Senior Management Team Teleconference
January 27, 2014 from 1 – 3 pm. ET
Present: Chair & National CEO: Peter Coleridge;Reid Burke – PEI, Dave Nelson – SK, George Pasieka – MB, Linda Marmen – ON, Tom Shand – AB, George Skinner – NL, Jonny Morris – BC, Joan Mix – NB, Camille Quenneville - ON
Minutes: Emily Goodacre – National; PublicPolicy: Mark Ferdinand – National
Programs: Sarika Gundu - National
Regrets: Renée Ouimet – QC; Gail Gardiner – NS
Guests:Scott Mitchell - ON
- Welcome, Minutes, Agenda
P. Coleridgewelcomed everyone to the meeting and asked if there were any additional agenda items. None were added.
- Business/Updates arising fromDecember 11 2013 Meeting
P. Coleridge provided several updates on business/actions from the December 11, 2013 meeting. The item on Flagship Programs was deferred from this meeting to the March 10th meeting.
- Psychological Health and Safety Standard
Linda Marmen provided the Team with an update on Ontario Division’s Psychological Health and Safety Standard. Ontario Division has discussed the program with external labour management experts and the Ontario Ministry of Labour, which will facilitate a seminar through their Dispute Resolution Program on Labour Management Relationships. A Lunch and Learn will also be hosted at the CMHA Ontario offices.
Two surveys are also being planned. One will assess the factors of work that affect psychological well being and the other will assess relationships and collaboration. After the data is collected, meetings will take place with staff and management and a plan will be formulated for moving forward.
P. Coleridge added that S. Gundu will liaise withCMHA ON, Calgary, Edmonton and Cambrose to note their experiences and tools and facilitate sharing with other CMHA locations wishing to adopt the Psychological Health and Safety Standard.
- National Workplace Mental Health Program
P. Coleridge introduced S. Gundu, the National Director of the Workplace Mental Health Program, who provided a powerpoint presentation update on the work of the program.
P. Coleridge pointed out that all of the decisions for the program go to the SMT for approval, not the Board.
G. Skinner asked why these particular locations are being used for the program. P. Coleridge responded that these locations have invested the most capacity in workplace mental health (e.g. BLC, MHW). The nation-wide program will start with this core team and then can be expanded to other locations, particularly if they have capacity/ resources to invest.
- Nation Wide Strategic Plan/Future Strategic Direction priorities
P. Coleridge updated the Team on the progress of the Nation Wide Strategic Plan.
The planning phases of some Working Groups is coming to a close. By March of this fiscal year the goal is to provide the Board with the next steps of implementing recommendations from the Working Groups and looking at priority directions for the next few years. The Organizational Structure and Governance Working Group will continue to work into the next fiscal year.
P. Coleridge reminded the Team that there are other strategic directions within the nation-wide strategic plan that he would like to recommend priorities for Board approval in March, and requested everyone to think about/assess the other strategic directions in the plan for discussion at the next SMT meeting.
Action: E. Goodacre will put the Strategic Plan on the March 10th SMT meeting agenda.
- Revised Fund Development Revenue Sharing Policy
Peter introduced the revised policy included in the package. The next stage is to review the policy with the Board as a change to the Nation-wide policy.
C. Quenneville asked if there will be any weighting on the funds distribution that would allow smaller/less funded CMHAs a better chance.
P. Coleridge answered that there will be a call for proposals based on certain priorities, and that this may include weighting the criteria.
- Other Business
a)Web Maintenance Plan
S. Mitchell gave the Team an update on the Web Maintenance plan discussed at a previous SMT meeting. The webinar took place and there was support for the proposed resourcing plan. A letter will be sent to all the branches and divisions using the common platform, which will outline the agreement and billing schedule beginning next fiscal year.
R. Burke asked about CMHAs which are largely government funded not having an option in the budget to pay for this. P. Coleridge answered that any branches/divisions who wish to remain on their internal website can do so. He suggested that CMHAs that are on the platform, and have the challenge of funding within government funding, discuss the matter with S. Mitchell to assess solutions.
b)Bell Let’s Talk Day
P. Coleridge suggested to the group that although CMHA is not formally collaborating with Bell Let’s Talk Day, we should support the initiative with the key messages and other materials/tools provided on InfoHub. Media relations have been proactive this year, and P. Coleridge has done several interviews which will raise CMHA’s profile over last year’s event.
- Summary/Future Meetings/Adjourn
P. Coleridge thanked everyone for their time and adjourned the meeting.
SMT Teleconference Minutes, January 27, 2014Page 1