Joli Nixon

September 12, 2017


Self-Assessment Essay

During my self-assessment, I learned about the Five Areas of Behaviors, Skills, and Capabilities and how they relate to me. My communication skills have never been the best but they are enough to let me effectively understand people and let them understand me. I can communicate best with people I’ve known for a while. I don’t have the highest level of comfort engaging with strangers, but it is always enough to solve the problem at hand. Problem solving is one of the most important things in life because without doing the research or using common sense to find your answers, then no problems would ever be fixed. You can solve problems with your own common sense, or you can use teamwork. Teamwork is when a group of people, no matter who they are, get together to have a higher level of effectiveness. Teamwork is not my strong suit. In order for you to succeed, you need to know your personal capabilities, or your abilities that you’ve gained throughout your life that help you become successful. You also need personal support systems, which are relationships and/or resources that help you to become successful. Financial literacy, understanding budgets and important financial terms, and computer literacy, the ability to use computers for basic tasks, are two resources that will support you throughout any entrepreneur career. However, you can’t rely on others for your success. You must have determination, the commitment to yourself to get something done. You must have self-motivation and self-discipline, meaning you can find the strength to keep going and the will to not give up. Self-commitment to overcome challenges and to achieve long-term goals, also known as grit, is another important behavior you need to become successful. Grit helps you to focus on the long run so you don’t give up. These Five Areas of Behaviors, Skills, and Capabilities are unquestionably important in a career in owning a business.

While reading the results of my assessments, I realized some of my strengths and weaknesses. Material items, such as expensive cars or name-brand clothes, are not important to me. I’m not concerned with doing better than everyone else, I just focus on improving myself and trying to be the best I can be. I am interested in helping others and contributing to other people’s happiness. I don’t believe that competition and hatred is the way to go, I think people should try to work together or support one another. The world is big and dangerous, human’s should stick together to try to make it through. One strength I have, being very imaginative, could also be considered a weakness. Sometimes I get so caught up in my imagination and I lose touch with reality. I also tend to very hard on myself. I am mostly introverted and have a difficult time opening up and letting people get to know me, especially the bad parts of me. Sometimes I am too sensitive and let certain things get under my skin. I can sometimes be too sensitive to tell people no or that they are not doing a good job. I have a lot of areas where I need to improve, but I am also continually learning to be better.

Through all of my research, I have learned about parts of myself. I often think that my imagination is too deep and that it’s a bad thing, but my assessment made me think of how it can drive me to reach higher goals. It also showed me that I am not the only person who has the mindset that I do about friendliness and good karma. I now know that being hard on myself isn’t going to make me better it just drags me down further. I must continue trying to get stronger in certain areas if I want to be successful. My self- assessment shows that I am likely to enjoy a job where I have a certain extent of freedom when it comes to schedules, activities, duties, etc.

While I’m not sure of what I want to be I get older, I have a better outlook on ideas now. My assessment suggested psychologist, teacher, social worker, and other professional jobs. But I don’t really have much interest in those. I just know that I want to be helpful and contribute to the bettering of society. I also want to make a better salary than the one I grew up on. An EMT (paramedic) would be a good idea for a career because I would be helping people and making good money. However, EMT’s have long hours and it’s a very dangerous job and could possibly be traumatic. Having an imagination that can get out of hand, I’m worried about going into a field with dramatic scenes and death. I also think about being some type of artist (tattoo artist, graphic designer, clothing designer) since I have a pretty decent level of creativity. However, an artistic career is very risky and I’m not sure I have enough talent. While my self-assessments helped me to get to know myself better, I still am not sure of the career I want to go into.