Senior Membership Registration Pack
If you are joining Ross Rowing Club for the first time, we’d like to welcome you to the Club and provide you with some information about our activities. For members continuing their membership – thank you for renewing!
The Opportunity
The Club provides opportunities for people of all the ages and abilities to experience the sport of rowing and to receive structured coaching. The club is active in both local and regional competitions.
The Coaches
All coaching is by qualified coaches who are trained and have been screened for their suitability for working with young people.
As the Club is run entirely by volunteers it is essential that both coaches and volunteers receive the full support and co-operation of all Club members. Please contact your Captain if you would like to know more about how you can help.
Registration and Membership Application
To join the Club it is necessary to complete the Membership Application Form.
For insurance purposes, Registration Forms must be completed before taking part in any Club activities.
Prompt payment of Membership is appreciated and is required no more than three weeks later. These details are essential for your safety and to comply with our reporting commitments.
Ways to pay? Online, by cheque, direct transfer or by Standing Order.
We are able to reclaim Gift Aid on voluntary donations made by individuals to the Club. This helps to keep our membership fees as low as possible. Please ensure you read and complete the enclosed Gift Aid Declaration.
British Rowing Membership
The club requires all rowing members to join British Rowing. Your application for membership of Ross Rowing Club will not be accepted unless it is accompanied by a valid British Rowing membership number.
Full details of BR membership are available from .
This provides two essential benefits: additional insurance cover and the ability to compete in British Rowing registered events. You’ll require GOLD membership if you are competing, SILVER if not. For details of other benefits, please visit the BR website.
If you would like to talk to someone about this information or your involvement with the Club, please contact the Chairman, Graham Watling. or call 07967 265299.
We thank you for your interest and look forward to meeting you in the near future.
Graham WatlingWeb:
Ross Rowing Club
Membership Details 2017/18
Member Details / Please provide contact details for day-to-day communications.Name of Member: / Date of Birth:
Home Telephone: / Mobile:
Email address:
British Rowing Membership No:
1st Contact / Name:
First person we should contact in an emergency: / Telephone: Mobile:
Email address:
2nd Contact / Name:
Telephone: Mobile:
3rd Contact / Name:
Other person to contact: / Telephone: Mobile:
Doctor / Name:
Telephone: Mobile:
Surgery name:
These details will only be held and used for the following purposes:
- Administration of your Ross Rowing Club membership and subscription
- Notification of any forthcoming events (in particular we hope to contact people by email for club newsletter and details of meetings you may wish to attend)
- Name and telephone lists of rowers and coxes for organising rowing crews distributed to other member rowers
- Emergency contact details if required.
Please note that by providing your details you are agreeing for this information to be held electronically by authorised agents of Ross Rowing Club for the sole purpose of administering the affairs of the Club. Your details will not be passed to other parties without your consent. You may request your details to be removed or updated by contacting the Membership Secretary – see Checklist for contact details.
Seniors Membership and Payment Options 2017/18
Please circle the required membership option.
Students and Juniors should use the Junior Academy Membership Registration Pack.
Subscription Options
/ Criteria/information / TARIFF / FAMILYDISCOUNT
Senior Rowing / Full rowing and voting for ALL rowing members.
Includes a suggested voluntary donation of £150* / £300 / Spouse/partner
Coxswain only / Non-rowing. Voting
Includes a suggested voluntary donation of £18* / £36 / N/A
Gym Associate Member / Non-rowing. Voting. Use of Gym Equipment
Includes a voluntary suggested donation of £37* / £75 / £50
Associate Member / Non-rowing. Voting
Includes a suggested voluntary donation of £24* / £48 / £30
Club Associate1 / Non-rowing. Non-voting
Includes a suggested voluntary donation of £12* / £25 / N/A
*For Gift Aid Purposes only
Renewals are due by 1st April and a full payment or standing order form MUST be received by 30th April to ensure that your membership and insurance cover remains active.
The membership year runs from 1stApril to 31st March.
The membership rates include a voluntary donation. This is not compulsory in order to obtain membership.
If joining part-way through a year: Please pay for the number of whole months outstanding.
For example, Senior Rowing from Sep – March: £300 /12 =£25 x 7 months = £175due.
The Standing Order option is not available on part-year subscriptions.
All rowing and coxswain members must join British Rowing. Your application for membership of Ross Rowing Club will not be accepted unless it is accompanied by a valid British Rowing membership number.
Full details of BR membership are available from . You’ll require GOLD membership if you are competing, SILVER if not.
Please Complete
Payment Options
/Added charge
/ Criteria/information / Select ()Cheque / N/A / Made payable to ‘Ross Rowing Club’ and may be posted to Membership Secretary.
Direct bank transfer / N/A / See RRC bank details on the Standing Order form.
Standing Order (S.O.) / £5fee per member / Spread the cost of rowingover ten months.
Example: A couple (full senior and spouse) with 3 rowing juniors will pay: £300 + £260 + £138 + £120 + £96 + £25 S.O. charge = £93.90 x 10 instalments
Associate & Cox: Not payable by S.O.
Boat Racking Fees are not payable by S.O.
Application to pay Rowing Club Subscriptions
by TEN Standing Order Instalments (May-Feb 2017/18)
Please completeRRC Membership detailsthat payment covers (PLEASE PRINT):Name(s): / Membership Category(ies):
Total Payment: / £………………………………. x10 / Date:
Please leave the ‘Quoting Reference’ box empty. This will be completed by Ross Rowing Club.
Signature: ………………………….…………………………………………..………… Date: …………………………..
Medical Details
Please complete if applying for Rowing, Coxswain or Gym Associate membership
Declaration of Health(Tick ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as appropriate)
Do you have any special needs that our coaches should know about? / Yes / Do you suffer from any known medical or physical condition that might affect you during physical exercise? (If in doubt, you should consult a doctor) / YesNo / No
If the answer is ‘yes’ to either of the above please give details:
...... ………………………..
...... ………………………..
Please answer the following questions.
Question / Yes / No / If yes please provide detailsAre you receiving any medical treatment at present?
Are you taking any medications, prescribed or over the counter?
Are you allergic to any Foods/ Medications / Materials/
Local or General anaesthesia?
Do you suffer from Hay Fever /
Eczema / Other Allergies?
Have you had any Heart Problems / Angina / Blood Pressure?
Do you suffer from Asthma /
Bronchitis / Chest problems?
Do you have Diabetes?
Do you have Dyslexia?
Do you have Fainting Attacks /
Giddiness / Blackouts / Epilepsy?
Do you carry a medical warning card
or Medic alert?
Anything which has not been mentioned?
Swimming Ability and Personal Details
Please complete if applying for Rowing or Coxswain membership
Declaration of swimming ability
The Club will regularly hold swim tests and training in capsize procedures, leading to achievement of the sport’s Water Safety Certificate. All rowing membersmust be able to demonstrate/confirm when asked:
- that they are both competent and confident in and under the water, by swimming at least
50 metres and treading water for at least two minutes inlight clothing (rowing kit). - that they are both competent and confident in and under the water, by swimming under water for at least 5 metres.
- that they have received Capsize and Recovery Training within the last 5 years, and are confident what actions are required following a capsize.
Rowing Members who are unable to demonstrate the minimum swimming standardsmust wear a Personal Flotation Device (PFD) whilst rowing.
Can you swim 50 metres and tread water for 2 minutes in light clothing? / Yes / I agree that I will undertake a capsize safety drill every 5 years as a requirement of the Club. / YesNo / No
The Club is committed to a policy of acting fairly in all aspects of rowing, and to providing a service to reach all communities. In order to assess our position, we need to monitor the numbers of people in our sport from different ethnic origins. It is also a condition of our grants from the Sports Council that we report on the ethnic backgrounds of our membership and also on the involvement of disabled persons within the sport. Please therefore complete the following. The information you provide will be used for statistical purposes only and will not be released to third parties in any way that will link the data with any identifying personal details.
Ethnic Origin
Other white background / Mixed:
White & Black Caribbean
White & Black African
White & Asian
Other mixed background / Asian or Asian British:
Other Asian background
Black or Black British:
Other black background / Chinese / Any other ethnic group
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disabled person as anyone with ‘a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’.
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? No Yes. What is the nature of your disability?
Visual impairment / Hearing impairment / Learning disabilityPhysical disability / Multiple disability / Other (please specify below)
Gift Aid Declaration
Ross Rowing Club
Please treat:
All gifts of money that I have made in the past 4 years and all future gifts of money that I make from the date of this declaration as Gift Aid donations.
You must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax in each tax year at least equal to the tax that Ross Rowing Club will claim from HM Revenue & Customs on your Gift Aid donation(s).
I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Ross Rowing Club that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 thatI give.
Donor’s details
Title, Initial(s) & Surname______
Home address______
Postcode ______
Please notify Ross Rowing Club if you:
1. Want to cancel this declaration.
2. Change your name or home address.
3. No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.
If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rateand want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue & Customs to adjust your tax code.
Waiver of Liability for Gym Use
I hereby understand and acknowledge that the use of Ross Rowing Club’s gym equipment and ergos may expose me to inherent risks, including accidents, injury, illness, or even death. I assume all risk of injuries associated with participation including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other participants, the effects of high heat and/or humidity and all other such risks being known and appreciated by me.
I hereby acknowledge my responsibility in communicating any physical and psychological concerns that might conflict with participation in activity. I acknowledge that I am physically fit and mentally capable of performing the physical activity I choose to participate in.
After having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of acceptance of my participation I agree, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, to HOLD HARMLESS, WAIVE AND RELEASE Ross Rowing Club, its trustees, officers, representatives, and successors from any responsibility, liabilities, demands, or claims of any kind arising out of my participation in the use of Ross Rowing Club’s gym equipment and ergos.
By my signature I indicate that I have read and understand this Waiver of Liability. I am aware that this is a waiver and a release of liability and I voluntarily agree to its terms.
Participant’s Name (Please Print): …………………………………………………………………………….
Participant’s Signature: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Checklist and Signatures
Please return this checklist with the signatures required, along with the accompanying forms and remittance/Standing Order Form, to the Membership Secretary.
There are three easy ways to do this:
- Deposit in the post box at the Club
- Post to the Membership Secretary’s home address (see below)
- By hand at the Club
() once completed
I wish to apply for membership of Ross Rowing Club
I enclose my Membership and Payment Options form
I have completed a Gift Aid form
I have read and agree to abide by the Club membership terms and conditions
I agree to familiarise myself with and follow the Club’s policies and procedures
I have completed the Medical Details form if applying for rowing, coxswain or gym associate membership
I have read and signed the liability waiver for gym use if applying for rowing, coxswain or gym associate membership
I have completed the Swimming Ability and Personal Details form if applying for rowing or coxswain membership
I undertake to join British Rowing if applying for rowing or coxswain membership
I understand that the Club is run on a voluntary basis and that I will be
expected to assist when help is required
I include a signed, dated cheque made payable to ‘Ross Rowing Club’ OR
I include a signed Standing Order mandate, OR I have arranged a direct cash transfer
Signature ………………………………………………………………………..… Date ………………………..
Print Name …………………………………………………………………………..
Membership Secretary:
Elaine PowellRRC Membership Secretary
Rock Cottage
Upton Bishop
Herefordshire, HR9 7TX
/ Email:
Membership Details 2017/18
Terms and Conditions
Please keep this copy for your reference
We are very pleased to welcome you/welcome you back to Ross Rowing Club.
Rowing activities on the water and its associated training can be performed safely if we manage the risks. Part of risk management is gathering information on health and swimming proficiency. This information is confidential but important to ensure your welfare as a participant. Our Club follows the national body guidelines that all coaches and assistants are qualified for the activities they control, including safety awareness. By submitting your membership form and payment, you are agreeing to the following:
- I apply to become a member of Ross Rowing Club.
- I have read and agree to uphold Ross Rowing Club’s Codes of Conduct.
- I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of Ross Rowing Club, the rules of British Rowing and the Water Safety Code.
- If it is considered by the governing committee that the granting or renewal of membership would be detrimental to the aims and objectives of this club, the committee are entitled to refuse membership and will provide full reasons for doing so.
- On re-applying for membership any debts to the Club must be settled prior to the application.
- Any medication that a person needs must be carried with them at all times. Note that RRC members cannot administer medication.
- I understand that in the event of any injury or illness all reasonable steps will be taken to contact my emergency contacts. If they cannot be contacted and I should require emergency hospital treatment, I authorise a qualified medical practitioner to provide emergency treatment or medication.
- I understand and acknowledge that the use of Ross Rowing Club’s gym equipment and ergos may expose me to inherent risks, including accidents, injury, illness, or even death. I assume all risk of injuries associated with participation including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other participants, the effects of high heat and/or humidity and all other such risks being known and appreciated by me.
- I acknowledge my responsibility in communicating any physical and psychological concerns that might conflict with participation in activity. I acknowledge that I am physically fit and mentally capable of performing the physical activity I choose to participate in. Any change in either medical circumstances or home or emergency contact details should be notified to the Club without delay.
- After having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of acceptance of my participation I agree, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, to HOLD HARMLESS, WAIVE AND RELEASE Ross Rowing Club, its trustees, officers, representatives, and successors from any responsibility, liabilities, demands, or claims of any kind arising out of my participation in the use of Ross Rowing Club’s gym equipment and ergos.
All Codes of Conduct and regulations mentioned above can be found on the Club website and notice board.
1 Club Associate replaces the old Social Member status. It is a non-voting category for people who still wish to support the Club with its community activities. Club Associates will enjoy use of the Clubroom (including discounted hire rates), Free Parking, Entry (by arrangement) to the President’s Enclosure over the Regatta weekend, Invitation to the President’s Lunch and of course will continue to receive the Club Newsletter.
Ross Rowing Club Senior Membership Pack 2017/18