From: Marc Richard
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 3:05 PM
Cc: Marc Richard
Subject: Senate Meeting Report, 2010-10-20

Senate Meeting Report, 2010-10-20


The following is a summary of the Senate meeting which took place on Wednesday, October 20, 2010.

Principal Munroe-Blum opened the meeting by welcoming two visitors: Mr. Stuart Cobbett, Chair of the Board of Governors, and Mr. Michael Di Grappa, who will assume office as Vice-Principal (Administration and Finance) on November 15, 2010. The Principal also recognized Mr. Michael Richards, who stepped aside from his role on the the Board of Governors earlier this year to serve as Interim V.-P. Administration and Finance. Dean Manfredi presented a resolution on the death of Professor Mary MacKinnon.

Senate adopted the minutes of the last Senate meeting ( the report of the Steering Committee ( and the agenda ( Further to the section of the Steering report dealing with the Architecture Café, Principal Munroe-Blum was pleased to note that Deputy Provost Mendelson is working with student representatives to set up a group which will look at and make recommendations on consultation and communication processes between the Administration and students. The Deputy Provost added that the working group's suggestions will address how these processes might vary from case to case depending on the nature of the issue. The group will be chaired by Dr. Paul Wiseman. The Principal thanked the members of Steering for working through this issue.

In her remarks from the Chair, Principal Munroe-Blum noted the appointments of Dr. Colleen Cook as Trenholme Dean of Libraries, of Mr. Michael Di Grappa as V.-P. Administration and Finance, and of Dr. Rose Goldstein as V.-P. Research and International Relations, as described in detail in her email of September 29 to all staff and students. Referring to the fact that these appointments were taking place in a period of financial constraints, she added that they filled vacancies in three important existing positions. The Principal also thanked Ms. Diane Koen for her work as Interim Trenholme Director of Libraries, Mr. Michael Richards for serving as Interim V.-P. Administration and Finance, and Dr. Rima Rozen for her contributions in the role of Interim V.-P. Research and International Relations. The Principal next discussed the upcoming Joint Board-Senate meeting of October 25, which will focus on the subject of graduate and postdoctoral studies. Principal Munroe-Blum also covered some of the points concerning Bill 100 which were contained in her two recent emails on this subject to all staff and students. She added that this is a work in progress and that the full implications of the Bill, and of the government's aim to balance its budget by 2013-2014, are not yet known. The Administration will get a better sense in the coming months of how these guidelines will be implemented at McGill, and this information will then be communicated to the McGill community.

In the period for formal questions, Senator Richard asked a question regarding the introduction of the term "Dean of Libraries" ( Provost Masi responded that it was considered desirable for the Administration to be able from now on to appoint either a Dean of Libraries or a Director of Libraries, depending on what would be the best fit in view of such factors as the qualifications of the individual and the University's situation. He noted that, in American universities and some of the G13 ones, the term "Dean of Libraries" is becoming the preferred designation. The Board of Governors has approved a resolution which would amend the University's Statutes to include both terms. In accordance with the usual procedure for modifying the Statutes, the amendment will now be sent to Ottawa to receive the approval of the Governor-General in his capacity as the University Visitor. As regards the subject of whether the Associate Directors of Libraries will be redesignated Associate Deans, Provost Masi indicated that no determination has been made and that the issue has not yet been considered. He noted that the Statutes and Regulations are silent regarding these positions. The Provost added that the Administration will look at this subject after Dr. Cook assumes office in January 2011.

Senator Richard asked whether the Provost's answer meant that the terminology designating the head of the McGill Libraries was being changed in the Statutes but not in the Regulations, and remarked that a conflict in terminology could potentially be problematic, notably in the application of the parts of the Regulations which govern the promotion and tenure process for librarians. Provost Masi responded that, once the amendment to the Statutes has been finalized, an omnibus motion to bring the terminology of the Regulations into alignment with the revised Statutes will be presented to Senate for its approval.

Senate moved into confidential session to consider the report of the Honorary Degrees and Convocations Committee. It then returned to open session to receive the financial report of the Board of Governors on the fiscal year ending May 31, 2010 ( which was presented by Interim V.-P. Richards and by Mr. Albert Caponi, Assistant V.-P. Financial Services. In the discussion which followed, Senator Gillon asked whether the move by McGill to adopt Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) will facilitate comparisons between McGill and American universities. Mr. Caponi responded that some differences in presentation will remain, but that such comparisons will be easier; comparisons with other Canadian universities will be even more direct. A student Senator asked about the anticipated effects of certain forthcoming changes in the GAAP standard. Mr. Caponi indicated that the effects are not yet known because the accounting sector has not determined how these accounting rule changes will affect non-profit organizations.

Mr. Michael Porritt, Executive Director (Residences and Student Housing) next gave a PowerPoint presentation on residences (not yet posted, but related to the posted document In the discussion which followed, Senator Cuello asked whether there existed any spare capacity for the temporary housing of international graduate student trainees. Mr. Porritt responded that this type of service is already offered during the summer months, but that it would be problematic during the fall and winter terms due to lack of free space. Dean Potter asked Mr. Porritt to speak at greater length about his unit's new role in handling conference services. Mr. Porritt answered that Residences and Student Housing already has experience in handling conferences during the summer, when residence bed space is available. R&SH is now studying how conferences are currently run on campus during the fall and winter terms, but it is anticipated that conference housing during this period would be handled in cooperation with a number of local hotels. Senator Abaki encouraged faculty members to take part in the R&SH initiative which affords them the opportunity to stay in residence for a few days and/or to have dinner with students.

Senate then turned to the Provost's outline of progress on McGill University's 2006 White Paper ( Provost Masi gave a PowerPoint presentation which highlighted various aspects of this document and which posed a number of questions regarding whether the goals and objectives it identified were still the right choices for the 2012-2016 period. Senator Grutter commented that Senate was seeing these questions for the first time today and asked if there will be more opportunity to provide feedback. The Provost responded that feedback is indeed being sought and that it can be provided in written form. Senator Richard asked whether the PowerPoint document on which the Provost is requesting comments will be posted on the Senate documentation web page and on the Provost's web page. Provost Masi answered that it will be posted in both locations, along with supporting documentation.

Senate adopted the 422nd report of the Academic Policy Committee ( It also approved the report of the Senate Nominating Committee ( from which one item -- the establishment of an Advisory Committee for the Selection of a Vice-Principal (Health Affairs) and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine -- was deferred to a future meeting because it requires further consideration. The adoption of the report included the approval of an amendment to the Terms of Reference of the Senate Committee on Libraries, changing the phrase "The Provost" in the composition section to read "The Provost or delegate."

As its final item of business, Senate received for information the annual report of the Committee on Student Services ( which was presented by Deputy Provost Mendelson.

The next Senate meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 . If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.


Your librarian Senate reps,

Jodie Hebert

Joan Hobbins

Marc Richard