See how theseeveryday businesses made the most of growth opportunities with an unsecured business loan

It’s an old truism that you’ve got to spend money to make money. And for many small businesses,fundinggrowth opportunities can be especially challenging. Whether it’sloading up on stock for a marketing event, investing innew equipment, paying wages oradding extra staff, growth oftenrequiresfast access to business finance to fundexternal funding.

Find out how small businesses have used an online unsecuredNAB QuickBizloan tofund their growth. What they did is as varied as the businesses themselves,so there are lots of ideas to help you also plan your own growth strategy.

Making the most of a marketing drive

Troy Varker of All Star Comics wanted to maximise the sale and PR potential of his busiest day of the year, Free Comic Day.The NAB QuickBiz loan gave All Star Comicsthe quick cash injection it needed. Troy used itto order all the extra stock he needed, knowing the business will recoup the money very quickly.

All Star Comics arealso open to using NAB QuickBiz loans to fund events such as international guest signings. For this small but growing business, it’s a huge plus to be able to invest in promotion activities without getting into credit card debt.

Play Troy’s interviewhere:

[Quote for link tile image: “We needed a quick cash injection to order enough stock.”

Troy Varker, Co-owner, All Star Comics]

Expanding business potential with the right equipment

Running his own business, Links Fibre Optics,means Daniel Riddle is used to restructuring his business to suit the kind of work on offer. He’scurrently working on Telstra projects in the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas and recently spotted an opportunity to win bigger contracts. However, there was a catch;Daniel needed to invest in a trailer-mounted air compressor to do it.

Daniel sourced the equipment he wanted and applied for a NAB QuickBiz loan. The new air compressor means he is now winning those bigger jobs, working on a wider range of projects and even planning to take on more employees.

Read more about how Daniel used a NAB QuickBiz loan to expand his business offeringhere:

[Quote for link tile image: “Lack of diversity is the biggest growth hurdle in businesses like mine.”

Daniel Riddle, Owner, Link Fibre Optics]

Getting in debt can make perfect business sense

For Motorbike Movers owner, Stephen Silvya, getting into debt didn’t come naturally. But then Stephen decided it made sense to bring his local transportation services in-house, instead of farming them out to contractors. After crunching the numbers, he realised that would require some outside funding.

Stephen applied for a NAB QuickBiz loan and soon had a new van and trailer decked out in Motorbike Movers livery. Now, Stephen not only has two new money-earning assets in the business, he has a mobile advertisement as well.

Read more about how Stephen grew to understand that debt could have a positive influence on his business here:

[Quote for link tile image: “The only question was how to finance the expansion in our service offer.”

Stephen Silvya, Owner, Motorbike Movers]

Funding more staff without compromising your cash flow

Growing a smalldigital agency that started on very low overheads was a steep learning curve for Brisbane based ply creative.For the owners, Dave Prince and Mark Campbell, it meant a juggling act of keepingtheir existing clients happy while quickly upsizing for new business coming down the pipeline.

plydecided to fund their staff expansion in a way that didn’t jeopardise their existing business. The businesstook out a NAB QuickBiz loan that supplied the funds to hire more fulltime staff while leaving the cash flow they relied on to run the rest of the business intact.

Read more about how Ply used a QuickBiz loan to hire the staff needed for new contract winshere:

[Quote for link tile image: “We needed to move quickly to capitalise on the new business opportunities.”

Dave Prince, Co-founder, Ply]

Why choose a NAB QuickBiz loan for your business?

The NAB QuickBiz loan is an unsecured loan that provides businesses with extra cash fast. You apply online, get approval instantly and your funds are in your account and ready to use 1 business day after we receive all the paperwork from you.

To find out more about how a NAB QuickBiz loan could help your business growth and to apply online, visit

Please consider if the products mentioned are right for you by reading the product terms and conditions, available from NAB, before making any decisions regarding the products. © 2017 National Australia Bank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686