Wednesday, April 19, 2017 6:30PM



Selectboard Members: David Jacobs, Tim Scott, and Natty Emmons

Public: Thomas Galinat,Jeremy Withers, Amber Lowell, Mike Bruton, Hanna Wheeler

The meeting was called to order by Chair of the Board David Jacobs at 6:35PM.

  1. Additions
  1. Town clerk requested an Executive Session for Legal Correspondence.
  1. Approve minutes of 04/05/17
  1. Tim moves to amend the minutes adding Lynn Lawson as a member of the public and then approve minutes of 04/05/17. David seconds the approval of the amended minutes. All in favor. So moved.
  1. Tennis Courts
  1. Hanna Galinat asked permission to use the Tennis Courts, Power, and Gym on June 18th for a community picnic. Hanna stated the picnic is open to all community groups.
  2. David motioned to approve, Tim seconds. All in favor. So moved.
  1. Peacham Café Liquor License
  1. The Peacham Café would like a license approved to serve alcoholic beverages outside.
  2. David motioned to approve, Natty seconds. All in favor. So moved.
  1. Transfer Station
  1. Tim moves to hire Amber Lowell as the new Transfer Station Attendant. Dave seconds. All in favor. So moved.
  2. Amber was the #2 candidate behind Paul Munkittrick during the last hiring process. She still is willing to take the position on extremely short notice.
  3. Selectboard discussed the various policies of the Transfer Station. They agreed the current policy of no commercial use is a good one but more signage is needed at the bulky waste dumpster.
  1. Solar Updates
  1. David stated that solar is not a viable option at this time. Residents would receive a 30% tax credit making it economically possible. Being a municipality we would not be eligible. Grants are still a possibility.
  1. Fire Warden Update
  1. Aaron Morton was appointed as Fire Warden by the State. He is the Captain of the Peacham Fire Department. The town clerk will update the board, website, and phonebook.
  1. May Meetings
  1. David appointed Tim to be acting Chair as he will be out of town and may not be able to skype in.
  1. Executive Session for Legal Correspondence
  1. Selectboard went into executive session at 7:36PM.
  2. Selectboard cameout of executive session at 7:53PM.
  3. No Action Taken.
  1. Town Clerk update
  1. Tom asked if the Town Office can hold a collection for Paul Munkittrick’s Family. The Selectboard saw no issue.
  2. Tom added a filing system for the Selectboard to organize their files.
  3. The Town Office is continuing to sort through all the old files.
  1. Highway Department Update
  1. The Highway Department continues spring maintenance and has removed all plows.
  2. John Deere will be bringing down a demo loader to try out; Caterpillar has not gotten back about what loaders are available.
  3. Jeremy is considering appointing a second in command.
  4. The state is coming next week to review the budget and also visit the County Rd/Maple Tree Ln intersection.
  5. Jeremy will investigate gravel washout options on Church St and install any corrections if possible.
  1. Review and approve bills
  1. The selectboard reviewed and approved bills.
  1. Review correspondence
  1. The selectboard reviewed correspondence.

David moves to adjourn at 8:20 PM. Tim seconds. All in favor. So moved.