Semester: Spring 2018

Course: MATH 215 (3 credits)

Instructor: Dr. Shulman


Office: SEO 537

Office Hours: Mondays and Fridays at 10am, or by appt.

Course Webpage:

Course Description: Introduction to methods of proofs used in different fields in mathematics.

Text: Eccles, Peter J., An Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning. (Optional)

Prerequisite(s):Grade of C or better in MATH 181 and approval of the department.

Course Objectives: The main objective of this course is to introduce the student to the methods of proof that will be used in future mathematics courses. It is the prerequisite course to the advanced mathematics courses. Along with different proof techniques, such as induction and contradiction, the student will be introduced to topics used in advanced course, such as modular arithmetic, number theory, sets, functions, and equivalence relations.

Grades: Your grade is based on four categories.

Pop Quizzes: 10% -- there will be random quizzes throughout the semester.

Homework: 20% – homework will be assigned in class. You are encouraged to work with your classmates on all homework assignments, however your submission must be your own work. Beginning in week 2, all homework must be submitted using LaTeX. Instructions on how to use LaTeX can be found on the course webpage. You will be submitting your homework using the Crowdmark app starting in week 2; information on using the Crowdmark app can be found on the course webpage.

Midterm Exams: 20% each – there will be two midterm exams. It is your responsibility to be at the exam as no make-ups will be given except under extreme circumstances. The dates of the exams will be announced as the course progresses.

Final Exam: 30% – the final exam will be cumulative. As with the midterms, make-ups will not be given except under extreme circumstances. Check the final exam schedule to see when the final exam day and time is.

Note: The final exam, if higher than the lowest of your two midterm exams, will replace the lower of the two midterm exam scores.

To pass this course with a C, you must demonstrate that you can effectively produce a proof.

Your final grade in Math 215 will be determined by the number of points you earn on the following scale:

85 -- 100 points -- A

75 -- 84 points -- B

65 -- 74 points -- C

55 -- 64 points -- D

0 -- 54 points -- F

The instructor reserves the right to lower the final cutoffs for final grades.

Attendance: Attendance will be taken. You will lose one letter grade after every fifth class you miss. Please also make sure you are on time to class as each late arrival counts as missing a half class.

Late Work: No late homework will be accepted; you must be present to submit your homework and your homework submitted through Crowdmark has a strict deadline. There are no make-ups on any of the exams.

Course Policies: It is VERY important for students to collaborate on the homework, and to utilize any resource available to them. Those resources are, but are not limited to,


-Instructor office hours

-Math Learning Center (SEO 4th floor)

With that said however, any submitted work must be written exclusively by the student in his or her own words (except on team submissions). Any copied work will be given no credit, and academic integrity actions may be taken.

Academic integrity issues will be taken very seriously. For more information on integrity issues and actions that can be taken in such case, please visit the UIC website:

Disability Statement: Concerning disabled students, the University of Illinois at Chicago is committed to maintaining a barrier-free environment so that individuals with disabilities can fully access programs, courses, services, and activities at UIC. Students with disabilities who require accommodations for full access and participation in UIC Programs must be registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Please visit the DRC website at: