Semester 1 - History 1

Learning Concepts to Remember

Populating the Americas:

·  European Advantages, Explorers and their motivations

·  Columbian Exchange

·  Jamestown

·  Massachusetts Bay

·  Triangle Trade

·  Enlightenment

·  Introduction of Slaves to America

·  Mercantilism

·  William Penn

·  Colonial Differences (economic, social, political)

·  Colonial Founders and their motivations

o  William Penn

o  Roger Williams

Road to Revolution:

·  Britain’s Policies

o  Salutary Neglect

o  Quartering acts

o  Stamp Act

o  Proclamation of 1763

·  Albany Plan of Union

·  Common Sense

·  Battles and Forts

o  Saratoga

o  Yorktown

o  Valley Forge

·  Great Awakening

·  Military strengths and weaknesses

·  Military Strategies and Tactics

·  French and Indian War

Forming a Government:

·  Mayflower Compact

·  Articles of Confederation

·  Declaration of Independence

·  Federalism v. anti-federalism

·  New Jersey Plan/ Virginia Plan / Great Compromise

Defining Government:

·  Seneca Falls Convention

·  Balance of Power

·  James Madison

·  Underground Railroad

·  Constitutional Conventions (1st & 2nd)

·  Three-fifths Compromise

·  Republic v. direct democracy

·  Federalist Papers

·  Whiskey Rebellion

·  George Washington

o  Farwell address

·  Alien and Sedition Acts

·  Andrew Jackson


·  Industrial Revolution

·  Native Americans (policies and treatment)

·  Transcontinental Railroad

·  Monroe Doctrine

·  Manifest Destiny

·  Immigration (contributions)

·  Compromises, Proposals and Spread of Slavery

·  Expansion routes and modes

War and Resolutions:

·  Civil War Battles

o  Antietam

o  Vicksburg

·  Generals

o  Grant

o  Lee

o  Sherman

·  Civil War Causes

o  Abraham Lincoln

§  Lincoln-Douglas Debates

o  Kansas-Nebraska Act

o  Missouri Compromise

o  Uncle Tom’s Cabin

o  John Brown

o  Wilmot Proviso

o  Underground Railroad

·  Results of the Civil War

o  Johnson v. Radical Republicans

o  Reconstruction Plans (Lincoln, Johnson)

o  13th, 14th, & 15th Amendments

o  Black codes

o  Freedman’s Bureau

o  Emancipation Proclamation

o  Carpetbaggers

·  The War of 1812 – causes and results

·  Mexican-American War – causes and results

o  Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo