MINUTES – December 1, 2006

Meeting was held at the Regional District office on December 1, 2006, commencing at 1:00 pm.

Committee Members Present:Patrick Brabazon, Director, PRRD - Chair

Jack Arnet

Audrey Hill

Al Wood

Ned Pottinger, via phone

Harold Robertson, via phone

Geoff Wong, via phone

John Lawrence, via phone

Committee Members Absent:Dave Hurford

Recorder:Frances Ladret, Administrator, PRRD


1.Adoption of November 16, 2006 Minutes

N. Pottinger requested that the minutes be amended to reflect his reservations about the suitability of the site due to the presence of a potential geotechnical hazard, as indicated by recent underwater erosion. He also recommended that references to “hazardous” materials be changed to “dangerous.”

J. Arnet / N. Pottinger that the minutes as amended be accepted.

2.Business Arising

No decisions or actions arose under this item.

3.Vehicles: reasons for concern, tariff vs. control, prohibitions, etc.

The Committee had a lengthy discussion and debate about vehicle related issues. Points raised are summarized below.

  • Extent of the “vehicle problem:

Some committee members objected to the number of vehicles on Savary and criticized the apparent growing dependence on having a vehicle while on the island. Other committee members were not concerned about the number of vehicles and considered them necessary for some purposes [e.g., for year-round residents day to day needs, owners distant from the dock].

The committee did not reach a consensus on whether the number of vehicles was actually a problem, but most members had concerns about how vehicles are used.

  • Safety concerns

It was noted that vehicles present a danger for children crossing roads, notably on Malaspina Promenade due to speed and limited visibility, the latter resulting in part from parked cars on the road allowance. It was also noted that speed and narrow roads making walking along any roads potentially dangerous.

The following were suggested to resolve these problems: further clearing of brush on road allowance or adjoining private properties to increase visibility; construction of a bike path; installation of ‘speed bumps’ in vicinity of Malaspina Promenade. No decisions were made to pursue these matters.

  • Road conditions

The committee debated to what extent the poor condition of Savary roads resulted from the volume and type of traffic versus inadequate maintenance.

  • Solutions to road/traffic problems

The following points were raised

a collective island will to restrict vehicles is needed for any initiatives to succeed;

problems are seasonal; vehicles are not a problem from October to April;

restricting barge trips during the summer months could reduce the number of vehicles and safety concerns on Malaspina Promenade;

restricting what is transported during the summer months [e.g., building supplies, vehicles, fuel, etc.] may alleviate the problems;

the barge site should not be used to regulate vehicles on the island.

The committee did not reach a consensus on any of the items noted above. It was noted that most of these matters are not within the mandate of this committee. However, if reducing the number of vehicles on the island is ultimately deemed to be desirable, this may be achieved, in part, through restricting barge ramp use.

Committee members suggested information on how the Lasqueti Island barge ramp operates may be useful.

Re Transport of Dangerous Goods

N. Pottinger suggested that the responsibility for complying with regulations pertaining to the transport of dangerous goods should rest with the barge operators. He commented that normally the operator is required to write up a protocol for handling dangerous goods and that the Regional District should have a record of that protocol to minimize its liability.

The committee requested information on the rules and requirements pertaining to the transportation of dangerous goods


The committee requested the following information for the next meeting

  • Regulations pertaining to the transportation of dangerous goods – RD to provide
  • The Lasqueti Island barge ramp operation, associated problems and how that community has addressed them. – RD to provide.
  • Overall picture of barge ramp activity, i.e., what types of loads the operators are bringing over [e.g., fuel, vehicles, concrete trucks, building supplies, etc.] and the frequency of deliveries during the summer season. – Barge operators to provide.


The next meeting was scheduled for:

Friday, January 12, 2007

2:00 pm.

Regional District office

P. Brabazon agreed to consider the suggestion. It was understood that this provision might eliminate the need for a tow vehicle to be parked in the area.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm.



Patrick Brabazon, Chair


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