Operating Experience Committee

Conference Call Minutes

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


ACTION: All. Please send January agenda ideas to Jeannie Boyle and be prepared to discuss LL on the next call.

December 2008 Call

Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EST

Call-In Number: 301-903-9198 Confirmation 222988


Welcome and Roll Call

# / NAME / SITE / ORG. /
1 / Ballard, Ed / LSO / Livermore Site Office
2 / Barnes, Rus / PPPO / LATA/Parallax (LPP)
3 / Blount, Patricia / LANL / Los Alamos National Laboratory Safeguards & Security
4 / Book, Jackie / PPPO / LATA/Parallax (LPP)
5 / Boyle, Eugenia / DOE HQ / HSS
6 / Branson, Gary / INL / Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC
7 / Brown, Karen / ORO / Parallax
8 / Brown, Richard / ORP / Bechtel National Inc (BNI)
9 / Chalk, Steven E / RL / Richland Operations Office
10 / Christensen, Rob / PPPO / LATA/Parallax (LPP)
11 / Clarke, Debbie / ORP / Bechtel National Inc (BNI)
12 / Collier, Linda / LANL / Los Alamos National Security
13 / Du Bose, Rick / DOE HQ / FE PSO
14 / Dukes, Mars / Oak Ridge - TRU Project / TRU Project (EnergX)
15 / Eichorst, Jeffery A. / LASO / Los Alamos Site Office
16 / Forshey, Cathy / PPPO / Theta Pro2Serve Mgmt Co
17 / Gilliam, Susan / Y-12 National Security Complex / Babcock & Wilcox Technical Services (B&W)
18 / Haynes, Rick / PSO / Pantex Site Office
19 / Heard, Marie / Stanford Site Office (SSO) / SSO
20 / Hoertkorn, Thomas / ORP / Office of River Protection
21 / Howell, David / YMPO / Yucca Mountain Project Office
22 / Jeffries, Becky / NV / LLNL.LANL
23 / Johnson, Bill / SPRO / DynMcDermott
24 / Keever, Susan / Oak Ridge / Isotek
25 / Keller, Brian / SPR / SPR
26 / Krietz, Terry / DOE HQ / EM
27 / LaPointe, Todd / DOE HQ / CNS
28 / Lauterbach, Paul / NETL / Albany, Fairbanks, Morgantown, Pittsburgh, & Tulsa
29 / Longpre, Dan / PPPO / Theta Pro2Serve Mgmt Co
30 / Lopez-Cardona, Emma / DOE HQ / EM
31 / McCallister, Russell / PPPO / Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office - Lexington
32 / McVey, Jim / PPPO / Swift & Staley (SST)
33 / Mullen, David / Los Alamos National Laboratory / Security Lessons Learned Center
34 / Murphy, Art / Grand Junction Project Office (Moab) / Energy Solutions Federal Services
35 / Padilla-Vigil, Yolanda / SNL / Sandia National Labs. (SNL)
36 / Parchen, Tracy / ORP / Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS)
37 / Payne, Howard / West Valley / WVES
38 / Pearson, John / Oak Ridge / ORAU
39 / Polanish, Carolyn / Brookhaven Site Office / BHSO
40 / Robison, Camille / INL/ AMWTP / BBWI/AMWTF
41 / Roggenkamp, Ken / KSO / Kansas City Site Office
42 / Rozek, Eric / Washington, DC / Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
43 / Saar, Michael / Ames Site Office / ASO
44 / Schumann, Craig / Argonne Site Office / ASO
45 / Serocki, John / DOE HQ / NE PSO
46 / Serrano, Antonette / Los Alamos National Laboratory / Security Lessons Learned Center
47 / Sheehan, Kathy / ORP / Bechtel National Inc (BNI)
48 / Shidal, Suzanne / PPPO / Paducah Remediation Services (PRS)
49 / Sierra, Ed / Brookhaven National Laboratory / BNL
50 / Slater-Chandler, Neysa / Washington, DC / Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
51 / Spencer, Donna / Berkley Site Office / BSO
52 / Staffo, Gary / DOE HQ / EE
53 / Stein, Darrin / Grand Junction Project Office (Moab) / S&K Aerospace Inc
54 / Sterling, Michael / ORO / Parallax
55 / Stuewe, Bob / LANL / Los Alamos National Security
56 / Stultz, Greg / Idaho Cleanup Project (ICP) / CWI
57 / Sullivan, Sally / Yucca Mountain Project / Bechtel/SAIC
58 / Taylor, Karen / Pantex / B&W Pantex
59 / Tripodes, Jim / LLNL / Lawrence Livermore National Security
60 / Whitney, Gerry / RL / Fluor Hanford Inc.

Table 1: Operating Experience Committee 12/9/08 conference call attendees


1.  Gerry Whitney, Fluor Hanford, discussed a lessons learned that his site is developing. They recently had a 90-ton crane malfunction. The problem was due to poor maintenance of the crane. If the maintenance is not done properly, the cylinder oil cools when the load is up, and the crane will lower the load on its own. Fortunately, no people were within range when this occurred.

ACTION: Gerry Whitney will submit the lesson to the Lessons Learned Database.

2.  Bob Stuewe, LANL, discussed a near miss with a boom lift. The operator went over a bump and the lift tipped partly over. The operator had terminated forward movement on the lift platform, but the lift did not actually stop immediately the way it should have. LANL verified operator training and checked the functionality of all lift devices on the site. During the site walkdown, they discovered that four lifts had controls that were not fully functional. They are developing a checklist, but the challenge will be to flow it down to subcontractors and their subcontractors and apply it to rental equipment. Both of those elements were involved in the near miss. The formal lessons learned is in development.

ACTION: Bob Stuewe will ensure the lesson is submitted to the Lessons Learned Database when the site’s review/analysis is complete.

3.  Greg Stultz, Idaho Falls, briefly discussed the red lesson learned that was just posted to the HQ Lessons Learned Database. Eaton Corporation has issued a Product Safety Bulletin on Eaton VCP-W Circuit Breaker Type 150 VCP-W 500 – 1200A because these items may have nonconforming vacuum interrupters. The loss of vacuum may cause equipment damage and/or physical injury. Greg emailed the Eaton bulletin to the committee during the conference call, and Jeannie Boyle has arranged to have the red alert LL updated.

Gary Staffo asked if DOE’s contractors are required to post to and receive information from the Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP) (http://www.gidep.org/). Is this something that should be covered on a future conference call?

ACTION: Jeannie Boyle will ensure that the red lesson learned that was posted on the Eaton circuit breakers is updated to attach the Eaton safety bulletin.

ACTION: All – Whenever possible, send attachments for new lessons learned as jpeg files to be posted and put a placeholder in the text where the jpeg should go. Allow an extra day or two for LLs with photographs or attachments to be posted to the Lessons Learned Database.


This subject was covered thoroughly during the November call, and there was no new information to add.


Jim McVey discussed the draft revision to the bylaws and reviewed the highlights, including the Steering Committee’s purpose and objectives. The Steering Committee consists of a permanent Federal Co-Chair, an elected Contractor Co-Chair, four Federal members, and four contractor members. (See table below.) The term of service on the Steering Committee will be two years, with the terms staggered. The Steering Committee will hold monthly conference calls to ensure that the OEC gets operational smoothly; after that, the calls may switch to quarterly. A copy of the proposed bylaws was provided to the OEC just prior to the conference call. All OEC members are asked to review it and provide comments to Jim McVey.

Jim noted that a Steering Committee member will be added to each Task Team. The appointments have been made, and the Task Team Leaders will be notified in a few days of which Steering Committee member will be joining each team. As noted in the bylaws, the Steering Committee is intended to be a funnel for products/documents developed by the OEC. Anything intended for release to the OEC or the DOE complex as final should be reviewed by the Steering Committee first.

OEC Steering Committee
Federal Co-Chair: Jeannie Boyle, Office of Analysis, HSS
Contractor Co-Chair: Jim McVey, Swift & Staley at PPPO (EM)
Federal Members / Contractor Members
1. John Ordaz, NNSA, Immediate Office of the Administrator (PSO) / 1. Teresa Cochran, UT-Battelle, LLC, at ORNL (SC)
2. John Seroki, Nuclear Energy (PSO) / 2. TBD
(Richard Higgins held this spot, but he changed organizations and needs to be replaced.)
3. Teresa Perry, Oak Ridge Office, SC (Field) / 3. Jim McVey, Swift & Staley at PPPO (EM)
4. David Barber, Sandia Site Office, NNSA (Field) / 4. Jeanne Wightman, Stoller-Navarro Joint Venture at Nevada Test Site (NNSA)

ACTION: All – Please review the proposed changes to the bylaws and provide input to Jim McVey.

ACTION: Please send nominations for the open contractor spot on the Steering Committee to Jeannie Boyle and Jim McVey.


Jeannie Boyle met with the DNFSB staff on Friday, December 5, and with the DNFSB members on Monday, December 8, regarding commitments related to Recommendation 2004-1. Jeannie noted that the meeting with the Board staff was a dry run for the meeting on Monday. The HSS presentation concentrated on the 2004-1 commitment status and the OEC. Little mention was made of the HSS operating experience products. Instead, they focused on the good participation of the coordinators on the committee and on the OEC conference calls. The Board asked about the OEC’s progress in developing metrics and about the resulting pilot at WIPP.

During this meeting, DOE was able to assure the Board that DOE O 210.2 is included in the appropriate contracts and that excellent progress has been made in implementing the Order. EM mentioned the DOE letter sent to the Board at the end of October to transmit a report summarizing the results of the Environmental Management line oversight review of OE program implementation. NNSA also provided a status of their implementation. All speakers indicated some concern that the implementation of the Federal OE programs is lagging behind those of the contractors. The Board did not appear to have significant concerns with the OE program/products, and Jeannie received unofficial feedback from the Board staff that we are doing well and just need to keep moving forward. Jeannie noted that making time at the spring meeting to work on the various Task Team products will help us do that. One key item will be to reach closure on the good work that we’ve done to develop useful metrics for the lessons learned programs.

Todd Lapointe noted that the DOE operational readiness review (ORR) process requires development of lessons learned on execution of the process by both the contractor review team and the Federal review team. The lessons are included in a separate section of each report. Todd suggested that the OEC could correlate the lessons in those reports into a series of lessons to be posted in the Lessons Learned Database. DOE and contractors are developing this information; we should take credit for it and use it.

ACTION: Todd Lapointe will e-mail Jeannie Boyle the slides that he developed.

ACTION: Jeannie Boyle will contact Michael Hillman to obtain more information on the lessons learned contained in ORR reports and determine whether these can be consolidated into useful lessons learned to be posted in the Lessons Learned Database.

Site Processes for Submitting Lessons Learned

Susan Gilliam, B&W Y-12, wanted to know how other sites handle the posting of security lessons to the Defense Nuclear Safety (DNS) Lessons Learned (LL) Center and thus to the LL Database. She discovered by accident that security lessons were not routed through her before sending to the DNS LL Center. Patricia Blount stated that the NNSA set up the DNS for security lessons learned about a year and a half ago (http://www.dns-lessons.lanl.gov/). At that time, a POC was identified for each Site Office to act as the conduit for security lessons learned. The DNS has three templates: lesson learned, best practice, and success story. Susan Gilliam said the B&W lessons learned database is set up for the DOE HQ Lessons Learned Database template, and it cannot accommodate the DNS templates. Patricia stated that all security lessons learned are eventually (after being vetted and screened for classified information) reformatted, if necessary, and sent out through the Headquarters Lessons Learned Database. Everyone on the OEC should be authorized for access to the DNS.

Jeannie Boyle stated that the OEC POCs need to contact the DNS POCs (see table below) to ensure coordination of lessons issued by the site before they go out. In addition, each site should consider having a single POC. Susan Gilliam suggested that we go further and put together a work group to see if the input parameters for the two systems can be merged.

Site Name / POC / Phone Number / Email /
Albuquerque Service Center / Kathy Sumbry-Wilkins / 505-845-6608 /
Los Alamos Site Office / Diane Menapace / 505-665-3229 /
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory / David Aron / 925-424-3540 /
Kansas City Site Office / Anthony George / 816-997-2747 /
Nevada Site Office / Stan McCloskey / 702-794-1788 /
Pantex Site Office / John O'Brien / 806-477-5900 /
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory / Bryan Avery / 509-372-6848 /
BWXT Pantex / Larry Mendez / 806-477-6541 /
BWXT Pantex / John Chavarria / 806-477-3289 /
Sandia National Laboratory / Randy Kubasek / 505-845-4803 /
Savannah River Site Office / Diane Powell / 803-208-1517 /
Washington Savannah River Company / Lee Prim / 803-208-3584 /
Y-12 / Debbie Hunter / 865-574-8022 /

ACTION: If you would like to participate on a work group to consolidate the input parameters between the DNS and Lessons Learned Database, please send an e-mail to Jeannie Boyle.