Selected websites by type of content:

  • Sites that are highlighted could be ones to visit first, based on broad content and reliability
  • Itry hard to select those that publish content that seems in conformance with the Church but something off-base could still creep in, so use good judgment
  • Some of the sites may be on their last legs and not being updated; we try to weed those out
  • New sites are always appearing so unless we keep up with the internet, we“lose the bubble” from time to time
  • With all the sites listed here, we’re not be able to check and comment on each one regularly, so if you find that some sites in this list aren’t as advertised, be forewarned.
  • Printing date:10/4/2018


otherwise known as “shameless popery”, this is a very articulate, very polite apology authored by a seminarian that explains objections with humility and good grace

blog authored largely by converts from PCA and addressing issues raised by Protestants

large apologetics website called Catholic Answers includes a library and q&a/forum section

From Taylor Wilkerson, herself still a teen

apologetics from Gary Michuta in Detroit

a Catholic convert, author and speaker; former Protestant minister; a structured series of ongoing lessons in Catholic apologetics; recommended.

private collection (KY) of catechetical and other documents online

an outstanding apologist, philosopher and teacher at Boston College


teaching science from a catholic perspective. Supports homeschooling.

based in Michigan; online catechetical instruction to teachers; courses and materials

from Jason and Crystalina Evert.

?? website supporting the weekly show that appeared on EWTN. Fr. Mallon is from Halifax and has 8 catechetical video lessons

all about youth ministry

catechesis from Marlon de la Torre (but the site navigation doesn’t work)

distributes Catholic audio and CD/DVD materials to parishes, etc.

extensive video and other resources to assist parishes in catechesis for teens and up

apologetic videos for teens and young adults

Article on two new confirmation programs

trailer video for the Chosen faith formation program


not Catholic per se, but an economic system (founded by Chesterton, etc.) supportive of solidarity and subsidiarity

from the Center for Morality in Public Life

First Things is published by The Institute on Religion and Public Life, an interreligious, nonpartisan research and education institute to advance a religiously informed public philosophy for ordering society. Christian perspective, heavily Catholic, very intelligent articles.

MD catholic conference website to address support regarding issues for the Church in MD

not a Catholic blog per se; can’t see who is behind it but wide ranging articles have a traditional bent on topics such as family, bioethics, politics, human dignity, technology, culture.

analysis on application of Catholic legal theory to contemporary issues.

from the population research institute

another intellectual think-tank site from a foundation at Princeton that has some Catholic contributors on social, legislative, economic issues of the times.

articles from the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence (application of natural law)

website maintained by Barrie Schwortz who was on one of the original Shroud scientific teams

mainly Catholic social teaching from Dr. Tom Storck who seems to be based in the DC/Baltimore region.


Also known as Catholic Online; a bit of everything. Many ads.

excellent broad scope of Catholicism; news; commentary; readings; library; 716 catholic website reviews; catechism; dictionary; founder is past president of Christendom College

brainchild of Mother Angelica; news, Mass readings, saints, Q&A, library and more, not to mention a large bookstore.

Marian research institute at University of Dayton

saints, news, articles.


catholic news and articles on current topics. From the Foundation for Evangelization through the Media, sponsored by the Church; also could be categorized under news, evangelization and commentary.

About twice a day this site compiles what its editors see as a cross section of interesting Catholic blog posts. Usually have very good choices.

a comprehensively huge list of blogs (mostly but not all in English) with links. Much larger than this list. This is referenced on the NewAdvent website. Appears to be very extensive (but some I have listed haven’t made it to this list). Also lists podcasts.

25 students collecting resources for catholic apostolate.

blog republishes a number of bishops, priests etc.

a daily brief collection from the Catholic blogosphere and other interesting tidbits as well as some classic references.

articles on current topics and several popular blogs. Also publish the National Catholic Register newspaper.


Some logical, deep thinking in plain language from Ben and Joe.

politics and culture from a Catholic perspective.

very articulate and intelligent. Could also be listed under women’s interest.

excellent moral teaching from Msgr Pope from the Archdiocese of Washington, based on readings and somewhat on current events. He pastors an inner-city parish.

from canon lawyer, naturally, Ed Peters.

good articles

a comprehensive web site on a wide variety of topics with many authors

articles, news, videos, quizzes, in a light format

magazine format with routinely excellent authors (Fr. Rutler, Anthony Esolen, Austin Ruse, Fr. Longenecker)

by Dr. M. D’Ambrosio

very intelligent commentary from excellent authors

a landmark for St. Mary’s parish; blog titled “Morning Coffee”; some text, some audio, some video; commenting on the day’s scripture

movie reviews from Steven Gredeynus of the National Catholic Register (deacon in training)

Focuseson areas of cultural importance. Topics are the Church as an institution, politics, culture, law, family, spiritual warfare, theology, liturgical discussions, and some Canon law.

light hearted collections of blog articles, lists, quizzes, memes and video

From Matt Warner who has also done Bad Catholic; excellent blog author; this is in the process of being retired.

from Richard Becker who is sometimes featured in New Advent or Big Pulpit. Usually very family oriented.

from Ignatius Press. Includes blog & articles in addition to book offerings.

offers somewhat scholarly articles usually from highly respected authors; free access is limited; full access requires subscription

A layman’s excellent attempt to “rebuild the Catholic ethos”. Several good contributors.

presumably from the pastor of St. John the Baptist Parish in Marshfield, WI

Fr. Longenecker’s excellent blog; married Catholic priest in South Carolina (former Anglican)

commentary from Elizabeth Scalia (related to Antonin?)

marc barnes has moved his blog to this new site; old one below not deleted yet.

extremely good commentary from marc barnes; I’m guessing he majored in philosophy

commentary on the media and how they address religion

Thomas McDonald on technology and the Church

reflections on faith, family and America.

from Rebecca Hamilton, a former public servant in the Oklahoma House of Representatives

commentary from a sadder-but-wiser-but-plucky-and-sometimes-snarky working mom

Barbara seems to teach screen writing in the LA area.

blog of Barbara Nicolosi

Fr. Claude Burns from Evansville, IN who makes rap-style videos responding to the culture

blog from a novice nun.

articles on current topics and several popular blogs

intelligent commentary on cultures, especially travel-related, combined with a focus on Mary

rosary meditations from a special ed teacher in Santa Clara, CA

focus on liturgy, art, architecture,

from Matt Warner a good radical.

written by 3 Catholic PhDs who are professors of scripture and theology. Lots of commentary on the Lectionary readings.

young family man; range of topics

wide ranging commentary from stay at home mom and scientist. Also posts in numerous other forums.

articles from Catholic bloggers based in Omaha; usually a personal, family, local perspective

Known as Fr. Z’s blog. (Father Zuhlsdorf) A fair but no-nonsense traditionalist. Has quite a fan base.

published by Human Life International, focusing on life, family and faith


mostly respectful dialogue between Christians and atheists. Highly philosophical.


excellent resources especially for those who may be fallen away and are exploring

evangelization program based in Diocese of Baltimore.

from Peter Herbek and Ralph Martin. They are on “The Choices We Face” and “Crossing the Goal” on EWTN.

the social network of the new evangelization generation; managed by Tito Edwards & Stacy Trasancos; many different columnists, mostly young

Catherine of Siena Institute; a program to form lay apostles; Sherry Weddell (Forming Intentional Disciples) is part of the Institute. This institute has a program that could be a good complement to Christlife.

Marlon de La Torre in Houston

3 part Ignatian prayer series based in New Orleans

Canadian apologist & evangelist who primarily uses videos

website from a mission to recruit and train young adults as missionaries to the US and internationally. They travel and give talks to youths.

conversion testimoniesmanaged by Frank Weathers.

Fr. Robert Barron. Need I say more? Have you seen his “Catholicism” videos? Search for his short commentary videos on You Tube.

C.S. Lewis on YouTube: search YouTube for “C.S. Lewis Doodle” and watch the animated videos.


target audience appears to be young adults addressing relationships and marriage

family counseling services from Dr. Greg Popcak

an initiative of the USCCB; assists with education and catechesis on marriage


articles for men

seems somewhat local to Minneapolis. Bishop/priests are involved. Have set up a format/process.

website for men. Broadcast on EWTN.

Matt Christoff with some excellent articles.

for men

for men

for men

for men

national fellowship of catholic men

men’s program started in Houston (expanded to women and marriage)

from Fr. Richard Heilman of Madison, WI, founder of an apostolate for men’s faith formation

The author had a TV series entitled how to pray for your sons and daughters.

for men

good articles


current news, references, and blog articles

oldest and largest news wire service specializing in religion. Created by US bishops in 1920, but editorially distinct from the USCCB.

news, opinion and commentary sponsored by the Knights of Columbus

catholic online news magazine; articles, news briefs, editorials, video, etc.

news and videos from the large publishing company based in St. Louis

news and analysis from Rocco Palma, a Philadelphia native. Frequently includes full texts of presentations, rather than just writing about the subject or address.

Catholic news service based in Italy


Archdiocese of Baltimore

occasional thoughts from Cardinal Dolan on current issues

George Weigel has a regular column here

website. Fr. White and Tom Corcoran revamped this parish in Timonium. A bit in the mega-church mold.

various topic blog from the Dominicans stressing Acquinas’ vision

text of all of JP II’s Theology of the Body audiences

looks very useful

Homiletic & Pastoral Review; respected pastoral magazines, often too detailed and focused on ministerial needs to be appealing to average Catholics; includes articles and homilies

Fr. John Riccardo. Our Lady of Good Counsel, Plymouth MI. Fr. Riccardo’s homilies are in podcast form.

Humanae Vitae; this website is maintained by a layman just for Papal Encyclicals and other documents.

how-to book by Fr. White and Tom Corcoran.

website of St. Charles Borromeo parish in Mississippi. One of the first to have the Catechism on its website and still often referred to by other sources. Some other helpful resources as well.

a window into our neighboring parish

our parish’s website. Check it out some time… it’s not perfect but most things do get updated regularly. The bulletins are posted.

From Fr. Larry Richards in Erie, PA. A very good speaker, especially at men’s conferences. See his videos created live every first Wednesday of the month.

The Way of the Lord Jesus from theologian GermainGrisez.

website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops; sometimes carries contributions from Cardinal Dolan (or the new chairman of the USCCB)

website for the Pontifical Council for the Laity

immense resources available for exploration


New pastoral letter and other resources to help safeguard families from pornography

a catholic psychologist based in NYC. New listing.

this has existed for some time. Allows searches.

part of the safety net for homosexual and similar issues

family counseling services from Dr. Greg Popcak


American Life League. Resources for right to life.

National Catholic Bioethics Center

videos on population from the Population Research Institute.

The Population Research Institute.

what’s not to like about life?


an intelligent “women’s blog”

an Indiana mom

from Katie Sciba with a young family

a very good women’s blog

thoughtful site run out of Arlington, VA

young mother convert from atheism Jennifer Fulwiler from Texas who contributes to NC Register; humorous and intelligent

personal daily blog by Julie Davis

Mama Needs Coffee by Jenny Uebbing

homeschooling mother of 5 often shares recipes with oriental flavor