Adrian Smith
Senior Clinical Research Scientist
Dept of Public Health
Oxford University, EnglandOX3 7LF
Adrian Smith is a clinical lecturer and researcher in the Department of Public Health. He trained as a medical doctor, subsequently specialising in infectious disease epidemiology. His broad interests are the epidemiology and control of HIV in high risk groups in Africa, and the epidemiology and control of imported malaria. Current HIV research projects include: HIV risk behaviour amongst male sex workers in Kenya; characterisation and risk behaviour of male and female clients of male sex workers in Kenya; high risk sexual networks and HIV transmission dynamics; barriers to effective HIV control amongst MSM in Africa; transmission co-factors in MSM HIV sexual risk behaviour; comparison of sexual behaviour data collection tools in East African contexts. His current research collaborations are with IAVI, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust, KEMRI-CDC, LSHTM and Universities of CambridgeWashington. His HIV research has been funded by IAVI, the Fell Fund and the Department of Public Health.
He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate medical sciences and MSc global health sciences students, and runs the epidemiology and public health courses for Medical Sciences courses in Oxford.
Selected publications & presentations
Whitworth J, Morgan D, Quigley M, Smith A et al The effect of HIV and increasing immunosuppression on asymptomatic parasitaemia and clinical malaria in adults in rural Uganda. Lancet (2001) 356 1051-56
Sundkvist T, Smith A et al. Outbreak of hepatitis A among intravenous drug users in Ipswich. 5th Nordic- Baltic Congress on Infectious Diseases: Toward Optimal Diagnosis and Management, St. Petersburg.
Sundkvist T, Smith A et al. Outbreak of hepatitis A infection amongst intravenous drug users in Suffolk and suspected risk factors. Communicable Disease & Public Health (2003); 6(2): 101-5
Bradley D & Smith A. Is age a neglected risk factor in traveller’s malaria? 5th European Conference on Travel Medicine, Rimini, 2007.
Sanders, E; Graham, S; Okuku, H; van der Elst, E; Muhaari, A; Davies, A; Peshu, N; Price, M; McClelland, R; Smith, A. HIV-1 infection in high risk men who have sex with men in Mombasa, Kenya.AIDS (2007) 21(18):2513-2520
Checkley, AM; Smith, A; Blaze, M, et al. Why does imported malaria still kill? 20 years of malaria deaths in the United Kingdom. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (2007);77;102(article 356)
Checkley AM; Smith, AD; Blaze, M, et al. Why does imported malaria still kill? 20 years of malaria deaths in the United Kingdom.[Abstract] HPA Conference 2007
Smith A,Bradley D, Smith V, Behrens R, Chiodini P, Whitty C Imported malaria and high risk groups: observational study using UK surveillance data 1987-2006. BMJ (2008) 154;213;223
Grijsen M, Graham S, Mwangome M, Githua P, Mutimba S, Wamuyu L, Okuku H, Price M, McClelland S, Smith A, Sanders E Screening for genital and anorectal sexually transmitted infections in HIV prevention trials in Africa. Sexually Transmitted Infections (2008); doi:10.1136/sti.2007.028852
Smith, A; Muhaari, A; van der Elst, EM et al. Measuring sex acts in male sex workers in Kenya: intermittent pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) may be feasible.[Abstract]. AIDS Vaccine Conference, Cape Town, South Africa (2008)
Van der Elst E, Okuku H, Nakamya P, Muhaari A, Davies A, McClelland R, Price M, Smith A, Graham S, Sanders E. Crossover study of Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interview (ACASI) and Face-to-Face interview in female and male sex workers, Mombasa, Kenya (2009) PLoS One 4:5:e5340
Smith, A; Ferguson, A; Kowuor, D et al. Role versatility and female partnerships Amongst MSM sex workers in Mombasa [Abstract]. 16th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Montreal, Canada (2009)
Behrens, R, Smith A, Blaze M, Smith V. Impact of chemoprophylaxis on time to presentation and effectiveness in preventing vivax malaria in travellers. 11th Conference on the International Society of Travel Medicine, Budapest (oral presentation)
Bradley D, Smith A, Blaze M, Smith V. Imported malaria mortality risk correlates with age (in review)
Jaffe H, Smith A, Hope T. Universal voluntary HIV testing and immediate antiretroviral therapy [letter]. Lancet 373 (9669) 1080
Smith A, Tapsoba P, Peshu N, Sanders E, Jaffe H. Invisible in the HIV/AIDS response – MSM in sub-Saharan Africa. Lancet . (in press)