Steven Light

802.635.1370/802.498.3173MUSIC EDUCATION WEBSITE:

Seminar in Professional Preparation for Music Education


Goals and Objectives

Course Description: This course is the advanced student’s counterpart to Intro to Music Ed. The course is intended to serve the prospective music teacher as a pre-service forum for issues, experiences, problems, and questions that may arise during students’ field experiences. It should be taken just before the student teaching semester. Students must be collegiate members of the professional organization “MENC,” read articles in its professional journal and attend the annual Vermont Music Educators Conference.

One semester, 2 credits

The purpose of this course is to provide students with:

•Guidance in the development of a professional portfolio

•Experience in job search and interview techniques

•Readings and discussions about general and current topics in public school music education

•An understanding of curriculum development.

Students will:

  1. Understand the concept of “Create, Perform, Respond”
  2. Be comfortable with and fluent in the National Music Standards
  3. Understand the 16 Vermont Teaching Principles
  4. Understand the typical role of the music specialist in the educational process
  5. Have internalized personal and professional traits associated with successful teaching
  6. Have a completed, well articulated personal philosophy of education
  7. Understand JSC’s licensure requirements and be prepared to meet them
  8. Be in the final stages of professional portfolio development
  9. Understand the importance of professional development and participate in professional organizations, workshops, and conferences
  10. Be familiar with the “realities” of the contemporary educational system through ongoing discussions with other class members, faculty, teachers, and/or public school administrators
  11. Reflect upon the teaching experience regularly by maintaining a teacher observation journal
  12. Read, discuss, reflect on and write about a variety of assigned texts
  13. Have a completed, well written résumé
  14. Be more comfortable and confident in their interviewing skills

Readings and Materials

Teaching Music: Managing the Successful Music Program, 2nd ed., Darwin Walker, 1998, Schirmer (required)

•Teaching for Musical Understanding, Jackie Wiggins, 2001, McGraw Hill (on reserve)

•MENC. (Serial). Music Educators Journal. (Included with CMENC membership).

•3-ring binder for Portfolio - if not doing an ePortfolio

•Binder for class notes and observation writings


Introduction to Music Education, Band Methods, Choral Methods, Instrumental Techniques I & II, Music Technology for the Classroom, Elementary Music Methods, Secondary Music Methods.

Course Activities

Class time will consist of lectures, discussions, individual projects, weekly reading responses, tests and reports.

Assignments and Grading

•Read and respond to weekly readings...... 20

•Budget project...... 10

•Finalize a personal philosophy of music education and belief statements...... 10

•Assemble a professional portfolio...... 20

•Internalize, integrate and memorize the Nine National Standards of Music Education and related benchmarks 10

•Create anElementary Music Curriculum map...... 20

•Participate in mock interviews...... 10

Total...... 100

Students will be graded on successful completion of all assignments, attendance, participation and tests. Extensions will be granted on a case-by-case basis. A grade of B- is required to continue toward music education licensure. Attendance is mandatory. Each unexcused absence will result in a reduction of 5 points of the final grade.

Class Meeting Times and Schedule

Tuesdays5:00-6:00 PM

Week 1 / Introduction, Goals, Procedures, Self-Assessment / Chapter 1, Belief Statements
Week 2 / Organize Observations*, Share belief statements, Philosophy of music ed., Review “Create, Perform, Respond” and the National Standards / Chapter 14, Chapter 12 (Erwin) National Standards, Philosophy
Week 3 / Share philosophies, Review Vermont State Music Standards & 16 Principles, Observation de-brief* / Chapter 2
Week 4 / Assess progress towards JSC licensure requirements & make a final plan, Observation de-brief / Chapter 3, Written plan for completion
Week 5 / Strategies for effective, successful student teaching, Observation de-brief / Chapter 4
Week 6 / Budget building for the music teacher, Résumé writing, Review, Observation de-brief / Chapter 5, Prepare for mid-term
Week 7 / Mid-term exam/projects (present detailed budget, 2-3 minute memorized summary of philosophy, National Standards, 16 Principles) / Chapter 6, Portfolio research & development (including résumé)
Week 8 / Portfolio development, Present draft portfolio, Observation de-brief / Chapter 7, Portfolio revision
Week 9 / Portfolio development, Present draft portfolio,Scheduling music in schools, Observation de-brief / Chapter 8, Special topics
Week 10 / Special topics week, Observation de-brief, presentation of final e-portfolios / Chapter 9
Week 11 / Interview prep, Readiness to student teach assessment, Observation de-brief / Chapter 10, Prepare interview questions
Week 12 / Interviews, Observation de-brief / Chapter 11
Week 13 / Interviews, Observation de-brief / Chapter 12, Self-reflection and revision of professional goals
Week 14 / Present papers, Class assessment, Self-assessment, Review / Chapter 13, Study!
Week 15 / Final Exam/presentations