Segment 2 Exam Review Worksheet

Active Citizens Unit

Examine multiple perspectives on a current issue

Different Perspectives from the lesson:

1.  Increasing Spending on programs to end poverty – Your thoughts:

2.  Building new offshore drilling rigs – Your thoughts

3.  Replacing a strip mall with a superstore – Your thoughts:

4.  Increasing the minimum driving age – Your thoughts:

Evaluate the impact of Constitutional Rights - The First Amendment – What are the five rights?






Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

What is not protected by the First Amendment?



Judicial review:

If citizens challenge a law's consistency with the Constitution, the U.S. Supreme Court can hear the case.

It will use its power of judicial review to make a ruling on the case.

Famous Supreme Court Cases

1.  Marbury Vs. Madison:

2.  Plessy Vs. Ferguson:

3.  Brown Vs. Board of Ed.:

4.  Gideon v. Wainwright:

5.  Miranda v. Arizona:

6.  Tinker v. Des Moines:

7.  Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier:

8.  in re Gault:

Define media and interest groups

Interest Groups:

Public Policy:

Supreme Court case United States v. Nixon:

Political Parties in the United States

1.  Democrats:

2.  Republicans:

3.  Third Parties:

American Money Unit

What are some needs?

What are some wants?

What is Opportunity Cost?

Define Scarcity:

Explain the relationship between Supply, demand, and price:

What is a Market Economy?

The United States has a mixed market economy. What is that?

What is Cultural Diffusion?

Laws and Regulations – Define the following:

1.  Price Controls:

2.  Patents:

What is the Stock Market?

What is Inflation?

What Is the Circular Flow of Money?

What are Taxes? Why do we pay taxes?

Going Global Unit

Types of Governments

How geography has influenced settlement, trade, and governments in North America?

What is Standard of Living?

What Are Domestic and Foreign Policy?

What is the Currency Exchange?

What are some International Organizations?