Senate Agenda: 5:30 p.m. Ed2N-2307

Committee Sessions: 5:30

Legislative Affairs- Sara Flubacher

-  Advocacy day – the date will be in March – once we get a date set we need help with advertising – we would like Tanya to come to senate meeting – about hospital provider fee – we want each program to advocate for what they want.

Finance- Mark Maeda

-  PDAs – professional development award – if you have gone on leadership event then you can get reimbursed for a total of $75 – Mark did the PDAs and the school is figuring it out.

Diversity- Naveed Hedari

-  Spanish socials – lunch – March 30th

-  Two more diversity webinars – dates TBD, also minority health webinare – dates TBD

Philanthropy- Cody Glickman

-  Chili open was great – hasn’t gotten the total amount we raised yet.

-  Project angel heart – delivering meals to the clients – let her know if you want to help – Feb 13th

-  Coming up: bone marrow drive, another drive for comitis, a lot of Habitat for Humanity

Student Life & Affairs- Zach Barrickman

-  We had hockey game last weekend – didn’t sell all the tickets but close

-  Bagel bar on Wednesday – we need help with one location – if you are able to help tomorrow at 4:50 – this will be on the bridge Feb 10th – free coffee

Communications- Erin Henderson

Call to Order: 6:00pm

Approval of Minutes: approved – 2 weeks

Guest Speakers:

Arts and Humanities SIG

-  Want approval from Senate and are requesting funds but currently do not have members from three different schools so cannot get approval at this time as they only have Medical Students.

-  This group was around in the school of Medicine but they want to open it up to all campuses. Goals are to allow to students in the schools to approach healing and medicine in a different way – creativity.

-  Movie nights – 18th of February – trying to show films related to health care.

-  Bi-monthly knitting nights – 10 students. Also a lot of painting nights – 20 students per meeting. This is mostly a chance for students to be creative and to get to know each other and also to give back to the community.

Dave Turnquist – facilities

-  Standing desks: reserve funds – left over money goes there

o  We are making a proposal to ASAC to get funds – we will also need help from Dave.

-  Parking

o  Online payment – they are working on it and it is close to being finished.

o  Also a lack of space for parking. Facilities is aware of this and they are working on long term solutions.

National Public Health Week

-  April 4th -10th

-  Every April the America Public Health Association recognizes 7 days – highlights health issues around the nation. We do this every year on campus – different activities each day. We want involvement from all campuses.

President’s Report: Chelsea Mitchell

Renovations for break room

-  ASAC meeting – Regina, the associate vice chancellor, has a plan to revamp the student spaces. We had given them to student councils and none of the microwaves work. Goal is new paint, no new furniture, genius bar – places to plug in, charging station, whiteboards, window treatments for west-facing, and TWO working microwaves in each space

-  Schools that get upgrades first are the schools that start in summer – PT, PA and nursing – would get renovated first and be ready in June.

Senate backed safety

-  April = “senate backed safety month” – we will get the word out.

Business (Unfinished/New): Time to discuss Policies, Practices, Resolutions

Committee Updates/Reports: Each committee chair/VP will provide updates on committee work(s). There will be a maximum time limit of ten (15) minutes per committee update.

OCSS Announcements:

Executive Session

Adjourn: 7:03 PM