicle and traffic stops. This then generated 61 written reports consisting of 5 arrests, 38 vehicle and traffic tickets written, 8 MVA’s investigated, 74 parking tickets issued and zero immobilizations.
4. TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS: 12 speeding, 4 uninspected, 0 license violations, 2 registration violations, 1 AUO (operated with license suspended or revoked), zero DWI and 19 other violations.
5. BUDGET REPORT: Nothing to report
6. MISC: September 24th will be the Clear Path for Veterans motorcycle ride. Over 200 riders will be coming through at approximately 11:46am. We will be assisting with traffic.
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler, seconded by Trustee Mann the Board approved the following resolution by a vote of 5-0.
RESOLUTION #22 – BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body, the Board of Trustees, hereby supports and endorses the application of Michael A. Hayes for a full Pension Waiver pursuant to Section 211 of the New York State Retirement and Social Security Law, and hereby requests that the New York State Civil Service Commission grant such full waiver and authorizes Mayor Wheeler to sign.
Trustee Fellows presented her monthly report:
Youth Recreation – The six week 2017 camp concluded August 18.
Over 275 campers were registered this summer. Our goal was 250 campers enrolled. The daily attendancewas an average of 140 campers a day with 40-50 on a rainy day.
We will begin to review the program in light of the Rec Program’s success and large numbers of registered campers and the significant planned renovations in Lakeland Park we anticipate next summer.
Boat Launch July
There have over 1300 launches so far this summer.
21 day passes issued
13 day passes issued
2017: 394 Village/town permits issued
2016 394 Village/town permits issued
2017: 170 out of town permits issued
2016: 183 out of town permits issued
Village Court Receipts
August 2017
Judge Moore: $9553
Judge Fischer - $15
CACDA Report:
Village of Cazenovia –
- Kayak/canoe launch at Lakeland Park funded by NYS Canal Corp, NYS SAM grant, and LLBean - work is underway
- Development of Creekside Park funded by CNY Community Foundation - installation of park features ready as DPW schedule allows
- Municipal Restructuring grant proposal submitted to NYS DOS on Feb 14 - $48,000; waiting for grant contract; committee met on July 20; public information session held on August 29; next committee meeting scheduled for 9/26
- Preparing proposal for use of Clean Energy Communities funding ($50,000) - due September 8
Town of Cazenovia –
- Implementation of recommendations made under the Farmland Protection Plan funded by NYS Ag & Markets - work is ongoing
- Additional turbine and interpretive features for the New Woodstock micro-hydro site funded by a Common Grounds Challenge grant and a grant from the CNY Community Foundation - under development
- Municipal Restructuring grant proposal submitted to NYS DOS on Feb 14 - $48,000; waiting for grant contract; committee met on July 20; public information session held on August 29; next committee meeting scheduled for 9/26
- Preparing proposal for use of Clean Energy Communities funding ($50,000) - due September 8
- NYSDEC grant for eradication of European frog-bit pending contract from NYS
- Northern Border Regional Commission grant was funded for Route 20 water project ($200,000)
- Main Street - working to integrate all CACDA websites with chamber; submitted grant application to Gifford Foundation ($7,000) and support request to the Oneida Foundation ($7,000) for co-working; developing additional application to National Grid for remaining funding
- RecDesk initiative is ongoing
Trustee Mann presented her monthly report:
> Tree Commission will be meeting in the next few days to finalize fall planting plans. Will let Jason Emerson know when we set the community planting day date.
> Following the August 17 special meeting, the contract for the kayak launch project was awarded to Mike Walker. Work has begun and is hoped to be complete by year-end.
> See Bill’s report below:
Paving of Clark, Green, Burton Street School and the Riverside Drive parking lot have been completed.
New storm sewers have been installed on South Ten Eyck Ave.
Repairs to the drain that runs under Mill Street from the willows has been completed.
Sidewalk repair has started on Clark, Lincklaen and Sullivan Streets.
Work continues on Riverside Park
Cemetery Mowing and Stone repairs continue
1 Cremation this month
Trustee Porter presented his monthly report:
- Water pumped last month was 7.8 Mgal > 250.4 kgal/day – historic ave is 9.1
Mgal for month of Aug. Water usage was ave. 8.0 Mgal for previous five years.
- Layne Christensen Co. new water well installation at water plant: Depth of new well has exceeded anticipated depth. Additional well casing, well screen, and associated materials were installed. Well development still in progress. Awaiting invoice from Contractor.
Fire Dept:
- New Fire Dept. member applications: Casey Fenton.
- LOSAP invoice for this year has been received ($18,386, approx. same as last year).
- Solarize NY project: Proposals have been received by the CNYRPDB for the Solarize NY project. Summary:
- Abundant Solar Energy Inc. is the low bidder for all five of the bundles. Abundant will be visiting the project sites and will be making a presentation to participating organizations.
- We have submitted a letter of intent to CNYRPDB.
- Abundant has begun pre-development work.
- On 8/31/17 Amanda Sopchak from CNYRPDB met with D. Porter, K. Wheeler and J. Stokes to review some of the upcoming documentation submissions and actions, including:
- SEQR Lead Agency Determination (Village of Caz)
- Prep. Of Property Owner Consent form (between Abundant and Village, for use and access to WTP property).
- Review any zoning and/or site plan review reqm’ts associated accessory use of solar PV array by preexisting water treatment facility.
- Designation of primary contact for project (K. Wheeler)
- Executing the PPA (20-year Purchase Power Agreement expected to be provided by Abundant in near future). Village will need to review PPA and returned signed doc by end of year.
- Process could take up to 18 months from time of PPA signing to end of construction. Process can be performed in less time if all steps are in place. Possible to start installation in Spring of 2018.
- SmartWatt Energy Performance Project: SmartWatt has submitted the Investment Grade Audit (most recent IGA dated 7/28). The Village is proceeding with the Street Lighting measure only.
- PSC will review the project as they do with any street lighting measures.
- National Grid has submitted Purchase and Sales Agreement (draft dated 8/11/17). The draft agreement is currently being reviewed – it includes an $80,000 Security Assurance Deposit related to installation of electrical disconnects and electric circuit labelling – we are currently asking if this deposit is to be paid by the Village, or, SmartWatt. Once the agreement is approved, the draft contract is submitted to the PSC. Expect a 3 to 6 month time window for the PSC review process. SmartWatt will keep us posted on any developments.
- John Lincklaen Statue Project: The project committee is now focusing on a fund-raising efforts. Paul Brooks has asked the Village and statue committee members to consider an alternate location for the proposed statue across street from Memorial Park. The statue committee generally thinks the best location for the sculpture is at Lakeland Park, as planned.
Upon a motion by Trustee Porter and seconded by Mayor Wheeler, the Board approved the following resolution by a vote of 5-0:
RESOLUTION #23 – BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body, the Board of Trustees, hereby acceptsCasey Fentonas a member of the Cazenovia Fire Department.
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler, seconded by Trustee Porter the Board approved the following resolution by a vote of 5-0.
WHEREAS,the Board of Trustees of the Village of Cazenovia has determined that it is in the interests of the Village of Cazenovia to enter into the Intermunicipal Cooperation Agreement developed by the Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board intended to reduce the Village of Cazenovia’s energy costs through a regional solar initiative that includes the construction and operation of a solar panel array upon the Village’s water works property east of Chenango Street (the “Solarize CNY Initiative”); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to a prior resolution of the Board of Trustees, the Mayor of the Village of Cazenovia has signed a letter of intent indicating the Village of Cazenovia’s intent to participate in the Solarize CNY; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees desires to make certain findings with respect to the requirements of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQR") as it pertains to the Solarize CNY Initiative.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, for purposes of compliance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQRA”), the Board of Trustees of the Village of Cazenovia hereby declares the Solarize CNY Initiative to be an Unlisted Action as defined by the implementing regulations under SEQRA and that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Cazenovia will act as lead agency in a coordinated review for purposes of compliance with SEQRA as it applies to this action, and it is hereby further
RESOLVED that Kurt Wheeler, as Mayor of the Village of Cazenovia, is hereby authorized to execute and deliver such documents, including but not necessarily limited to, notice of such lead agency designation, property owner consent form to NYSERDA, primary point of contact notification, and utility authorization letter to National Grid, and to take such other actions, as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the intent of this resolution.
Dated: September 5, 2017
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler, seconded by Trustee Koennecke the Board approved the following resolution by a vote of 5-0.
WHEREAS, by resolution adopted December 7, 2015, this Board of Trustees, acting for and on behalf of the Village of Cazenovia, expressed its intent to enter into an intermunicipal agreement with the Town of Cazenovia, Town of Nelson, County of Madison and the Town of Cazenovia Consolidated Sanitary Sewer District relative to the transfer and future management, maintenance, operation, billing, financing and infrastructure and capital improvements of the treatment facility and corresponding sewer lines formerly known as the Madison County Sewer District, upon the general terms and conditions and concepts then expressed in a draft intermunicipal agreement, subject to further review by the parties and determination of the final language of said agreement; and
WHEREAS, special legislation to authorize the transfer of the ownership, administration and operation of the Madison County Sewer District treatment plant and the corresponding sewerage system to the Town of Cazenovia has been approved by the New York State Legislature and signed by the Governor, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees deems it appropriate at this time to enter into the aforementioned intermunicipal agreement.
NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, acting for and on behalf of the Village of Cazenovia, does hereby approve the intermunicipal agreement with the Town of Cazenovia, Town of Nelson, County of Madison and the Town of Cazenovia Consolidated Sanitary Sewer District relative to the transfer and future management, maintenance, operation, billing, financing and infrastructure and capital improvements of the treatment facility and corresponding sewer lines formerly known as the Madison County Sewer District, in the form presented by the Town of Cazenovia, subject to final legal review of the language of said agreement by the attorney for the Village.
Dated: September 5, 2017
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler, seconded by Trustee Mann the Board approved the request made by the Cazenovia Area Chamber of Commerce to hold their Fall Festival on Saturday, September 23rdby a vote of 5-0:
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler, seconded by Trustee Fellows the Board approved the request from the Cazenovia Preservation Foundation to hold their annual Walk Among the Spirits for the evenings of October 19th, 20th and 21st. The event will be held in the Evergreen Cemetery, with the attendees parking in the hockey rink lot by a vote of 5-0.
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler, seconded by Trustee Fellows the Board approved the request from the Cazenovia Preservation Foundation to hold their Turkey Trot on the Gorge Trail on Thanksgiving morning by a vote of 5-0. CPF will contact Chief Hayes regarding the closing of a short section of Clark St.
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler, seconded by Trustee Mann the Board approved the following sign request by a vote of 5-0: Lorenzowould like to put a banner on Lakeland fence from Friday, September 8th to Sunday September 17th to announce their annual Community Day at the Old School House which takes place on the 17th.
Mayor Wheeler reported Ralph Monforte was working with a committee (Cazenovia Community Clock Restoration Committee) to raise money to restore and repair the Methodist Church clock. Mayor Wheeler will send a letter to the committee stating the Village has no objections to the committee or tradesman working on its behalf taking down the faces of the clock for restoration or repair.
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler, seconded by Trustee Koennecke the Board approved the September billsalong with an invoice from McNeil & Co. for the fire department LOSAP Program and the invoice from NYS Canal Corp. for the additional permit by a vote of 5-0. (see attached list).
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Koennecke, the Board approved the following resolution by a vote of 5-0:
RESOLUTION #26 – PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Cazenovia, at a regular meeting held on September 5, 2017, duly adopted a resolution, subject to permissive referendum, to expend up to the sum of $32,100.00 from the Parks Capital Reserve Fund Account of the Village of Cazenovia for the purpose of paying a portion of the cost of capital improvements to the parking area at Riverside Drive Park.