For immediate release

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Council on the Ageing (COTA) Victoria commended the Brumby Government’s 2010/2011 State Budget for addressing key issues faced by older Victorians.

COTA Chief Executive Officer, Ms Sue Hendy, highlighted the good things in the budget>

Speaking at the International Federation on Ageing Conference in Melbourne, Ms Hendy said, “Quote from Sue Hendy – something about Positive Ageing Framework”

“At the IFA conference, Victoria heard from ageing experts around the world about the future of ageing and how other countries faced those challenges and opportunities. It is heartening to see Victoria make decisions that put it among the world’s more progressive governments.

“We look forward to working with the government on a cohesive framework which takes a holistic view of ageing along with adequate funding to make Victoria the most age friendly state in Australia.”

In its budget submission, COTA Victoria called for the Brumby Government to consider the three pillars upon which an age-friendly future can be built: 1) ensuring equity and social inclusiveness;2)creating sustainable urban and community development, and3)improving health and safety

The good news:

<Elaborate on which requests have been met >

The bad news:

<Elaborate on which requests haven’t been met>

“Seniors will make up 20 per cent of Victorian voters by next year.They will reward political leaders who demonstrate a genuine interest in the specific issues facing older people,” said Ms Hendy.

The 10th Global International Federation on Ageing conference is on from 3-6th May in Melbourne.

The voice of Victoria’s seniors, COTA Victoria is the peak representative body of older individuals andorganisations representing seniors. COTA is a non-profit organisation committed to human rights, social justice and the eradication of ageism – our mission is to mobilise older people and those who work with them, to age well in a just society.

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For all media enquiries: Charissa Feng 0432091696


Ensuring equity social inclusiveness / Sustainable urban community development / Improving health & safety
Enable equitable transportation
  • Extend SeniorsSundayPass or further discounted travel on Sundays for eligible seniors living in all areas of Victoria
Robust approach to combat ageism
  • Development of education and awareness- raising program
  • Provide funding to undertake project to examine government policies and programs through an ageism lens
Develop age-friendly communities
  • Foster creation of age- friendly communities by allocating resources to enable facilitation and implementation of Positive Ageing plans in local communities
/ Address climate change impacts to ensure equity
  • Providing access to energy and water efficiency
  • Facilitate leadership by older people on climate change
  • Ensure value of concessions do not erode over time as climate change impacts and responses increase total cost of utilities
  • Introduction of minimum rental standards
Ensure heatwave preparedness
  • Ensure distribution and equitable access to RediPlan Kit and cooling appliances through the Home Wise program for those most vulnerable to heatwave.
/ Responses to increasing mental illness
  • Develop appropriate programs and service responses for seniors in early stages of mental illness
Deliver seniors information
  • Provide adequate resources to COTA to lead and implement strategic action to guide the future enhancement of information service delivery and promotion for seniors
Address barriers for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) older people
  • Increase availability of free interpreter services in health and community services, and ensure provision of information about essential services in community languages

Good news / Good news / Good news
Bad news