Taking Care of You!

Self-Care Practices for Women

Mind, Body & Soul

How many times do we women put ourselves last? Or we put off the most important aspect of our own self-care, because we are so busy taking care of others and nurturing people we love and care about. When we are focusing on others, we eventually become worn out, stressed out and just plain tired. We have neglected eating right, sleeping 8 hours a night, drinking our water and just resting and relaxing.

Self- Care is not only for the body, it’s for the mind and soul.

Here are some of my favorite tips:

For the Body:

  • Get enough sleep. We need a minimum of 7 hours of interrupted sleep to wake up feeling good enough to take on our day.
  • Practice breathing exercises (Take 10 deep breaths in and out) It will ground you and alleviate stress and anxiety. Breathe deep down to your abdomen.
  • Exercise! Yes, exercise. A minimum of 30 minutes, 3 times per week of cardio will improve your memory, alleviate stress and anxiety and improve your memory. So, ride a bike, jog or run, dance or exercise to your favorite exercise video. Take the dog for a walk. Don’t forget to stretch! Besides huge benefits of no injuries, it really feels good!
  • Healthy eating. This is a given and we are in an age right now of organic food and a green based diet. Don’t beat yourself up, but it’s important to have at least 1 healthy meal a day full of nutrients and not preservatives. Get good at reading labels. Get rid of the processed food and sugar and you will be amazed how amazing you feel. Start with 1 meal a day and increase it to two healthy meals.
  • Enjoy nature. Just look up in the sky, feel the sun on your face, or the warm breeze. Close your eyes and soak it up for a minimum of 10 minutes a day. This is awesome and will rejuvenate you to get back to work with a renewed sense of peace.
  • Laugh! Watch a really great comedy, a funny video, read a comic book.

For the Mind: Are you being mindful?

  • Be a good listener. Have you ever started to listen to someone talking to you and your mind just wandered off and you just tuned out? It happens when we are not being present in the moment. When we stay in the present no matter what you are doing, having a conversation in person or on the phone, we really start to have a connection with that person. We give them a part of ourselves for a moment and that is really powerful. Plus it will train your brain to re-direct itself back to the moment. Practice staying in the moment (mindfulness) for the next 30 days and see what difference it makes in your relationships.
  • Talk to yourself. Tell yourself that you are amazing, determined, enough, empowered to make decisions, loving, grateful for life.
  • Be Selfish. Do one thing today because it makes you happy.

For the Soul:

  • Have a servant’s heart. Help just one person today, hold open a door for someone, smile at another person just because.
  • Pay it Forward. Pick up someone’s coffee today, pay for lunch, put a $5 bill on someone’s windshield and then watch what happens. This type of giving is so rewarding and you will feel good about doing it.
  • Spend time with animals, either yours or someone else’s. This is showing and giving love to an animal and unconditional.
  • Reach out. Ask for help today for something you need help with.
  • Spend time with yourself. Alone time is so valuable and necessary for us to just wind down. Do absolutely what you want for at least one hour! Read, watch a program you recorded, buy yourself a gourmet coffee or lunch, work on your hobby.
  • Be aware of how you are feeling and what the outside cause of it is, check in with your emotions, no judgement here.
  • Buy something for yourself, a luxury item that you have been wanting, go for it! You are special and you matter too! No guilt here please.
  • Write in your journal what you are grateful for. Write for 10 minutes a day. Include thoughts, quotes, sayings, Wins, successes, anything!