SEM Family Name & ID





SEM Member Names & ID


08-01-Building Element Individual, 08-02-Component Individual, 08-03- Building Element Type, 08-04-Component Type

Organization: Pankow Foundation, PCI

Creation date:



Author(s): Shiva (Vahideh) Aram

Revision History: 09/15/2011 (SA)

SEM Description:

In IFC, property sets are defined as containers that hold properties within a property family. Properties within each property set are extensible. IfcPropertySet is used to hold properties in various categories. Different sets of properties can be assigned to object types in IFC or to multiple occurrences of an object. Various defined property sets in IFC can be found under PSD Alphabetical Index.
In the precast concrete area, property sets can be assigned to the following categories of objects:
1)  Occurrences of building elements and components:
-  Subtypes of IfcBuildingElement
-  Subtypes of IfcElementComponent
2)  Types of building elements and components:
-  Subtypes of IfcBuildingElementType
-  Subtypes of IfcElementComponentType
In the precast concrete area, there are totally 38 IFC entities for which property sets assignment and implementation are needed. Refer to table 1 for the list of all entities.
The IFC binding for each of the above 2 categories are different. For occurrences, property sets are assigned through IfcRelDefinesByProperties to occurrences. But they are assigned directly to element and component types through the attribute HasPropertySets.
Property sets that need to be implemented for precast concrete are follows:
·  Pset_ConcreteElementGeneral
·  Pset_PrecastConcreteElementGeneral
·  Pset_ConcreteElementQuantityGeneral
·  Common property sets for wall, column, slab, ramp, etc. Some of the specific usage for precast concrete:
-  Pset_WallCommon (used in precast curtain walls and sandwich walls) applicable in IfcWall, IFCWallStandardCase
-  Pset_CoveringCommon (used for surface treatment) applicable in IfcCovering, IfcCoveringType
·  Pset_ConcreteElementSurfaceFinishQuantityGeneral (used for surface treatment)
·  Property sets for discrete accessories like Pset_DiscreteAccessoryAnchorBolt
·  Property set for pitch length information of reinforcement bar in elements including beam, column, slab, wall, and footing , like Pset_ReinforcementBarPitchOfColumn
·  Pset_ReinforcementBarCountOfIndependentFooting applicable in IfcFooting
·  Pset_ComponentProductionRequirements (Available in IFC2X4)
·  Pset_ReinforcingBarBendingsACI315Common (Available in IFC2X4)
It is preferable to categorize property sets into certain application domains based on AEC project cycle. Unfortunately many property sets address properties needed for different project phases, which makes categorization difficult. Table 1 shows the applicable domain of different property sets used in modeling precast concrete.
It is important for software vendors to implement ONLY all the property sets relevant to the software domain as specified in the table below.

Table 1:Application Domains of Property Sets
For the first step of implementation (October 2011 demo), objects and property sets with higher usage in the industry have been selected for implementation. The selected entities and their applied property sets are color coded in red in Table 2 & 3.
Products / IFC Entities / Applicable Property Sets
Building Elements / Building Element Individuals / IfcBeam, IfcSlab, IfcColumn, IfcRoof, IfcCurtainWall, IfcWall (and its subtype IFCWallStandardCase), IfcStair, IfcRamp, and IfcPile, IFCBeamStandardCase (IFC2X4), IFCSlabStandardCase (IFC2X4), IFCColumnStandardCase (IFC2X4). / • Pset_ConcreteElementGeneral
• Pset_PrecastConcreteElementGeneral
• Pset_ConcreteElementQuantityGeneral
• Common property sets for all occurrences of different building elements like Pset_WallCommon
• Property set for pitch length information of reinforcement bar in elements including beam, column, slab, wall, and footing; like Pset_ReinforcementBarPitchOfColumn
Building Element Types / IfcBeamType, IfcSlabType, IfcColumnType, IfcRoofType, IfcCurtainWallType, and IfcWallType, IfcStairType, and IfcRampType. / • Common property sets for all occurrences of different building elements like Pset_WallCommon
Table 2: Precast Concrete Element & Element Type- Pset. Red entities and Psets will be implemented for the demo.
Products / IFC Entities / Applicable Property Sets
Components / Accessories / IfcDiscreteAccessory / • Property sets for accessories used in precast concrete including:
• Pset_ComponentProductionRequirements (Available in IFC2X4)
Reinforcing Elements / IfcTendon,IfcReinforcingBar, IfcReinforcingMesh, and IfcTendonAnchor. / •Pset_ReinforcingBarBendingsACI315Common (Available in IFC2X4) applicable to IfcReinforcingBar
•Pset_ReinforcingBarBendingsISOCD3766Common applicable in IfcReinforcingBar
• Pset_ComponentProductionRequirements (Available in IFC2X4)
Part Individuals / IfcBuildingElementPart IfcPlate (and its subtype IFCPlateStandardCase), IfcCovering, IfcStairFlight, IfcRampFlight, IfcRailing. / • Pset_ConcreteElementGeneral • Pset_PrecastConcreteElementGeneral• Pset_ConcreteElementQuantityGeneral• Common property sets for all occurrences of different building elements like Pset_CoveringCommon
Part Types / IfcBuildingElementPartType, IfcPlateType, IfcCovering Type, IfcStairFlightType, IfcRampFlightType IfcRailingType. / • Common property sets for all occurrences of different building elements like Pset_WallCommon
Fasteners / IfcFastener and IfcFastenerType / • Pset_ComponentProductionRequirements (Available in IFC2X4)
Table 3: Precast Concrete Components & Component Types- Pset. Red entities and Psets will be implemented for the demo.

SEM Family Name & ID





Identify SEMs Outside this Family that it Links With

SEM 08-01-Building Element Individual / SEM 04-01-Beam, SEM 02-03-Column, SEM 02-09-Slab
SEM 08-02-Component Individual
SEM 08-03- Building Element Type / SEM 02-01-BeamType, SEM 02-03-ColumnType, SEM 02-09-SlabType
SEM 08-04-Component Type
List of Child SEMs, if any: None

SEM Family Name





SEM Sequence <Identifies all the sequences where this SEM may be applied, with both before and after links to other SEMS its execution, and which Member(s) to use This may be a large table

SEM Member Name


08-01-Building Element Individual, 08-02-Component Individual, 08-03- Building Element Type, 08-04-Component Type


4 IFC Binding for Each Member SEM

Version History


9/9/2011 (CME)

SEM Member binding diagram binding diagram using flattened entity shapes, for the general case of SEM family; list in title the cases, if any, that this applies to without elaboration

The binding below shows an example of implementing property sets for different elements. This example is provided to assign properties of Pset_ColumnCommon to a column individual.

SEM Description:
In the precast concrete area, there are totally 38 IFC 2X3 entities for which property sets need assignment need to be implemented. Refer to table 1 for the list of all entities.
As shown in the bindings above, in SEM member 08-01-Building Element Individual and 08-02-Component Individual, IfcRelDefinesByProperties relates the property set to subtypes of IfcBuildingElement and subtypes of IfcElementComponent.
The relevant subtypes of IfcElementComponent for precast concrete area are:
1)  All designated types of IfcDiscreteAccessory (like bolts, etc.)
2)  IfcFastener (like glue and weld)
3)  IfcBuildingElementPart (like layers of a precast concrete sandwich wall). Also those subtypes of IFCBuildingElement that are spatially dependent upon major building elements and need to be aggregated into those elements are considered as parts. These include: IfcPlate, IfcPlateStandardCase, IfcCovering, IfcStairFlight,IfcRampFlight,and IfcRailing.
4)  IfcReinforcingElement subtypes including IfcTendon, IfcReinforcingBar, IfcReinforcingMesh, and IfcTendonAnchor.
The applicable Psets for this SEM family are as following:
·  Pset_ConcreteElementGeneral : Includes general properties common to different concrete elements like structural class, and fire rating among others.
·  Pset_PrecastConcreteElementGeneral: Includes different properties common to precast concrete elements like the element volume and weight, tendon relaxation, and manufacturer information.
·  Pset_ConcreteElementQuantityGeneral : Includes properties needed to do a quantity take-off for different concrete elements and provides the total bulk quantities per element like total concrete,rebar or accessory quantity.
·  Common property sets for wall, column, slab, ramp, etc. For instance Pset_WallCommon and Pset_SlabCommon include properties for acoustic rating, fire rating and thermal transmittance among others.
·  Property sets for discrete accessories. For instance Pset_DiscreteAccessoryAnchorBolt provide properties for length and diameter of anchor bolt.
The combination of all the property sets-entities intended to be implemented in the first step for different elements and components provide 48 SEMs (Table 4 & 5). These SEMs all use the same IFC binding and the same SEM parent; only the entities and Psets are different in different SEMs.

Table 4: Demo Implementation Items for SEM 08-01-Building Element Individual

Table 5: Demo Implementation for SEM 08-02-Component Individual
In SEM member 08-03-Building Element Type and 08-04-Component Type, IfcPropertySet is assigned directly to element and component types through the attribute HasPropertySets. Precast concrete object types are either subtypes of IfcBuildingElementType or IfcElementComponentType.
The relevant subtypes of IfcElementComponent for precast concrete area are as follows:
1)  IfcFastener (like glue and weld)
2)  IfcBuildingElementPartType (like layers of a precast concrete sandwich wall). Also those subtypes of IFCBuildingElement that are spatially dependent upon major building elements and need to be aggregated into those elements are considered as parts. These include: IfcPlateType, IfcCoveringType, IfcStairFlightType,IfcRampFlightType,and IfcRailingType.
The applicable Psets for this SEM family are as following:
·  Pset_ConcreteElementGeneral : Includes general properties common to different concrete elements like structural class, and fire rating among others.
·  Pset_PrecastConcreteElementGeneral: Includes different properties common to precast concrete elements like the element volume and weight, tendon relaxation, and manufacturer information.
·  Pset_ConcreteElementQuantityGeneral : Includes properties needed to do a quantity take-off for different concrete elements and provides the total bulk quantities per element like total concrete or accessory quantity.
·  Common property sets for wall, column, slab, ramp, etc. For instance Pset_CoveringCommon include properties for acoustic rating, fire rating and flammability rating among others.
The combination of all the property sets-entities intended to be implemented in the first step for different element types and component types provide 35 SEMs (Table 6& 7). These SEMs all use the same IFC binding; only the entities and Psets are different in different SEMs.

Table 6: Demo Implementation Items for SEM 08-03-Building Element Type

Table 7: Demo Implementation Items for SEM 08-03-Component Type

SEM Member Methods <Identifies the Methods needed to insert a Member of this SEM Family into the existing SEM structure. Some may be optional, other always apply

SEM member 08-01-Building Element Individual needs to be implemented after SEM 04 family implementation and SEM member 08-03-Building Element Type is implemented.

SEM Family Name





Concepts used to define this SEM <list of the Concepts from IFC Solutions Factory that are being re-placed or re-used in the current SEM Family>

PCI-055 Precast Property Set Assignment

PCI-057 Precast Fabrication Attributes

PCI-086 Reinforcing Element Property Set Assignment

PCI-091 Production Attributes

PCI-097 Component Property Set Assignment

PCI-158 Sandwich Wall Panel Property Set Assignment

PCI-165 Precast Concrete Wythe Property Set Assignment

PCI-174 Precast Surface Treatment Property Set Assignment

MVC-856 Property Definition

MVC-857 Property Set

Concepts are available from IFC Solutions Factory Website.