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Sending Mass Emails and
Viewing Automated Emails
StateAdministrator User Guide
Version 01
Sending Mass Emails
Administrative users can send mass emails from the Background Check System (BCS) to all provider users or a specific provider type in order to communicate information such as policy changes or available training. To send a mass email in the BCS:
- Go to Admin > Mass Emailson the navigation bar. The Administration: Mass Email screen appears.
- Enter email information:
- In Send Email to, select a provider type. To send an email to all the providers in the system, select All. If you also want to send the email to contacts listed on provider user accounts, select Include Contacts.
- In Subject, enter a short description of the email.
- (Optional) Click Add Attachment to select an attachment to send with your email.
- In Email Content, enter the text of your email.
- Click Send. The message Emails have been sent appears at the top of the screen.
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Version 01 | 3/9/2015 | Audience: State Administrators
Mass emails are sent to all user accounts in the system for the selected group of providers, not just the provider system administrators. If a provider has three user accounts, all three accounts will receive the mass email.
Sending Mass Emails and Viewing Automated EmailsPage 1 of 3
Version 01 | 3/9/2015 | Audience: State Administrators
Viewing Automated Emails
Many events in the BCS will automatically generate emails sent to providers and/or states users. For example, when a new user account is created, the BCS automatically sends an email to the user with the user’s password. The BCS maintains a list of all of these automated emails, so that an administrator user can investigate any emails that users say they did or didn’t receive. To view email notifications generated by the system:
- Go to Admin > View Notificationson the navigation bar. The Notifications screen appears showing the notifications list.
- Search the list for a particular notificationby entering the recipient's email address, the date the email was created, or the email's subject line; then clickSearch.
Sending Mass Emails and Viewing Automated EmailsPage 1 of 3
Version 01 | 3/9/2015 | Audience: State Administrators
The default list shows the newest email notifications first. However, the list can be sorted by email address, subject, and the created on or sent dates. A configuration setting titled PurgeLog(OutboundMessages) controls how many days the BCS stores notifications. The default setting is seven days, but each state can edit this setting.
Sending Mass Emails and Viewing Automated EmailsPage 1 of 3
Version 01 | 3/9/2015 | Audience: State Administrators