SENCO Bulletin – 28 April 2014
You are probably aware that there is another draft of the Code of Practice out for consultation. The consultation period finishes on 6 May so why not have a quick peek to see what has changed from the previous draft? The DfE is asking for your opinion so why not take the opportunity to tell them what’s what?
You can find the draft Code of Practice and the consultation document on this handy website. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and it’s the last heading. The website was spotted by our colleague Clare Bennett (we think she needs to get out more…). Clare wrote …
‘Having been driven mad trying to locate documents on site this week, I came across this little paragraph in a newsletter I get:
The DfE has a new website
You can also view the SEND section
The second link sent me direct to a page from which I could access everything that I had been trying to find on the bigger site.DEFINITELY something to include in a SENCO bulletin. Must remember to save it in my favourites!(Sad!)’
If you are feeling really strong you might want to have a look at the Useful Resources page on ESI and view the ‘Primary Accountability and Assessment Response’. This particular consultation closed in March of this year.
Page 9 contains some interesting information about the P Scales and a suggestion that some kind of external moderation process may be introduced. Goodness knows how this would work – it is sometimes difficult enough to get to a common agreement about an individual child in a school! Robust assessment methods are crucial to ensure that planning for individuals is meaningful and relevant in order to achieve positive outcomes.
On that note, have we mentioned our course…?
How to (im)prove progress using the P Scales
This course is designed to provide SENCOs/Assessment Leaders with a training package to use with their staff to promote a consistent, robust and rigorous approach to using P Scales in order to inform aspirational target setting and accurate recording of pupil progress consistent with Ofsted expectations.
Delegates will be supported to audit current practice and plan for future developments.
(2 half day sessions - 19 May/11 June, Chelmsford City FC)
Don’t forget…
Ofsted compliant Provision Review guidance KS 1- 4 Half day – 6 May, Chelmsford City FC
This half day course is designed to support primary and secondary schools in completing a comprehensive Ofsted compliant SEND/AEN Provision Review. It is an opportunity for a member of the Senior Management Team and the SENCO to work together in order discuss key issues, evaluate outcomes and plan for the future.
We think that both courses will support you in designing your school offer and will explore this with you during the sessions.
We have started planning the SENCO up-date meetings taking place in June and will be doing some activities on ‘one planning’ and creating one page profiles. We also have some plans to run some workshop type sessions for SENCOs before the end of term so that you can prepare the ground for September 2014. There will be more details on these plans in the next SENCO Bulletin. The primary SENCO conference on 4 July is beginning to fill up so make sure you book your place (a bargain at £35!)
Information on dates and venues for these events was in last week’s SENCO Bulletin and is also available on the Essex Grid for Learning website
The DfE letters for teachers and parents are also in last week’s bulletin so you might want to have another look if you missed them.
Best wishes, The INSET Team.